Chanteur Rock 'n' Roll US né Mike Angelo à Columbus (Georgie). Saladin a enregistré chez Caricature Records de New York. Il est mort au milieu des seventies

US Rock 'n' Roll singer born Mike Angelo in Columbus (Georgia), Saladin recorded at Caricature Records of New York. Died in the mid-1970s.

Talents : Vocals

Style musical : Rock 'n' Roll

Wanderin! (1962)

HONEY DEW (1962 ?)

Honey Do (1962)

Choo Choo Twist (1962)

Tough n Rough (1962)

Years in activity :

1910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10 20



1962 ? SP CARICATURE C101 (US) .

Wanderin! / Honey Dew

05/1962 SP CARICATURE C101 (US)

Wanderin! / Honey Do

1962 SP CARICATURE C102 (US) .

Choo Choo Twist / Tough N Rough

© Rocky Productions 5/04/2018