Chanteur Rockabilly US né en 1939 à Clovis (Nouveau Mexique). Murle Richardson a enregistré chez Caron Records de Clovis (Nouveau Mexique).

US Rockabilly singer born in 1939 in Clovis (New Mexico). Murle Richardson recorded at Caron Records of Clovis (New Mexico).

Talents : Vocals, Guitar

Style musical : Rockabilly

Mean And Cruel (1961)

Years in activity :

1910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10 20



08/1961 SP CARON C-6103/4 (US)

Murle RICHARDSON with Tucker STAFF MUSICIANS - Mean And Cruel / Care For Me

© Rocky Productions 17/03/2002