Bleu = new

7/12/2009 : Johnny Duffett (SP) / Eddie Fontaine () / Bobbie Gentry (CD, covers, ) / Don Guess (SP, ) / Veline Hackert (SP, ) / Jack & Jim (SP, ) / Bobby Jackson (SP, ) / Waylon Jennings (LP, CD, covers, ) / Mickey Newburry (LP ELEKTRA 7E 1007, cover (Tank You T.Timo)

30/11/2009 : Brunswick Records / Clovers (LP, CD, covers, ) / Crickets (SP, LP, covers) / Vernon Dalhart (LP, CD, covers) / Jimmy Wayne () / Jimmy Wayne (SP, CD, covers, )

23/11/2009 : Briar Records / Brill Records / Brite Star Records / Bro-Ket Records / Broadway Records - Caruthersville / Broadway Records - Detroit / Broadway Records - New York / Broken Records / Broke Records / Brosh Records / Blackberry Smoke (SP, EP, CD, covers, ) / Tommy Collins (SP) / Phil Covell (SP) / Jerry Dodge (SP) / Lynn Gibson (SP, ) / Rebert Howell (SP, ) / Judy Jae (SP, ) / Tommy Loftin (SP) / John Permenter (CD, covers, ) / George Peel (SP, ) / Rhythm Kings (SP, ) / Gary Shelton / Troy Shondell (SP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Fred Sherwood (SP, ) / Squires (SP, ) / Mark Stevens (SP) / Tennessee Stud (CD, covers, ) / Maurice Wyte (SP, ) / Dean Wolfe (SP, )

16/11/2009 : Bomac Records / Bomar Records / Bomarc Records / Bon Musique Records / Bonanza Records / Boney Records / Bonita Records / Bonnie Records / Book Records / Boone Records / Boot Heel Records / Boot Hill Records / Bop Cat Records / Bop-Kats Records / Borderline Records / Boss Records - Los Angeles / Boss Records - Columbia / Bounce Records / Bow Records - Nashua / Bow Records - New York / Boyd Records / Bragg Records / Bramble Records / Brand Records / Brandt Records / Brass Records / Bravo Records / Brent Records / Paul Anka (new CD, cover) / Bop-Kats (EP, ) / Mark Cleary (SP) / Buzz Clifford (LP, CD, cover, ) / Jimmy Contenta (SP) / Terry Cobb (SP) / Oliver Cool (SP, ) / Jimmy Dale (SP, ) / Dynatones (SP) / Phil Gary (SP, ) / Larry Good (SP, LP, covers, ) / Jim Hall (SP, ) / Abe Heape (SP) / House Brothers Quartet (SP, ) / Jesters III (SP, ) / Big Kenny (CD, covers, ) / Pamela Law (SP, ) / Ginny Lawler (SP) / Rod Little (SP, ) / Haskell May (SP, ) / Randy McKee (SP, ) / Million Dollar Quartet (LP, CD, cover) / Dolly Parton (new CD/DVD, cover) / Elvis Presley (CD ATLAS, covers) / Kenny Price (LP, CD, covers) / Rabbit & Geno (SP) / Rhythm Ramblers (SP) / Marty Robbins (LP BEAR FAMILY BFX 15183 (Danke Ralf)) / Sawmill Road (CD, covers, (merci Pierre)) / Swingin' Conners (SP, ) / Hank Turgeon (SP) / Bobby Wayne (SP, ) / Shelly West (new CD, cover) / Rusty Wier (SP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Wayne Worley ()

9/11/2009 : Blue River Records / Blue Sky Records / Blue-Chip Records / Bluebonnet Records / Bluemoon Records / BnS Records / Bo-Jo Records / Bo-Kay Records / Bob Baker Prod. / Bobbin Records / Bobby Records / Bocaldun Records / Bofuz Ent. Records / Bolero Records / Bolo Records / Chet Atkins (LP, covers (merci Pierre)) / Jeanie Christie (SP, ) / Sam Cooke (CD CHARLY RM 1514, cover (merci Pierre)) / Creedence Clearwater Revival (new CD, cover) / Sam Euggino (SP, ) / Fred Green (SP) / Jerry Hanson (SP, ) / Harmony Brothers (SP, ) / Chuck Harding (SP, ) / Oneda Harding / Joey & Rory (CD, cover, ) / Bob Jones (SP, ) / Dave Kane (SP) / Knightsmen (SP, ) / Little Rita Laraine (SP, ) / Carl Mann (SP, LP, CD, covers,  ) / Mike Mathis (SP) / Brad Paisley ( ) / Car Phillips () / Cliff Richard (CD, covers, ) / Ray Ruff (SP, CD, covers, ) / Bobbye Shadle (SP, ) / Carrie Underwood (new CD, cover) / Van Delles (SP, ) / Hank Williams (new CD, cover)

2/11/2009 : Bison Records / Black Gold Records / Black Jack Records / Blackfoot Records / Blake Records / Blank Records / Blast Records / Blaze Records (New York) / Blaze Records (San Antonio) / Blazon Records / Blue Records / Blue Angel Records / Blue Bell Records / Blue Diamond Records / Blue Feather Records / Blue Giant Records / Blue Grass Records / Blue Hen Records / Blue Horizon Records / Blue Jay Records / Blue Moon Records / Blue Ribbon Records (Hollywood) / Blue Ribbon (Staunton) / Bluegrass Records / Frank Alamo (SP PATHE 2011007, cover (merci Pierre)) / Blue Jeans () / Bomshel (SP, CD, covers, ) / Sam Bush (CD, covers, ) / Johnny Cash (CD COLUMBIA / LEGACY 509413, cover (merci Pierre)) / Cecil Cline (SP, ) / Cobra Brothers (SP, ) / Ralph Collier (SP, ) / Bobby Comstock (SP, LP, CD, covers ) / Betty Coral (SP) / Howard Crockett (SP, LP, CD, cover, ) / Terri Clark (new CD, cover) / Roland Eaton (SP) / Lillian Elkins (SP, ) / Empala Six (SP) / Rosie Flores (new CD, cover, ) / Charlie Gore (SP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Ron Hake (SP) / Glenn Honeycutt (CD, cover, ) / Louie Innis (78 t., SP, CD, cover, ) / Bill Johnson (SP, ) / Larry Keith (SP) / Jimmy Kinder (SP) / Linn Twins (SP, ) / Lyle Lovett (new CD, cover) / Maddox Brothers (new CD, cover) / Jimmy Manship (SP, ) / Del McCoury (new CD, cover, ) / Tim McGraw (new CD, cover) / Hank Mills (SP) / Lorrie Morgan (new CD, cover, ) / Nashville String Band (SP, LP, covers) / Meredith Neal (SP, ) / Joey Nepote (SP, ) / Joe Nichols (new CD, cover) / Dolly Parton (new CD, cover) / Lucky Plank (SP, ) / Millard Presley (SP, ) / Kenny Rogers (new CD, cover) / Jimmy Stayton (SP, , ) / Paul Seipp (SP, ) / Jesse Stevens () / Jimmy Sysum (SP, ) / Toby & Ray (SP, ) / Gary Vallet (SP) / Lanie Walker () / Roger White (SP)

22/10/2009 : Big Wheel Records / Bigg Tyme Records / Bigtop Records / Billie Fran Records / Billy Barton Records / Bingo Records / Birthstone Records / Bismark Records / Chet Atkins & Hank Snow (LP RCA VICTOR LSP 2952, cover (merci Pierre)) / Johnny Cash & June Carter (CD PRIMO PRMCD 6087, cover (merci Pierre)) / Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings et Willie Nelson (CD CBS 902296 2, CD COLUMBIA CK 45240, covers (merci Pierre)) / Jamie Coe (SP) / Charlie Daniels (new CD, cover) / Neil Diamonds (new CD, cover) / Bobby Gray (SP, ) / Rocky Hart (SP) / Carrie Hassler (CD, covers) / Danny Howard (SP, ) / George Jones & Tammy Wynette (CBS 466320 2, cover (merci Pierre)) / Don Phillips (SP, ) / Linda Ronstadt (new CD, cover) / Brian Setzer (new CD, cover) / Jerry C. Sims (SP, ) / Arthur Smith (SP MGM 6163, cover (merci Pierre)) / Von Star (SP, ) / Marty Wilde (EP PHILIPS BBE 12200, cover (thank you Michael)) / Marty Wilde (EP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Nouvelles photos du Festival 2009

12/10/2009 : Big B Records / Big Beat Records / Big Ben Records / Big Four Records / Big Howdy Records / Big I Records / Big J Records / Big M Music Records / Big Red Records / Big State Records / Big Style Records / Big West Records / Johnnie Arvin (SP) / Don Bauer (EP) / Billy Blank () / Luke Bryan (new CD, cover) / Rosanne Cash (new CD, cover) / Charlie Chain (EP) / Jerry Clayton (SP, ) / Clarence Cunningham (EP) / Brenda Darlin (SP, ) / John Denver (new CD, cover) / Roland R.A. Faulk (SP, ) / Tony Grecco (SP, ) / Billy Hughes (SP, ) / Toby Keith (new CD, cover) / Lee Kernaghan (EP, CD, covers, ) / Billy Lafferty (SP, ) / Marv Lockard (SP, EP) / Jimmie Luke () / Rex Masters (EP, ) / Sylvia Mobley (SP, ) / Dayward Penny (SP) / Rascal Flatts (new CD, cover) / Dave Remington (SP, EP) / Earl Robbins (SP, EP) / Jimmie Rodgers (SP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Art Rouse (SP, EP) / Bill Ruff (EP) / Gene Savage (SP, ) / Norm Sharkey (SP, ) / Arkie Small (SP) / Sugarland (new CD, cover) / Three Jacks (EP) / Lucy Traylor (EP) / Dick Warren (SP, EP) / Jack Wayne Jr. (SP, ) / Farin West (EP) / Anniversaire Tom & Rocky / Nouvelles photos du Festival 2009

5/10/2009 : Avett Brothers (SP, CD, covers, ) / Delbert Barker (EP) / Big & Rich (new CD, cover) / Eric Church ( ) / Jack Daniels (SP, EP) / Jim Fair (SP, EP) / Autry Inman () / Jessie & Jim (EP) / Kris Kristofferson (new CD, cover) / Dick Lambert (SP) / Miranda Lambert (new CD, cover, ) / Patty Loveless (new CD, cover, ) / Eddie Moore (EP) / Eileen Nunn (EP) / Marlon Ramey (EP) / Lynyrd Skynyrd (new CD, cover) / Elvis Presley (LP, CD, covers, Preston Ward (EP)

28/09/2009 : Eric Church (CD, cover, ) / Guy Clark (new CD, cover, ) / Marie Dazzler () / Robert Gordon (SP, CD, covers, ) / Robert Gordon, Link Wray & Chris Spedding (new CD, cover) / Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (new CD, cover) / Elvis Presley (CD, covers)

21/09/2009 : Brooks & Dunn (new CD, cover) / Charlie Daniels (new CD, cover) / Jackie DeShannon (new CD, cover) / Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers (new CD, cover, ) / James Hand (CD, covers, ) / Claire Lynch (new CD, cover, ) / Elvis Presley (CD, covers) / Prowlers (CD, cover (merci Michel)) / Billy Lee Riley (CD, covers) / Ricky Skaggs (new CD, cover)

2/09/2009 : Paul Burch (new CD, cover) / Woodie Guthrie (new CD, cover) / Jack Ingram (new CD, cover) / Kelly Four (SP, ) / Jim Lauderdale (new CD, cover) / Love & Theft (CD, covers, ) / Reba McEntire (new CD, cover) / David Nail (SP, CD, covers, ) / Willie Nelson (new CD, cover) / Elvis Presley (SP, EP, LP, CD, covers) / Chris Young (new CD, cover)

17/08/2009 : Johnny Bush & Willie Nelson (LP Delta DLP 1139, cover (thank you qm812)) / Rodney Carrington (new CD, cover) / Willie Nelson (new CD, cover) / Elvis Presley (CD, covers) / George Strait (new CD, cover) / Hank Thompson (new CD, cover) / Merle Travis (EP, LP, CE, covers, )

10/08/2009 : Blankenship Brothers (LP Blue Sky LP100, cover (merci Michel)) / Bo Diddley (new CD, cover) / Fats Domino (new CD, cover) / Gloriana (CD, cover, ( ) / Lorne Greene (new CD, cover, ) / Bill Halley (LP Brunswick LAT 8201, cover (Thank you Ray)) / Johnny Hallyday (SP Philips 6172 213, cover (merci JR)) /  Jerry Lee Lewis (new CD, cover) / Mac McAnally (new CD, cover, ) / Ray Price (LP Columbia CK 48980, cover (Thank you Tommy)) / Ricky Skaggs (new CD, cover) / Ernest Tubb (SP, LP, CD, covers, )

2/08/2009 : Décès de Billy Lee Riley

20/07/2009 : Chet Atkins (RCA Camden 2464, cover, (merci Pierre)) / Ryan Bingham (new CD, cover) / Patricia Conroy (CD WEA 72064 (Thank You Robert)) / George Hamilton IV (new CD, cover) / George Jones (new CD, cover) / Kris Kristofferson (new CD, covers) / Jerry Lee Lewis (LP Sun Box 102 (cover (merci Gilles)) / Charlie Rich (new CD, cover) / Son Volt (new CD, cover, ) / Billy Swan (CD Castle SELCD 557, cover (merci Michel)) / Gene Vincent (EP Français, LP, CD, covers) / Marty Wilde (EP Français, covers) / Andy Williams (EP Français, covers) / Le site de mon ami le Révérent Lon Burns, America's Favorite Jewish Cowboy Minister / Country Show Radio (Nouvelle radio New Country 24H/24H)

9/07/2009 : Tommy Duncan (LP, CD, covers, , ) / David Frizzell (LP, CD, covers, ) / Lefty Frizzell () / Autry Inman ((SP, LP, CD, covers, , ) / Brad Paisley (CD, covers) / Hank Snow (LP RCA VPL1 0010 , cover (Thank You Chris)) / Tanya Tucker (new CD, cover) / Maggie Sue Wimberly (SP, )

22/06/2009 : Rodney Carrington (SP, CD, covers, ) / Dean Seals () / Daryle Singletary (CD, covers) / Gene Vincent (EP, LP, CD, covers (1ère partie) / Rhonda Vincent (new CD, cover, ) / Hank Williams Jr (CD, covers, )

15/06/2009 : Blue Tones (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Braves (Nat Couty) (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Elizabeth Cook ( ) / J.D. Crowe (LP, CD, covers, ) / Steve Earle (new CD, cover) / Vern Edwards (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Ben Hall () / Carl Jackson (LP, covers, ) / Bob King (Photo, (merci Pierre)) / Joe Kozak (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Tracy Lawrence (new CD, cover, ) / Curley Jim Morrison (SP, , ) / Alecia Nuggent (CD, covers, ) / Jimmy Patton () / Bob Perry (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Stoltz Brothers (photo, (merci Pierre)) / R. Dean Taylor (Photo, SP, LP, CD, covers, (merci Pierre))  Trailer Choir (SP, CD, cover, ) / Bobby Vee (SP, EP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Darry Worley (new CD, cover, ) / Photos bal Clairvaux

8/06/2009 : Big 4 Hits Records / Donel Austin (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Jack Bailey (photo, merci Pierre)) / Barry Boyd (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Ed Bruce (new CD, cover) / Kenny Chesney (new CD, cover) / Bobby Gay (photo, (merci Pierre)) / Blaine Larsen (SP, CD, covers, ) / Jimmie C. Newman (LP, CD, covers, ) / Oak Ridge Boys (new CD, cover) / Louis Prima (new CD, cover) / Jeanne Pruett (SP, LP, CD, covers, ) / D.C. Rand () / Jerry Reed (new CD, cover, ) / Hank Thompson (EP, (Thank You Jim) LP, CD, covers) / Tractors (new CD, cover) / Tom Wurth (SP, CD, covers) / Faron Young (new CD, cover) / Photos bal Champêtre Country de Vouécourt

11/05/2009 : Elizabeth Cook (CD, covers, ) / Ben Hall (SP, CD, cover, ) / Kentucky Headhunters (cd, covers, ) / Doyle Lawson (new CD, cover, ) / Jimmy Patton (SP, EP, LP, CD, cover, ) / Mike Shannon (new CD, cover) / Lucky Tomblin (CD, covers, )

4/05/2009 : Bid Records / Big Records / Wayne Hancock (new CD, cover, ) / Dale Watson (new CD, cover, ) / Big Boss Country (spécial Little Big Man)

20/04/2009 : Beta Records / Bethlehem Records / Betty Records / Rosalie Allen () / Keith Anderson (CD, covers, ) / Hank Ballard (new CD, cover) / Boot Scooters (CD, covers ) / Charlie & Bill (SP, ) / Chats Sauvages (CD Disky FSI 851402, cover (merci Pierre)) / Eddie Cochran (new CD, cover) / Billy Ray Cyrus (new CD, cover) / Eddie Dean () / Big Al Downing (CD Eagle EA-R90116, EA-R 90125, covers (merci Michel)) / Everly Brothers (SP Warner Bros. 5220, cover, (merci Pierre)) / Merle Haggard (new CD, cover) / Deviny James (SP, ) / Hank Penny (LP Audio Lab AL-1508, cover (thank you Phil)) / Bobby Poore (SP, ) / Rascal Flatts (new CD, cover) / Ray Scott (SP, EP, CD, covers, (merci Pierre)) / Dan Seals (LP, CD, covers, (thank you Tracie)) / Ray Smith (new CD, cover) / Billy Stocker (SP) / Taylor Swift (CD Big Machine 0602517976290, cover, (merci Pierre)) / Trick Pony (new CD, cover, ) / Jett Powers (SP, , ) / Jimmy Wakely () / Sara Watkins (CD, cover, ) / Hank Williams (new CD, covers, ) / Wilson Sisters (SP, )

9/04/2009 : Berkeley Records / Berman Records / Bertram Int. Records / George Curtus (SP, ) / Rodney Atkins (new CD, cover) / Chuck Berry (new CD, cover) / Ken Craig (SP, ) / Eddie Dean (78 t., SP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Dave Edwards (SP, ) / Red Foley (EP Decca ED 2207, (thank you Richard), ) / Buddy Guitar (SP, ) / Dan Hicks ( ) / Lawrence Bros. Combo (SP, ) / Robin Luke () / Lynyrd Skynyrd (new CD, cover) / J.E. Mainer () / Mariotti Brothers (EP, CD, covers, ) / Bobby Osborne (new CD, cover) / Ray Price (LP, covers) / John Rich ( ) / Tilton Sisters (SP, ) / Keith Urban (new CD, cover, ) / Jimmy Wakely (78 t., SP, LP, CD, covers, )

30/03/2009 : Belle Records / Belle Meade Records / Belmont Records / Ben-Hue Records / Benja Records / Benton Records / Freddie Bell () / Elton Britt (LP, CD, covers) / Charles Dean (SP, ) / Dan Hicks (LP, CD, covers, ) / Hot Chickens () / Brian Hyland (LP, CD, covers, (Thank seriedorada)) / Johnny Jay (SP) / Shooter Jennings (new CD, cover, ) / Chuck Jones (SP, ) / Bud Landon () / J.E. Mainer (78 t., SP, LP, CD, covers) / Martina McBride (new CD, cover) / Carl Morelli (SP, ) / John Rich (SP, CD, covers, ) / Bob Starr (SP) / Ritchie Valens (EP Français, covers) / Bobby Vee (EP Français, covers) / Ventures (EP Français, covers) / Gene Vincent (EP Français, covers)

25/03/2009 : Décès de Dan Seals

23/03/2009 : Bel Canto Records / Bel-Aire Records / Bel-Kay Records / Belfair Records / Bell Records / Bella Records / Bellaire Records / Bob Adams (SP, cover) / Bruce Adams (SP, cover) / Jerry Ash (SP, cover) / Freddie Bell & The Bellboys ( ) / Lee Bennett (SP, cover) / Alison Brown (CD, covers, ) / Claude Brownell () / Bill Browning () / Browning Sisters () / Browns () / Ed Bruce () / Tommy Bruce () / Cliff Bruner () / Brush Arbor () / Luke Bryan () / Jimmy Bryant () / Laura Bryna () / Buckaroos () / Richard Buckner () / Jimmy Buffett () / Paul Burch () / Ray Burden () / Dave Burgess () / Sonny Burgess () / Wilma Burgess () / Billy Burnette () / Frenchie Burke () / Burnette Brothers () / Dorsey Burnette () / Hank C. Burnette () / Johnny Burnette () / Rocky Burnette () / Smiley Burnette () / Mark Devon (SP, cover) / Burning Dust () / Jethro Burns () / James Burton () / Bus Stop () / Johnny Bush () / Sam Butera () / Carl Butler () / Jerry Byrd () / Tracy Byrd () / Pat Cupp (CD El Toro 1019, cover, (merci Michel)) / Jerry Dixie () / Justin Townes Earle (new CD, cover) / Steve Earle (new CD, cover) / Dottie Evans (SP, cover) / Barry Frank (SP, covers) / Bill Griffith (SP) / Wes Griffith (SP) / Bill Haley (EP Old Gold OG 7702 (merci Herman)) / Gary King (SP, cover) / Pat La Rocca (SP, ) / Legarde Twins (SP, , ) / Artie Malvin (SP, covers, ) / Bobby Martin () / Bob Miller (SP, cover, ) / Buddy & Julie Miller (new CD, cover) / Ronnie Milsap (new CD, cover) / Willie Nelson (new CD, cover, ) / Gradie O'Neal (SP, ) / Lou Perry (SP, ) / Elvis Presley (new CD, cover) / Bobby Rett (SP, cover) / Rock 'n' Roll Trio () / Chuck Royal (SP, ) / Elie Russell (SP) / Jean Shepard (LP, CD, covers, () / Buddy Smith (SP) / Michael Stewart (SP, cover) / Hayden Thompson ( ) / Big Boss Country Special St. Patrick

9/03/2009 : Bayne Records / Bayou Records / Beagle Records / Beaumont Records / Beaver Records / Billy Adams () / Hazil Adkins () / Don Agee () / Aiglons () / Buddy Alan () / Mel Albert () / Susie Allanson () / Deborah Allen () / Hershel Almond () / "Lucky" Joe Almond () / Alvis & Bill () / Doug Amerson () / Andy Anderson () / Sonny Anderson () / Hal Andrews () / Jessica Andrews () / Bobby Angelo () / Glwadys Ann () / Area Code 615 () / Bob Arlin () / Smokey Armen () / Dick Armstrong () / Clyde Arnold () / Leon Ashley () / Susan Ashton () / Ernest Ashworth (Chuck Atha () / Johnny Bachelor () / Gar Bacon () / Bailes Brothers () / Bailey's Nervous Kats () / Baillie & The Boys () Jimmie Lee Ballard () / Banjo Boys () / Mack Banks () / R.C. Bannon () / Ava Barber () / Glenn Barber () / Bobby Bare () / Barefoot Jerry () / Wiley Barkdull () / Barker Brothers () / Al Barkle () / Benny Barnes () / Mandy Barnett () / Billy Barnette () / Chuck Barr () / Stevie Barr () / Billy Barton () / Ernie Barton () / Brother Oswald Bashful () / Jeff Bates () / Phil Baugh () / Tommy "Jim" Beam () / Dean Beard () / Beau-Marks () / Stan Beaver () / Molly Bee () / Sandy Beeler () / Mackey Beers () / Carl Belew () / Dwain Bell () / Freddie Bell & The Bellboys () / Tommy Bell () / Bellamy Brothers () / Tony Bellus () / Jesse Belvin () / Boyd Bennett () / Joe Bennett & The Sparkletones () / Dierks Bentley () Matraca Berg () / Byron Berline () Rod Bernard () / John Berry () / Betty & The Bops () / Big & Rich () / Big Sandy & his Fly-Rite Boys () / Billy & The Glens () / Ryan Bingham () / Billy Birdy () / Bill Black () / Clint Black () Black Knight () / Blackhawk () / Blackwell Twins () / Blackwood Brothers () / Norman Blake () / Tommy Blake () / Burt Blanca () / Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan () / Billy Bland () / Glenn Bland () / Blankenship Brothers () / Arnold Blevins () / Bill Blevins () / Marv Blihovde () / Ron Block () / Blousons Noirs () / Blue Caps () / Blue Cats () / Blue Dots () / Blue Echoes () / Blue Highway () / Blue Sky Boys () / Bluegrass Alliance () / Bluegrass Cardinals () / Bob Blum () / Tooter Boatman () / Ginger Boatwright () / Bob & Lucille () / Bobbettes () / Bobby & His Orbits () / Noel Boogs () / Suzy Bogguss () / Calvin Boles () / James Bonamy () / Eddie Bond () / Johnny Bond () / Gary Us Bonds () / Lee Bonds () / Le Bonheur Des Dames () / Skeeter Bonn () / Boogaloo & His Galland Crew () / Debby Boone () / Larry Boone () / Pat Boone () / Tony Booth () / Boots Band () / Don Boots () / Charlie Bop Trio () / Big Bopper () / Bourgeois de Calais () / Bill Bowen () / Jimmy Bowen () / Wade Bowen () / Chuck Bowers () / Margie Bowes () / Don Bowman () / Leroy Bowman () / Little Donnie Bowshier () / Bill Boyd () / Jimmy Boyd () / Boys From Indiana () / BR5-49 () / Harold Bradley () / Terry Bradshaw () / Howard W. Brady () / Ronnie Branam () / Paul Brandt () / Breathless () / Jimmy Breedlove () / Jackie Brenston () / Thom Bresh () / Teresa Brewer () / Billy Briggs () / Lillian Briggs () / Elton Britt () / Chad Brock / Lane Brody () / Lisa Brokop () / Marti Brom () / Brook Brothers () / Brooks & Dunn () / Donnie Brooks () / Garth Brooks () / Billy Brown () / Gene Brown () / Hylo Brown () / Jim Ed Brown () / Jericho Brown () / Junior Brown () / Marty Brown () / Milton Brown () / Roger Brown () / Roy Brown () / Ruth Brown () / T. Graham Brown () / Jann Browne () / Johnny Carlton () / Raul Malo (new CD, cover, () / Carl Mann (CD Stomper Time 5, cover (Merci Michel)) / Gray Montgomery () / Danny Roland (SP, ) / Sonny Sheather (SP, ) / Rocky Volcano (EP, CD, covers, )

2/03/2009 : Décès de Ernie Ashworth

2/03/2009 : Barton Records / Bat - Baltimore / Baton Records / Bay Records / Bay-State Records / Alabama (LP Accord SN-7132 (Thank you Paul)) / Paul Anka (LP Sire SASH 3704, cover (Thank you Rick)) / Johnny Cash (new CD, cover) / Eddy Ray Cooper () / Dave & Ron (SP, cover, ) / Ray Doggett (LP, cover (merci Michel)) / Dale Evans ( 78 t., SP, EP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Bobby Everhart (SP, ) / Johnny Guidry (SP, ) / Mickey Hawks (LP C-Horse CH-LP 689, cover (Thank you Christine)) / Rodney Hayden CD, covers, ) / Bobby Kent (SP, ) / Jerry Lee Lewis (new CD, cover) / Robert Mizzell (CD, covers, ) / Jan Moore (SP, ) / Jake Owen (new CD, cover) / Darrell Rhodes (SP, ) / Roy Rogers (LP, CD, covers) / Jim Shelby (SP) / Dave Sheriff (CD Stomp 011, cover (Thank you David) / Teddy Bears (   ) / Junior Thompson ( ) / Tornados ( ) / Treniers ( ) / Joey Welz (SP, LP, CD, covers, ) / K.C. Williams (SP, EP, CD, covers, / Don Willis (SP, )

23/02/2009 : Bandera Records / Bangar Records / Banner Records - Joliet / Banner Records - Lubbock / Banshee Records / Barbary Coast Records / Baron Records / Barrel Records / Barry Records / Bart Records / D.J. Chapman (SP, ) / Jimmie Dawson (SP, ) / Johnny Horton (CD Black Cat 0052, cover, (Than You Gary)) / Benny Ingram () / Duke Larson (SP, ) / Lonesome Lee (SP, ) / Gene Martin (SP, ) / Original Country Gentlemen (SP) / Bob Perry (SP, ) / Don Rader () / Ravons (SP) / Merle Ray (SP) / Jo Ann Reynolds (SP) / Ricky Robins (SP) / Billy Joe Tucker (SP, ) / Jack Wayne (SP, )

14/02/2009 : Azalea Records / Aztec Records - Huntington Park / Aztec Records - Memphis / B And E Records / B & 4 Records / B & G Records / B & K Records / B & L Records / B-Mac Records / BAT Records / BB Records / BC Records - Atlanta / BC Records - Sikestone / BEAT Records / BES Records / BRW Records / BSD Records / BTR Records / BW Records / Back Beat Records / Badd Records / Badger Records / Bagdad Records / Bakersfield Records / Bally Records / Bama Records / Bamboo Records / Bana Records - Jersey City / Bana Records - Omaha / Banana Records / Band Box Records / Bekay Records / Phil Beasley () / Dierks Bentley (new CD, cover) / Kenny Biggs () / Little Bob (SP) / Glen Campbell (new CD, cover) / Adriano Celentano (CD Starlite 1004, cover (merci Bernard)) / Coasters (CD Warner 8122-73225-2, cover (merci Pierre)) / Eddie Cochran (CD Cede International 66076, cover (merci Pierre)) / David Allan Coe (CD CBS 4611262, cover (merci Pierre)) / Skip Cole (SP, ) / Jimmy Copeland (SP, ) / Country Dudes (SP) / Crazy Cavan (CD Crazy Rhythm CRCD 05R, CRCD 10, covers (merci Pierre)) / Ken Davis (SP, CD, cover, ) / Ronnie Dawson (LP, CD, covers) / Dixielanders (SP, ) / Fats Domino (LP United Artists UAS 9958, CD Laserlight 12661, CD Proper PVCD 120, covers (merci Pierre)) / Bobby Doyle (SP, cover, )  / Jimmy Duncan (SP, cover) / Duane Eddy (CD Collectables COL-CD-7500, cover (merci Pierre)) / Fantomes (LP Vogue CLD 899, cover (merci Pierre)) / Little Joey Farr () / Freddie & the Hitch-Hikers (SP, ) / Bill Goodwin (SP) / Larry Greco (EP Twist 26017, La Voix de son Maître 790, covers (merci Bernard)) / Bill Haley (CD The Entertainers 0283, CD Magic 304013, CD MCA MCD 17753, covers (merci Pierre)) / Renie Hicks (SP, ) / Buddy Holly (new CD, cover) / Jimmy Isle () / George Jones (new CD, cover) / Wynonna Judd (new CD, cover) / Nancy Kaye (SP) / Butch Lester () / Jackie Lowell (SP, ) / Starvin' Marvin (SP, ) / Carl Mays (SP, ) / Norma McCall (SP) / Doug McGinnis (SP, ) / Chuck Mills (SP, ) / Chuck Murphy (78 t., SP, ) / Willie Nelson & Asleep At The Wheel (new CD, cover) / Orlie & The Saints (SP, ) / Pat The Cat & His Kittens (SP) / Dusty Payne (SP, ) / Bobby Potter (SP, ) / Ralph Pruitt () / Charlie Rich (LP Charly 300004, cover (merci Pierre)) / Marvin Ross (SP)  Sonny Russell () / Sensational DeVilles (SP) / Tommy Sands (CD Collectables COL-5869, cover (merci Pierre)) / Shadows (LP Columbia 1002, cover (merci Pierre)) / Johnny Shane (SP, ) / Ray Smith (CD Dunhill DH-CD 701, cover (merci Michel) / Little Arnie Stone (SP, ) / Billy Strange (LP Vogue LD 622 30, cover (merci Pierre)) / John Suhr (SP, ) / Ronnie Summers (SP, ) / Junior Thompson () / Aaron Tippin (new CD, cover) / Tokens (EP Français, covers) / Little Tony (EP Français, covers) / Tornados (SP, EP, LP, CD, covers) / Trashmen (EP Français, covers) / Dave Travis (SP, ) / Treniers (78 t., SP, EP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Buck Trent (SP, EP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Polly Tucker (SP, )  / Conway Twitty (EP Français, covers) / Ventures (LP Liberty LST-8054, cover (merci Pierre)) / John Watson (SP, ) / Ardis Wells (SP, ) / Coye Wilcox (SP, ) / Wildwood Valley Boys (CD, covers) / Hank Williams (CD Proper P1253, P1254, P1255, P1256, covers (merci Pierre)) / Andy Wilson (SP, ) / Scott Wood (SP) / Link Wray (CD Sundazed SC 11098, CD CDCHD 837, covers (merci Pierre))
Le site a été déconnecté du Web le 6 février victime de son succès (+ de 50000 visites/mois). Depuis le 12/02, il est maintenant sur un serveur dédié et tout est redevenu normal.
The site was disconnected from the Web on February 6 victim of its success (+ of 50000 visits/month). Since the 12/02, it is now on a dedicated waiter and all is become again normal.
Keep It Country et Keep On Rockin'

14/02/2009 : Décès de Buck Griffin

7/02/2009 : Décès de Molly Bee

2/02/2009 : Atom Records (1) / Atom Records (2) / Atomic Records / Atomic-H Records / Atwell Records / Audan Records / Audio Concert Records / Audio Lab Records / Audio Master Records / Autograph Records / Avalanche Records / Avalee Records / Avalon Records / Avenue Records / Avet Records / Award Records / Felco Records / Hazil Adkins (SP, EP, LP, CD, covers) / Lucky Blondo (SP, EP, CD, covers,  ) / Charlie & Charles (SP, ) / Jackie Lee Cochran (LP, CD, covers) / Marie Dazzler () / Everly Brothers (SP Warner Brothers 5466, cover, (merci Pierre)) / Sonny Fisher (CD Big Beat 7904092, cover (merci Michel)) / Gaylads (SP) / Rudy "Tutti" Grayzell () / Pat Green (new CD, cover) / Bill Haley (EP Brunswick 10184, cover (Thank you Ray)) / Kendall Sisters () / Sleepy LaBeef (CD Snapper 200, cover (merci  Pierre)) / Chuck Lawson (SP) / Zane Lewis (CD, covers, , ) / Little Angel (SP, ) / Lovey Lovejoy (SP) / Avert Lutrell (SP, ) / Lorelei Lynn () / Linda May (SP, ) / Bobby Nelson (SP, LP, ) / Pedigo Brothers (SP, cover, ) / Tommy Pedigo () / Reed Brothers (SP) / Norman Reed (SP) / Big Rock (new CD, cover) / Irvin Russ (SP, ) / Leslie Satcher (CD, covers, ) / Arthur Smith (78 t., SP, LP, CD, covers) / Ralph Stanley (CD Rebel RB-CD-1770, cover (merci Pierre)) / Doug Stone (SP, CD, covers, ) / Billy Taylor (SP, ) / R. Dean Taylor () / The Unknown (SP, ) / Gene Watson (new CD, cover) / Onie Wheeler () /  Bill Woods (SP, LP, ) / Faron Young (EP Capitol EAP-1-1549 (Thank you John)) / Benn Joe Zeppa (SP, )

22/01/2009 : Athena Records / Athens Records / Atlanta Records / Atlantic Records / Walter Brennan (SP, LP, CD, covers, ) Freddy Cannon (new CD, cover) / Gaylon Christie (SP, ) / Bobbie Cryner ( ) / Loy Gordon (78 t.) / Charlie Louvin ( ) / Two Chaps (SP, ) / Warner Mack (LP, CD, covers, ) / Dale McBride (SP, LP, covers, ) / Dolly Parton (new CD, cover) / Royal Notes (SP, ) / Hal Willis (CD, covers, ) / Andy Wilson (SP, )

12/01/2009 : Astro Records - Houston / Astro Records - Lodi / Astro Records - Mobile / Atca Records / Atchinson records / Atco records / Sammy Atchison (SP) / Gail Collins (SP, ) /  Bobbie Cryner (CD, covers) / Mac Curtis (LP, CD, covers, ) / Gene Gaither (SP) / Mickey Gilley (CD, covers, ) / Faith Hill ( ) / Jackson Brothers (SP, ) / Frankie Jordan (EP Decca 451100, cover (merci  Steviefunkyfoot) / Ghislain Kosiba () / Cecil Moore () / Cal Mann (LP Rockhouse LPL 8102, cover (merci Michel)) / Pat & The Satellites (SP, ) / Joey Preston (SP, ) / Ranchhands (CD, covers, ) / Ray & Lindy (SP, ) / Teddy Redell (LP, CD, covers, ) / Brian Setzer (CD, covers, ) / Jimmy Simmons (SP, ) / Buddy Thompson (SP, )

7/01/2009 : Décès de Rocky Volcano

5/01/2009 : Art Records / Artcom Records / Arthur C. Sweenie Records / Artic Records / Artists Int. Records / Arvis Records / Arwin Records / Arzee Records / As-Is Records / Ascot Records / Askel Records / Associated Artists / Asta Records / Astra Records - Hillside / Astra Records - Pittsburgh / Lee Davis (SP, ) / Daywind (SP, ) / Donnie & Ronnie (SP, ) / Jimmy Drake (SP, EP, LP, CD, cover) / Eddie Ferrell (SP, ) / Foggy Mountain Rockers ( ) / Jay Holbrook (SP, ) / Tommy Johnson (SP) / Jimmy Kelly (SP, ) / Kent & Snuffy (SP, ) / Randy Luck (SP, ) / Moonriders (SP) / Nervous Norvus ( ) / Hugh Ronell (SP, ) / Roxsters (SP, ) / Brian Setzer (LP, CD, covers) / Ray Smith (SP, LP, CD, CD Vix 1006, covers   (merci Michel)) / Tommy Spurlin (SP, ) / String Breakers (SP, ) String-A-Longs () / Johnny Taylor (EP Français, covers) / Vince Taylor (SP, EP, LP, CD, covers, ) / Tune Masters (SP) / Kent Westberry (SP, ) / Onie Wheeler (SP, LP, CD Bear Family BCD 15542, cover, (merci Michel))