Groupe Country US, les Sons Of The Pioneers ont débuté en 1933 sous le nom des Rocky Mountaineers. Ces fils de pionniers eurent tôt fait de s'imposer grâce à leur talent combinés de chanteurs, compositeurs et instrumentistes, gravant de nombreuses faces pour Decca, RCA et Columbia Records. Le groupe a eu comme membres : Len Slye (Roy Rogers) (jusqu'en 1937), Bob Nolan (jusqu'en 1949),  Hugh Farr (jusqu'en 1958),  Karl Farr (jusqu'en 1961 (décès)), Tim Spencer (jusqu'en 1936, revenu en 1942 jusqu'en 1945),  Lloyd Perryman (arrivé en 1936-77 (décès)), Pat Brady (arrivé en 1938), Ken Carson (1942-47), Deuce Spriggens, Shug Fisher (arrivé en 1943), Ken Curtis (1945-52), Tommy Doss (arrivé en 1949), Dale Warren (arrivé en 1952), Roy Lanham (arrivé en 1960), Luther Nallie (arrivé en 1968), Doye O’Dell, Rusty Richards, Billy Armstrong, Billy Liebert, Rome Johnson (arrivé en 1977). Ils furent élu au Country Music Hall Of Fame en 1980.

Info groupe : Len Slye : né le 5 Novembre 1911 à Cincinnati (Ohio), décédé le 6 Juillet 1998 - Bob Nolan : né Robert Clarence Nobles, le 13 Avril 1908 au New Brunswick (Canada), décédé le 16 Juin 1980 - Hugh Farr : né le 6 Décembre 1903 à Llano (Texas), décédé le 17 Mars 1980 - Karl Farr : né le 25 Avril 1909 à Rochelle (Texas), décédé le 20 Septembre 1961 - Tim Spencer : né Vernon Spencer,  le 13 Juillet 1908 à Webb City (Missouri), décédé le 26 Avril 1976 - Lloyd Perryman : né le 29 Janvier 1917 à Ruth (Arkansas), décédé le 31 Mai 1977 - Ken Carson : décédé le 28 Avril 1991 - Ken Curtis : né à Lamar (Colorado) le 2 Juillet 1916) - Tommy Doss : né à Weiser (Indiana) le 26 Septembre 1920 - Dale Warren : né à Summerville (Kentucky) le 1er Juin1925 - Roy Lanham : né à Corbin, (Kentucky) le 16 Janvier 1923.

The Sons of the Pioneers were the foremost vocal and instrumental group in western music, and the definitive group specializing in cowboy songs, setting the standard for every group that has come since. They were also one of the longest-surviving country music vocal groups in existence, going into their seventh decade. More important than their longevity, however, the greatest achievement of the Sons of the Pioneers lay with the sheer quality of their work. Their superb harmonies and brilliant arrangements delighted three generations of listeners and inspired numerous performers.
The group's roots lay in the depths of the Great Depression, a time when the American spirit, and the spirits of millions of Americans, had nearly been broken by physical, economic, and emotional privation. Cincinnati-born Leonard Slye (born November 5, 1911) had headed out to California in the spring of 1931 from his native Ohio, working jobs ranging from driving a gravel truck to picking fruit for the Del Monte company in California's Central Valley. By sheer chance, he entered an amateur singing contest on a Los Angeles radio show called Midnight Frolics and a few days later got an invitation to join a group called the Rocky Mountaineers.
Slye played guitar, sang, and yodeled with the group, and before long they wanted an additional singer so they could extend their range. The man who answered the ad was Bob Nolan (born Robert Clarence Nobles, April 1, 1908, New Brunswick, Canada), from Tucson, AZ. Nolan had lived the life of an itinerant singer for a few years before settling down in Los Angeles, where he'd worked as a lifeguard as well as tried to make a living singing. Nolan joined the Rocky Mountaineers, and he and Slye developed a harmonious relationship that worked for several months, until he exited in frustration over the group's lack of success. Nolan was, in turn, replaced by Tim Spencer (born Vernon Spencer, July 13, 1908, Webb City, MO), who'd been earning his keep working in a Safeway Stores warehouse.
Slye, Spencer, and another singer named Slumber Nichols quit the Rocky Mountaineers in the spring of 1932 to form a trio of their own, which never quite came off. Instead, Slye and Spencer spent a year moving in and out of the lineups of short-lived groups like the International Cowboys and the O-Bar-O Cowboys. The latter group broke up following a disastrous tour, and Spencer left music for a time. Slye decided to push on with an attempt at a career, joining yet another group, Jack LeFevre and His Texas Outlaws, who were fixtures on a local Los Angeles radio station.
In early 1933, things began looking up. Slye convinced Spencer to give up the security of a steady job once more, and also recruited Nolan, who was working as a caddy at a golf course in Bel Air. Weeks of rehearsals followed as they honed their singing hour after hour, while Slye continued to work with his radio singing group and Spencer and Nolan wrote songs.
The group was called the Pioneer Trio and made its debut on KFWB radio, following an audition that included the Nolan song "Way Out There." Their mix of singing and yodeling, coupled with their good spirits, won them a job. Within a few weeks, they were developing a large following of their own on LeFevre's show, with their harmony singing eliciting lots of mail, and soon they were featured on the station's morning and evening lineups.
The group in its earliest form consisted of Slye, Nolan, and Spencer on vocals, with Nolan playing string bass and Slye on rhythm guitar. A fourth member was needed to firm up their sound, and early in 1934 he arrived in the form of fiddle player Hugh Farr (born Plano, TX, December 6, 1906), who also added a bass voice to the group and occasionally served as lead singer.
The group's name was altered by accident on the eve of their going national. On one broadcast, the station's announcer introduced them as "The Sons of the Pioneers." Asked why he'd done this, the announcer gave the excuse that they were too young to have been pioneers, but that they could be sons of pioneers. The name seemed to stick, it fit well, and as they were no longer a trio, it made sense.
The Sons of the Pioneers' fame quickly spread well beyond the confines of Los Angeles, as a result of an informal syndication project undertaken by their station, which recorded the group in 15- and 30-minute segments for rebroadcast all over the country. It wasn't long before a recording contract with the newly founded Decca label (now part of MCA) was signed, and on August 8, 1934 (the same day that Bing Crosby made his debut for the label), the Sons of the Pioneers made their first commercial recording. The group would cut 32 songs with Decca over the next two years.
One of the songs cut at the first session was a Nolan original called "Tumbling Tumbleweeds," which he'd originally written on a rainy day in 1932 as "Tumbling Leaves." The group had introduced it on the radio as "Tumbling Leaves," but later changed it to "tumbleweeds" as more in keeping with their western image. It became their theme song and was quickly picked up by singers and bands all over the country. In 1935, the song was also licensed for use as the title of a Gene Autry Western, the first -- but not the last time -- that the paths of Autry and the Pioneers would cross.
In 1935, a fifth member, Farr's brother Karl (born Rochelle, TX, April 25, 1909), who had played with Hugh on the radio during the 1930s, was added to the group on lead guitar, bringing the Pioneers' instrumental capabilities up to a par with their singing. Early that same year, they began appearing in movies for the first time, initially in short films and also providing the music for an Oswald the Rabbit cartoon, before making their first appearance in a full-length movie, The Old Homestead. Later that same year, they appeared in The Gallant Defender. They followed this with Song of the Saddle (1936), starring singer-turned-cowboy star Dick Foran, then with The Mysterious Avenger (1936) and the Crosby vehicle Rhythm of the Range. That same year, they appeared in a Autry movie, The Big Show.
Spencer left the group in September of 1936 and was replaced by Lloyd Perryman (born Ruth, AR, January 29, 1917), who was a fan of the Pioneers as well as a veteran of several singing groups, and who had already served as a "fill-in" Pioneer on occasion. Perryman was later to become a key member of the group, doing most of their vocal arrangements, serving as their on-stage spokesman, and handling the group's business affairs as well, and would remain with them longer than anyone, 41 years. Their broadcasts, concerts, and film appearances continued with work in the Foran-starring California Mail at Warner Bros. and Autry's The Old Corral at Republic. Finally, in late 1937, the group was signed by Columbia to work in Charles Starrett's Western films on a steady basis, beginning with The Old Wyoming Trail.
It was the movies that led to the next major change in the Pioneers' lineup. Slye had previously played bit acting parts in a handful of B-Westerns, including an appearance in a small role in an Autry film, under the name Dick Weston. But in 1938, Autry and the studio found themselves in a contractual dispute that they were unable to resolve, and the cowboy star failed to report for his next movie. Autry was placed on suspension while the studio began looking for a replacement that they could put into the picture.
Slye auditioned and won the part and in the process was given a new name for his first starring film: Roy Rogers. Under Western Stars, as the film was eventually titled, was a hit, and Leonard Slye/Roy Rogers had a whole new career. In order to do the movie, however, he was forced to leave the Sons of the Pioneers, who were under exclusive contract with Columbia Pictures. To replace Slye, the group chose a friend of his, a singer and comic named Pat Brady, who played bass and handled much of the comedy within the group, although vocally he was weaker than the others, which forced the Pioneers to expand their lineup once more in 1938, with Spencer returning to fill out the harmony parts. The group continued to make movies with Starrett, appearing in 28 movies with him between 1937 and 1941.
The Sons of the Pioneers' recording career kept pace with their movie and radio work. They left Decca Records in 1936 to sign with the American Record Company (later part of Columbia Records) and appeared on that label's Okeh and Vocalion imprints on 32 songs in two sessions in late 1937. Although he'd officially left the group to pursue his film career, Rogers returned to sing with the Sons of the Pioneers on those sessions. The 1938-1942 version of the group, consisting of Nolan, Spencer, Perryman, the Farrs, and Brady, became the "classic" Pioneers lineup, the version of the group most familiar to audiences, largely because of their screen appearances.
In 1941, the group's contract with Columbia was up, and after years of Rogers' entreaties, Republic Pictures signed the Pioneers to appear in his movies, beginning with Red River Valley (1941), in which they were billed as Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers. The same year that they signed their contract with Republic, the group also signed with Decca Records.
The American entry into World War II brought about the next change in their lineup. Perryman and Brady were both called up for the draft. Perryman was replaced by Ken Carson while he was fighting with the American forces in Burma, while Brady became a soldier in Patton's Third Army and was replaced by musician and comic Shug Fisher.
In 1944, the Sons of the Pioneers moved to RCA Victor, signed up by the head of company's country music division, Steve Sholes (who was also later responsible for bringing Elvis Presley to the label). They would be associated with RCA longer than to any other label, 24 years broken by a brief one-year stint elsewhere.
The change in labels resulted in the first major alteration in the Pioneers' sound since their founding. Previously, they'd been a self-contained outfit, providing virtually all of the sounds, vocal and instrumental, needed on their records. RCA, however, saw fit to provide the group's music with additional backup in the form of fuller instrumentation, including small-scale orchestration. At first, it worked reasonably well, as the Pioneers re-recorded several of their standards (including "Cool Water" and "Tumbling Tumbleweeds") with new arrangements that proved popular, and many fans regard their mid-'40s versions of their classic songs as the best of the many renditions that they recorded. They also recorded more gospel material as well as many pop-oriented and novelty songs. The Pioneers also provided backup for other performers throughout their time at RCA, including Rogers and Dale Evans, and Vaughn Monroe.
Amid all of this varied activity, which yielded hundreds of songs, they recorded a number of new western classics during their stay on the label, most notably Stan Jones' "(Ghost) Riders in the Sky" in 1949. Originally, Nolan had passed on doing the song, but after it became a hit for Monroe, the Pioneerscovered it themselves. The group had ceased appearing onscreen in movies with the end of Rogers' B-Westerns at Republic in 1948, but two years later a new career opened up for them in movies courtesy of John Ford, who used their singing in three of his most acclaimed Westerns: Wagon Master (1950) -- in which they had four songs, including "Wagons West" -- Rio Grande (1950), and The Searchers (1956).
Perryman was back in the lineup in 1946, although his interim replacement, Carson (who later became a well-known singer in his own right on The Garry Moore Show), continued to record with the group for another year. During this era, the group made some magnificent recordings; Spencer contributed more than his share of important songs, Fisher contributed as a songwriter, and Perryman took the lead vocals on some numbers. Brady also returned to the lineup later in 1946, and the group continued working in Rogers' Western movies through 1948.
These were golden years for the Sons of the Pioneers. Their hits on the country singles chart included "Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima" (1945); "No One to Cry To" (1946); "Baby Doll," "Cool Water," and "Tear Drops in My Heart" (1947); "Tumbling Tumbleweeds" and "Cool Water" (1948); and "My Best to You" and "Room Full of Roses" (1949). It wasn't to last, however, as time and changing public tastes were to take their toll on the group.
Spencer, who had written many of the group's more important originals, finally left the group in 1949, after several years of worsening problems with his voice. He was replaced by Ken Curtis (born Lamar, CO, July 2, 1916), a former singer with Tommy Dorsey and sometime actor who later became immortalized on television as Festus, Marshal Matt Dillon's grizzled backwoods deputy, on Gunsmoke. As a parting gesture, Spencer gave the group one of his best songs, "Room Full of Roses," which became Curtis' first lead vocal with the group. Soon after, Rogers began shooting his television series and recruited Brady as his comic relief sidekick. He was replaced by his wartime fill-in, Fisher.
But it was the retirement of Nolan in 1949 that caused the biggest change in the group's lineup. Essentially, his exit came about purely for personal reasons. He was a very private individual to begin with, and 16 years with the Pioneers, although rewarding musically and financially, had begun to wear on him. He wanted more time to himself and more time to write songs. But the gap he left was huge -- apart from having written many of the Pioneers' best known songs, Nolan had been the lead singer on many of their hits. He did continue to provide them with songs after his retirement and even rejoined them in the studio.
Perryman stepped into the breech opened by Nolan's exit. He had been taking a leadership role in the group over the previous few years and now took over leadership, recruiting a new sixth member, Tommy Doss (born Weiser, ID, September 26, 1920). Doss was an excellent singer, and his voice meshed beautifully with Perryman and Curtis, but within a year of his joining -- through no fault of his -- the group's record sales began to decline. There was an overall drop of interest in cowboy songs and western music, which resulted in RCA's attempts to push the Pioneers into the pop vocal market. These efforts failed and simultaneously lost them part of their country audience.
Ironically, in 1952, the same year that the Pioneers got their first LP releases, the 10" discs Cowboy Hymns and Spirituals (made up of recordings from 1947) and Cowboy Classics (made up of material from 1945 and 1946), the group also left RCA in the wake of their declining sales figures. They didn't record at all in 1953, but at the end of the year the group signed once again to Coral Records. Simultaneously with the move, Curtis and Fisher both exited the lineup to go into television and film work. They co-starred on one television series, and Curtis would later serve as co-producer on a pair of low-budget horror films at the end of the 1950s, one of which, The Giant Gila Monster (1958), would feature Fisher.
They were replaced by Dale Warren (born Summerville, KY, June 1, 1925), a veteran of Foy Willing and the Riders of the Purple Sage, and Deuce Spriggens (born George R. Braunsdorf), a former member of Spade Cooley's band. The group's one-year stay at Coral proved no more successful than the last few years at RCA, however.
By 1955 they were back with RCA, where they stayed for another 14 years. In a major change of strategy, RCA now wanted the old Nolan/Spencer sound. Nolan agreed to return to record with the group in the studio, but Spencer was no longer in good enough health or voice to be part of the group, and so Curtis was also asked to return as part of the studio version of the Pioneers. Brady also came back as bassist in the studio. The Sons of the Pioneers, in effect, became two groups -- Nolan, Perryman, and Curtis were the studio vocal trio, backed by Brady, Hugh, and Karl Farr, recreating the group's classic sound on record, while Perryman, Doss, Warren, the Farrs, and Spriggens (who left soon after this arrangement began) played the concerts. It wasn't until 1958 that the touring version of the Pioneers began making their records as well.
By that time, more changes had overtaken the lineup. Nolan retired as a singer once and for all, and Hugh Farr, who felt that his fiddle playing wasn't appreciated by the other members, quit as well in 1958. Karl continued as a member, but on September 20, 1961, in the middle of a concert performance, he became agitated over a guitar string that had broken and suddenly collapsed and died of heart failure. The same month, Roy Lanham (born Corbin, KY, January 16, 1923), one of the busiest session guitarists on the West Coast, joined the group as Karl's successor. Brady was also back in the lineup by then, having rejoined to replace Fisher, who retired in 1959. Brady remained with the group until 1967.
The next major change in the lineup came in 1963, when Doss retired from touring with the group, although he recorded with them until 1967. In 1968, Luther Nallie joined the group as lead singer and remained with the Pioneers until 1974. They were still very much a going concern, not only on the concert stage but in the recording studio -- over a 12-year period from 1957 until 1969, RCA released 21 albums by the group.
Nolan and Spencer were both elected the Nashville Songwriter Hall of Fame in 1971. A 1972 gathering at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles brought together most of the surviving members of the Sons of the Pioneers except for Curtis, including a reunion of the original Pioneer Trio of Rogers, Nolan, and Spencer. And in 1976, the Sons of the Pioneers were inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.
This was a last hurrah for the original and early group members. Spencer died on April 26, 1976, and Perryman, who had been with the group since 1936, died on May 31, 1977. Farr, who had retired from the group in 1958, passed away on April 17, 1980, and Nolan died almost exactly two months later, on June 16, 1980.
After Perryman passed away, the leadership of the Sons of the Pioneers was taken over by Warren, who had joined in 1952. He carried the group into the 1990s. They continued to perform in concert and recorded as well with a lineup that featured Rusty Richards (vocals), Doye O'Dell (guitar, vocals), Billy Armstrong (fiddle), Billy Liebert (accordion), and Rome Johnson (vocals). These Pioneers, along with younger country music groups such as the Riders in the Sky, were a constant reminder of the legacy of this much-loved western group. 

Talents : Len Slye : Lead Vocals, Guitar - Bob Nolan : String Bass, Guitar, Baritone Vocals - Hugh Farr : Fiddle, Bass Vocals - Karl Farr : Guitar, Vocals - Tim Spencer : Tenor Vocals - Lloyd Perryman : Tenor Vocals,Guitar - Pat Brady : Stand-Up Bass, Vocals, Comedy - Ken Carson : Tenor Vocals - Deuce Spriggens : Stand-Up Bass, Vocals, Comedy - Shug Fisher : Stand-Up Bass, Vocals, Comedy - Ken Curtis : Baritone Vocals - Tommy Doss : Baritone Vocals, Fiddle - Dale Warren : Vocals - Roy Lanham : Guitar, Vocals - Luther Nallie : Lead Vocals - Doye O’Dell : Guitar, Vocals - Rusty Richards : Tenor Vocals - Billy Armstrong : Fiddle - Billy Liebert : Accordion - Rome Johnson : Vocals

Style musical : Singing Cowboy, Traditional Country  

TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS (1934) (Sons Of The Pioneers)

COOL WATER (1941) (Sons Of The Pioneers)

Cigareetes, Whusky, And Wild, Wild Women (1947) (Sons Of The Pioneers)

RIDERS IN THE SKY (1949) (Sons Of The Pioneers)

THE TENNESSEE ROCK AND ROLL (1955) (Sons Of The Pioneers)

WAGON WHEELS (1960) (Sons Of The Pioneers)

HIGH NOON (1963) (Roy Rogers & The Sons Of The Pioneers)

SOUTH OF THE BORDER (1963) (Roy Rogers & The Sons Of The Pioneers)

Years in activity :

1910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10 20


78 t. & Singles

09/1934 78 t. DECCA 5013 (US) . Way Out There / Ridin' Home
11/1934 78 t. DECCA 5047 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Moonlight On The Prairie
04/1935 78 t. DECCA 5082 (US) . When Our Old Age Pension Comes To Our Door / Will You Love Me When My Hair Has Turned?
04/1935 78 t. DECCA 5083 (US) . I Follow The Stream / There's A Roundup In The Sky
01/1936 78 t. DECCA 5168 (US) . Echoes From The Hills / Song Of The Pioneers
02/1936 78 t. DECCA 5178 (US) . Kilocycle Stomp / Cajon Stomp
05/1936 78 t. DECCA 5218 (US) . Roving Cowboy / When I Leave This World Behind
05/1936 78 t. DECCA 5222 (US) . The Hills Of Old Wyomin' / A Melody From The Sky
06/1936 78 t. DECCA 5232 (US) . Over The Santa Fe Trail / Texas Star
07/1936 78 t. DECCA 5243 (US) . Blue Bonnet Girl / Ride Ranger Ride
07/1936 78 t. DECCA 5247 (US) . Empty Saddles / I'm An Old Cowhand
07/1936 78 t. DECCA 5248 (US) . We'll Rest At The End Of The Trail / Blue Prairie
10/1936 78 t. DECCA 5275 (US) . One More Ride / Westward Ho
04/1937 78 t. DECCA 5358 (US) . Way Out There / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
01/1938 78 t. VOCALION 03880 (US) . Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / Open Range Ahead
01/1938 78 t. VOCALION 03881 (US) . Just A-Wearyin' For You / Smilin' Through
01/1938 78 t. MELOTONE M8-01-51 (US) .

Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / Open Range Ahead

01/1938 78 t. MELOTONE M8-01-52 (US) .

Just A-Wearying For You / Smiling Through

02/1938 78 t. MELOTONE M8-02-62 (US) .

I Love You Nelly / When The Roses Bloom Again

02/1938 78 t. VOCALION 03916 (US) . I Love You Nelly / When The Roses Bloom Again
02/1938 78t. CONQUEROR 8941 (US) .

My Saddle Pals And I / I Love You, Nelly

02/1938 78t. CONQUEROR 8949 (US) .

I Wonder If She Waits For Me Tonight / When The Roses Bloom Again

03/1938 78 t. MELOTONE M8-03-56 (US) .

My Saddle Pals And I / Let's Pretend

04/1938 78 t. MELOTONE M8-04-51 (US) .

Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - That Pioneer Mother Of Mine / Black Sheep Blues

04/1938 78 t. MELOTONE M8-04-60 (US) .

Lead Me Gently Home, Father / Power In The Blood

06/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04136 (US) . I Wonder If She Waits For Me Tonight / Billy The Kid
07/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04187 (US) . Hear Dem Bells / You Must Come In The Door
08/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04264 (US) . Kelly Waltz / Cajun Stomp
09/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04328 (US) . At The Rainbow's End / Send Him Home To Me
01/1940 78 t. VOCALION 05347 (US) . What You Gonna Say To Peter? / When The Golden Train Comes Down
03/1940 78 t. VOCALION 5428 (US) . Leaning On The Everlasting Arm / Dwelling In Beulah Land
08/1940 78 t. OKEH 05725 (US) .

Heavenly Airplane / One More River To Cross

10/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9447 (US) . Leaning On The Everlasting Arm / Dwelling In The Beulah Land
10/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9448 (US) . What You Gonna Say To Peter / When The Golden Train Comes Down
04/1941 78 t. DECCA 5939 (US) . So Long To The Red River Valley / Cool Water
04/1941 78 t. DECCA 5941 (US) . They Drew My Number-Goodbye / A Love That Ended Too Soon
07/1941 78 t. DECCA 5963 (US) . Theres A Long Long Trail / Lonely Rose Of Mexico
08/1941 78 t. DECCA 5977 (US) . My Love Went Without Water / You Don't Love Me But I'll Always Care
10/1941 78 t. DECCA 5994 (US) . You Broke My Heart / Moon Over Sun Valley
11/1941 78 t. DECCA 6003 (US) . He's Gone Up The Trail / Cielito Lindo
01/1942 78 t. DECCA 6011 (US) . Pay Me No Mind / Plain Old Plains
04/1942 78 t. DECCA 6035 (US) . Salt River Valley / I Knew It All The Time
05/1942 78 t. DECCA 6042 (US) . Private Buckaroo / Oh Oh Wonderful World
05/1942 78 t. DECCA 6046 (US) . I'm Cryin My Heart Out Ove / How Was I To Know
08/1942 78 t. DECCA 6066 (US) . Wagner Hoedown / Boggy Road To Texas
1943 78 t. DECCA 6073 (US) . I'll Be Around Somewhere / Tumbleweed Trail
02/1944 78 t. DECCA 6096 (US) . Home In San Antone / I Hand My Head & Cry
08/1945 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-1724 (US) . Cool Water / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima
11/1945 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-1764 (US) . Frogive And Forget / The Timber Trail
03/1946 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-1820 (US) . Gold Star Mother With The Silver Hair / I Wear Your Memory In My Heart
04/1946 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-1868 (US) . Grievin' My Heart Out For You / No One To Cry To
06/1946 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-1904 (US) . Cowboy Camp Meeting / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
09/1946 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-1952 (US) . You're Getting Tired Of Me / Out California Way
11/1946 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-1987 (US) . A Penny For Your Thoughts / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
01/1947 78 t. DECCA 46027 (US) .

Cool Water / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

01/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2076 (US) . Chant Of The Wanderer / Cool Water
01/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2077 (US) . Everlasting / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
01/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2078 (US) . Blue Prairie / Cowboy Camp Meeting
01/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2079 (US) . The Timer Trail / Trees
01/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2086 (US) . The Letter Marked Unclaimed / Baby Doll
03/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2199 (US) . Cigarettes, Whusky And Wild, Wild Women / My Best To You
05/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2276 (US) . You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / Teardrops In My Heart
07/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2350 (US) . Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven? / You Never Miss The Water Till The Well Runs Dry
07/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37627 (US) .

I Love You, Nelly / When The Roses Bloom Again

07/1947 78 t. DECCA 46059 (US) .

Kelly Waltz / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder

08/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37757 (US) .

Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home, Father

10/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2484 (US) . Out In Pioneertown / You'll Be Sorry When I'm Gone
11/1947 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2569 (US) . The Last Roundup / A Hundred And Sixty Acres
02/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2725 (US) . Happy Birthday Polka / Calico Apron And A Gingham Gown
03/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2780 (US) . Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Blue Shadows On The Trail / There'll Never Be Another) Pecos Bill
06/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-2951 (US) . Cowboy Country / Down Where The Rio Flows
08/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-3082 (US) . Missouri Is A Devil Of A Woman / My Feet Takes Me Away
10/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-3193 (US) . Rounded Up In Glory / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low
10/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-3194 (US) . Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home Father
10/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-3195 (US) . Sea Walker / Touch Of God's Hand
10/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-3196 (US) . Old Rugged Cross / Read The Day Every Day
10/1948 SP RCA VICTOR 47-0200 (US) . Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Pecos Bill part 1 / Pecos Bill part 4
10/1948 SP RCA VICTOR 47-0201 (US) . Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Pecos Bill part 2 / Pecos Bill part 3
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20226 (US) . I Love You Nelly / Where Roses Bloom Again
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20334 (US) . Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home Father
11/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20499 (US) . Hold That Critter Down / Devil's Great Grandson
11/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20500 (US) . One More River To Cross / Open Road Ahead
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 37627 (US) . I Love You Nellie / When The Roses Bloom Again
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 37757 (US) . Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home Father
12/1948 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-3257 (US) . No Rodeo Dough / Sentimental, Worried And Blue
02/1949 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0024 (US) . Little Gray Home In The West / The Whiffenpoof Song
03/1949 78 t. DECCA 46160 (US) .

So Long To The Red River Valley / Empty Saddles

03/1949 SP. RCA VICTOR 48-0004 (US) .

Chant Of The Wanderer / Cool Water

03/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0005 (US) .

The Everlasting Hills Of California / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

03/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0006 (US) .

Trees / The Timber Trail

03/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0007 (US) .

Blue Prairie / Cowboy Camp Meetin'

06/1949 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0065 (US) .

Riders In The Sky / Room Full Of Roses

06/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0060 (US) . Riders In The Sky / Room Full Of Roses
06/1949 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0077 (US) .

Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - That Palomino Pal Of Mine / Home On The Range

06/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0074 (US) . Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - That Palomino Pal Of Mine / Home On The Range
07/1949 78 t. HARMONY 1033 (US) .

Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / Billie The Kid

07/1949 78 t. HARMONY 1034 (US) .

Just A Wearying For You / Smiling Through

07/1949 78 t. HARMONY 1035 (US) .

Kelly Waltz / My Saddle Pals And I

1949 4 78 t. RCA VICTOR P-168 (US) COWBOY CLASSICS :
DISC 1 : Cool Water / Chant Of The Wanderer
DISC 2 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma
DISC 3 : Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Blue Prairie
DISC 4 : The Timber Trail / Trees
DISC 1 : Cool Water / Chant Of The Wanderer
DISC 2 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma
DISC 3 : The Timber Trail / Trees
09/1949 4 78 t. RCA VICTOR WP-229 (US) Cowboy Hymns And Spirituals :
DISC 1 : Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Rounded Up In Glory
DISC 2 : Lead Me Gently Home, Father / Power In The Blood
DISC 3 : The Old Rugged Cross / Read The Bible Every Day
DISC 4 : The Touch Of God's Hand / The Sea Walker
09/1949 3 SP RCA VICTOR WP-229 (US)

Cowboy Hymns And Spirituals :
DISC 1 : Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Rounded Up In Glory
DISC 2 : Lead Me Gently Home, Father / Power In The Blood
DISC 3 : The Old Rugged Cross / Read The Bible Every Day

10/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0094 (US) .

Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Rounded Up In Glory 

10/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0095 (US) .

Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home, Father

10/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0096 (US) .

Read The Bible Everyday / The Old Rugged Cross

DISC 1 : Pecos Bill - Part 1 / Pecos Bill - Part 2
DISC 2 : Pecos Bill - Part 3 / Pecos Bill - Part 4
DISC 3 : Pecos Bill - Part 5 / Pesos Bill - Part 6
10/1949 2 SP RCA VICTOR WY 389 (US)

DISC 1 : Pecos Bill - Part 1 / Pecos Bill - Part 2
DISC 2 : Pecos Bill - Part 3 / Pecos Bill - Part 4

11/1949 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0098 (US) .

Lie Low, Little Doggie / Bar None Ranch

11/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0101 (US) . Lie Low, Little Doggie / Bar None Ranch
11/1949 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0138 (US) .

Red River Valley / Santa Fe, New Mexico

11/1949 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0141 (US) . Red River Valley / Santa Fe, New Mexico
1949 78 t. HARMONY 1070 (US) .

Just A Wearying For You / Smiling Through

01/1950 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0154 (US) . Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Stampede / Church Music
01/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0161 (US) . Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Stampede / Church Music
01/1950 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0163 (US) . Wedding Dolls (For Your Wedding Cake) / Love At The Country Fair 
01/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0171 (US) . Wedding Dolls (For Your Wedding Cake) / Love At The Country Fair 
02/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0183 (US) .

My Best To You / Cigarettes, Whusky And Wild, Wild Women

02/1950 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0171 (US) . Let's Go West Again / Let Me Share Your Name
02/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0184 (US) .

Let's Go West Again / Let Me Share Your Name

03/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0220 (US) .

Teardrops In My Heart / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is

03/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0221 (US) .

Sea Walker / Touch Of God's Hand

04/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0306 (US) .

Roses / The Eagle's Heart

05/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0315 (US) .

Wagon's West / Rollin' Dust

06/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0345 (US) .

Song Of The Wagon Master / Chockawalla Swing

08/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0366 (US) .

The Sons Of The Pioneers Land Beyond The Sun / I Told Them All About You 

09/1950 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0368 (US) Old Man Atom / What This Country Needs
09/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0368 (US) .

Old Man Atom / What This Country Needs 

10/1950 78 t. RCA VICTOR 21-0388 (US) . Where Are You / What This Country Needs 
10/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0388 (US) .

Where Are You / What This Country Needs 

12/1950 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-3983 (US) . America Forever / Little White Cross
12/1950 SP RCA VICTOR 47-3983 (US) . America Forever / Little White Cross
1950 SP DECCA 9-46027 (US) .

Cool Water / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

1950 3 78 t. RCA VICTOR P-309 (US) A Garden Of Roses :
DISC 1 : Roses / Mexicali Rose
DISC 2 : Moonlight And Roses / Bring Your Roses To Her Now
DISC 3 : San Antonio Rose / Room Full Of Roses
1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4031 (US) . The Three Suns & The Sons Of The Pioneers - The Hokey Pokey / I Still Feel The Same About You
1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4031 (US) . The Three Suns & The Sons Of The Pioneers - The Hokey Pokey / I Still Feel The Same About You
02/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4054 (US) . Grasshopper Heart  (And A Butterfly Brain) (The FONTANE SISTERS & The Sons Of The Pioneers) / Handsome Stranger (The Sons Of The Pioneerss And The FONTANE SISTERS)
02/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4054 (US) . Grasshopper Heart  (And A Butterfly Brain) (The FONTANE SISTERS & The Sons Of The Pioneers) / Handsome Stranger (The Sons Of The Pioneerss And The FONTANE SISTERS)
02/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4071 (US) . Mexicali Rose / Roses
02/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4071 (US) . Mexicali Rose / Roses
02/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4072 (US) . Bring Your Roses To Her Now / Moonlight And Roses
02/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4072 (US) . Bring Your Roses To Her Now / Moonlight And Roses
02/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4073 (US) . Room Full Of Roses / San Antonio Rose
02/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4073 (US) . Room Full Of Roses / San Antonio Rose
03/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4081 (US) .

Perry Como & The Sons Of The Pioneers - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / You Don't Kno' What Lonesome Is

03/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4081 (US) . Perry Como & The Sons Of The Pioneers - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / You Don't Kno' What Lonesome Is
04/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4131 (US) . Baby, I Ain't Gonna Cry No More / Daddy's Little Cowboy
04/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4131 (US) . Baby, I Ain't Gonna Cry No More / Daddy's Little Cowboy
05/1951 3 SP RCA VICTOR WP-309 (US) A Garden Of Roses :
DISC 1 : Roses / Mexicali Rose
DISC 2 : Moonlight And Roses / Bring Your Roses To Her Now
DISC 3 : San Antonio Rose / Room Full Of Roses
07/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 48-0486 (US) .

Lonesome / The Wandrous World

09/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4264 (US) . Heart-Break Hill / Wind
09/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4264 (US) . Heart-Break Hill / Wind
10/1951 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4347 (US) . Resurrectus / The Lord's Prayer
10/1951 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4347 (US) . Resurrectus / The Lord's Prayer
01/1952 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4431 (US) . I Still Do / Outlaws
01/1952 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4431 (US) . I Still Do / Outlaws
02/1952 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4459 (US) . Ho Le O / I Told Them All About You
02/1952 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4459 (US) . Ho Le O / I Told Them All About You
03/1952 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4571 (US) . Land Beyond The Sea / Waltz Of The Roses
03/1952 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4571 (US) . Land Beyond The Sea / Waltz Of The Roses
04/1952 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4639 (US) . Almost / Diesel Smoke
04/1952 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4639 (US) . Almost / Diesel Smoke
08/1952 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-4937 (US) . Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Let's Pretend
08/1952 SP RCA VICTOR 47-4937 (US) . Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Let's Pretend
1952 EP RCA VICTOR 547-0029 (US) .

Cool Water / Chant Of The Wanderer / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma

1952 EP RCA VICTOR 547-0030 (US) .

Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Blue Prairie / The Timber Trail / Trees

1952 EP RCA VICTOR 547-0192 (US) .

Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / The Sea Walker / The Old Rugged Cross

1952 EP RCA VICTOR 547-0193 (US) .

Rounded Up In Glory / Power In The Blood / The Touch Of God's Hand / Read The Bible Every Day

DISC 1 : Cool Water / Chant Of The Wanderer / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma
DISC 2 : Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Blue Prairie / The Timber Trail / Trees
DISC 1 : Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / The Sea Walker / The Old Rugged Cross
DISC 2 : Rounded Up In Glory / Power In The Blood / The Touch Of God's Hand / Read The Bible Every Day
10/1952 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-309 (US) A GARDEN OF ROSES - Mexicali Rose / Bring Your Roses To Her Now / Roses / San Antonio Rose / Room Full of Roses / Moonlight and Roses
03/1953 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-422 (US)

SONS OF THE PIONEERS SING WESTERN FAVORITES -  Empty Saddles / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Old Pioneer / Home On The Range

10/1953 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-493 (US)

Songs Of Reverence By The Sons Of The Pioneers - The Lord's Prayer / Resurrectus / What This Country Needs (Is A Good Old-Fashioned Talk With The Lord) / Lie Low Little Doggies (The Cowboy's Prayer)

1953 SP  RCA VICTOR EYA-5 (US) Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Pecos Bill - part 1 / Pecos Bill - concl.
1953 EP RCA VICTOR 547-0288 (US) .

Riders In The Sky / Land Beyond The Sun / Red River Valley / Outlaws

1953 EP RCA VICTOR 547-0289 (US) .

The Last Round-Up / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / Wind / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You

DISC 1 : Riders In The Sky / Land Beyond The Sun / Red River Valley / Outlaws
DISC 2 : The Last Round-Up / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / Wind / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
1953 EP RCA VICTOR EPB-3162-2 (US) WESTERN CLASSICS BY THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - The Last Round-Up / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / Wind / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
01/1954 78 t. CORAL 64172 (US) . If You Would Only Be Mine / Sierra Nevada
01/1954 SP CORAL 9-64172 (US) .

If You Would Only Be Mine / Sierra Nevada

05/1954 78 t. CORAL 61186 (US) . River Of No Return / The Lilies Grow High
05/1954 SP CORAL 9-61186 (US) . River Of No Return / The Lilies Grow High
12/1954 78 t. CORAL 61316 (US) . Montana / Lonely Little Room
12/1954 SP CORAL9- 61316 (US) . Montana / Lonely Little Room
03/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6055 (US) . The Ballad Of Dave Crockett / The Graveyard Filler Of The West
03/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6055 (US) .

The Ballad Of Dave Crockett / The Graveyard Filler Of The West

04/1955 SP RCA VICTOR WBY-25 (US)

The Ballad Of Davy Crockett / The Graveyard Filler Of The West

04/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6109 (US) . I Wonder When We'll Ever Know / The King's Highway
04/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6109 (US) .

I Wonder When We'll Ever Know / The King's Highway

05/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6123 (US) . The Tennessee Rock And Roll / The Three Of Us
05/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6123 (US) . The Tennessee Rock And Roll / The Three Of Us
07/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6184 (US) . Be What You Want To Be / Epidemic
07/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6184 (US) .

Be What You Want To Be / Epidemic

10/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6276 (US) . Yaller Yaller Gold / King Of The River
10/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6276 (US) .

Yaller Yaller Gold / King Of The River 


A Whale Of A Tale / Old Betsy (Davy Crockett's Gun)

1955 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-650 (US) FAVORITE COWBOY SONGS - VOL. 1 - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Press Along To The Big Corral / Wind / Bunkhouse Bugle Boy / Home On The Range / La Borachita / Timber Trail / Happy Cowboy
1955 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-651 (US) FAVORITE COWBOY SONGS - VOL 2 - Cowboy's Lament / Pajarillo Barrenquero / So Long To The Red River Valley / Come And Get It / Cool Water / Curly Joe From Idaho / Cowboy's Dream / Along The Santa Fe Trail
1955 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-652 (US) FAVORITE COWBOY SONGS - VOL. 3 - The Last Round-Up / Farr Away Stomp / Red River Valley / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prarie / Sweet Betsy From Pike / Slow Movin' Cattle / Texas Stomp / Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma
12/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6362 (US) . My Secret Wish / Mighty Rock
12/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6362 (US) .

My Secret Wish / Mighty Rock

01/1956 78 t. DECCA 29814 (US) . Cool Water / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
01/1956 SP DECCA 9-29814 (US) .

Cool Water / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

01/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6376 (US) . How Great Thou Art / The Last Frontier
01/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6376 (US) .

How Great Thou Art / The Last Frontier


Cheyenne / Home On The Range

04/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6507 (US) . Song Of The Prodigal / Searchers
04/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6507 (US) .

Song Of The Prodigal / Searchers

08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6655 (US) . Timmy's Tune / For The Love Of You
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6655 (US) .

Timmy's Tune / For The Love Of You

04/1957 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6890 (US) . One More Ride / Hasta La Vista
04/1957 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6890 (US) .

One More Ride / Hasta La Vista


Wagon Train / Lie Low Little Doggies (The Cowboy's Prayer)


The Restless Gun / Bunkhouse Bugle Boy

09/1957 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7024 (US) . Ballad Of Cowboy Sailor / The Piney Woods
09/1957 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7024 (US) .

Ballad Of Cowboy Sailor / The Piney Woods

11/1957 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7079 (US) . High Ridin' Woman / God Has His Arms Around Me
11/1957 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7079 (US) .

High Ridin' Woman / God Has His Arms Around Me

1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-1-1431 (US) HOW GREAT THOU ART - How Great Thou Art / The Lord's Prayer / The King's Highway / I Wonder When We'll Ever Know (The Wonder Of It All)
1957 EP RCA EPA 75317 (F) AIRS DE FILMS N°9 - If You Wanna See Mamie Tonight  (AMES BROTHERS) / Forever Darling (AMES BROTHERS) / The Searchers (SONS Of The PIONEERS) / The Last Frontiers (SONS Of The PIONEERS)
10/1958 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7392 (US) .

A Fiddle, A Riffle, An Axe And A Bible / My Last Goodbye

1958 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-4218 (US) FRED ROSE SONGS - Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Hang Your Head In Shame / Crazy Heart / No One Will Ever Know
1958 EP CORAL ECV 18048 (F) Montana / Sierra Nevada / Rivière Sans Retour / The Lilies Grow High
1958 EP RCA RCX-128 (UK) WAGON TRAIN - Wagon Train (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / The Legend Of Wyatt Earp (Shorty Long & The Happy Fellows) / Cheyenne (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Tales Of Wells Fargo (The Prairie Chiefs)
05/1959 SP RCA VICTOR WBY-100 (US)

Theme From The NBC Television Series Starring Richard Coogan - Theme From The Californians / Out In Pioneertown


Theme From The NBC-TV Series Buckskin - California / My Calico Girl


Theme from the "warner BroS. Presents TV SERIES MAVERICK - Maverick / Cowboy Country

1959 SP RCA 14012 (AUS) Theme from the "warner BroS. Presents TV SERIES MAVERICK - Maverick / Cowboy Country

Theme From The "Warner Bros. Presenting" TV Series Sugarfoot - Sugarfoot / Red River Valley

1959 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-5116 (US) COOL WATER - Cool Water / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / San Antonio Rose / Mexicali Rose
1960 ? EP RCA VICTOR EPA-9030 (GER) HILLBILLY - COOL WATER - Cool Water / The Last Round-Up / Empty Saddles / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
1961 EP 33 t.  RCA VICTOR LPC-103 (US)

Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Wagon Wheels / Cool Water / The Last Round-Up

1962 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-2603 (US)

Our Men Out West - San Antonio Rose / Chant Of The Wanderer / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / High Noon

1962 EP 33 t. RCA Española LPC-3294 (S)

El Paso - El Paso / Sons Of The Pioneers / Tumbleweed Trail / Yippi-Yi, Yippi-Yo

1963 EP 33 t. RCA VICTOR VLP-2603 (US) (julebox) Our Men Out West - San Antonio Rose / Chant Of The Wanderer / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / High Noon
1963 EP RCA EPA-2603 (GER) Our Men Out West - San Antonio Rose / Chant Of The Wanderer / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / High Noon
1963 EP RCA 20298 (AUS)

Cool Water - Cool Water / San Antonio Rose / South Of The Border / Along The Santa Fe Trail

02/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8310 (US) .

Cattle Call Rondolet / Crazy Arms

05/1965 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8575 (US) .

Destiny / Green Ice And Mountain Men

1967 SP RCA VICTOR GOLD STANDARD 447-0565 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Cool Water
1967 EP RCA 20431 (AUS)

Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Last Round-Up / Riders In The Sky / Room Full Of Roses

1967 EP 33 t. Victor SCP-1229 (JAP)

Best Of Western - Red River Valley (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / San Antonio Rose (Gene AUTRY) / Molly Darling (Eddy ARNOLD) / Mockin' Bird Hill (AMES BROTHERS)

04/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9509 (US) .

Gringo's Guitar / Margretta

07/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0199 (US) .

Talli Wind / Hawaiian Lullaby

1975 SP 20TH CENTURY 2209 (US) . The SONS OF THE PIONEERS with Roy ROGERS - Cowboy Heaven / Don't Ever Wear It For Him
1976 SP GRANITE G 550 (US) .

Cool Water / Pretty Painted Ladies

08/1980 SP MCA MCA-41294 (US) ..

Ride Concrete Cowboy, Ride (Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Deliverance Of The Wildwood Flower (The Bandit Band)


1952 LP 10" RCA VICTOR LPM-3032 (US) COWBOY CLASSICS - Cool Water / Chant Of The Wanderer / Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Blue Prairie / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Timber Trail / Trees
1952 LP 10" RCA VICTOR LPM-3095 (US) COWBOY HYMNS & SPIRITUALS - Little White Cross / Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home Father / Rounded Up In Glory / Old Rugged Cross / Too High Too Wide Too Low / Lord's Prayer / Read The Bible Every Day
1953 LP 10" RCA VICTOR LPM-3162 (US) WESTERN CLASSICS BY THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Riders In The Sky / Land Beyond The Sun / Red River Valley / Outlaws / Last Round Up / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / Wind / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
1955 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-1130 (US) FAVORITE COWBOY SONGS - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Press Along To The Big Corral / Wind / Bunkhouse Bugle Boy / Home On The Range / La Borrachita / Timber Trail / Happy Cowboy / Cowboy Lament / Pajarillo Barrenquero / So Long To The Red River Valley / Come And Get It / Cool Water / Curly Joe From Idaho / Cowboy's Dream / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Last Roundup / Farr Away Stomp / Red River Valley / Carry Be Back To The Lone Prairie / Sweet Betsy From Pike / Slow Moving Cattle / Texas Stomp / Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma
1957 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-1431 (US) HOW GREAT THOU ART - How Great Thou Art / Little White Cross / There Is Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home Father / Rounded Up In Glory / Old Rugged Cross / Song Of The Prodigal / Too High Too Hide Too Low / I Wonder When We'll Ever Know (The Wonder Of It All) / King's Highway / Lord's Prayer / Read The Bible Every Day
1957 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-1483 (US) ONE MAN'S SONGS - Be Honest With Me / It's A Sin / Pins And Needles (In My Heart) / Hang Your Head In Shame / Kaw-Liga / I'll Never Stand In Your Way / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Crazy Heart / Roly Poly / End Of The World / No One Will Ever Know / I Wonder When We'll Ever Know (The Wonder Of It All).
02/1958 LP 12"  RCA Camden CAL-413 (US) WAGONS WEST - Land Beyond The Sun / Santa Fe New Mexico / Teardrops In My Heart / Wagons West / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Hundred And Sixty Acres / Down Where The Rio Flows / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven / Moonlight And Roses / Calico Apron And Gingham Gown / Waltz Of The Roses / Whiffenpoof Song
1958 LP 12" RCA Camden ‎CDN-113 (UK) WAGONS WEST - Land Beyond The Sun / Santa Fe New Mexico / Teardrops In My Heart / Wagons West / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Hundred And Sixty Acres / Down Where The Rio Flows / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven / Moonlight And Roses / Calico Apron And Gingham Gown / Waltz Of The Roses / Whiffenpoof Song
1959 LP 12"  RCA Camden CAL-413 (mono) / CAS-413 (stereo) (US)

WAGONS WEST - Land Beyond The Sun / Santa Fe New Mexico / Teardrops In My Heart / Wagons West / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Hundred And Sixty Acres / Down Where The Rio Flows / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven / Moonlight And Roses / Calico Apron And Gingham Gown / Waltz Of The Roses / Whiffenpoof Song

03/1960 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2118 (mono) / LSP-2118 (stereo) (US)

COOL WATER And Seventeen Timeless Western Favorites - Cool Water / Whoople-Ti-Yi-Yo / Wind / Cowboy's Dream / Last Roundup / Ridin' Home / Twilight On The Trail / Red River Valley / Wagon Wheels / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Blue Prairie / Way Out There / Empty Saddles / Teardrops In My Heart / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Timber Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

08/1960 LP 12" CAMDEN CAL-587 (US) ROOM FULL OF ROSES - Two Eyes Two Lips But No Heart / Wedding Dolls (From Your Wedding Cake) / No One To Cry To / Three Of Us / Let Me Share Your Name / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Room Full Of Roses / Baby Doll / My Secret Wish / Roses
04/1961 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2356 (mono) / LSP-2356 (stereo) (US)

LURE OF THE WEST - Saddle Up / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / Cowboy Has To Sing / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Hills Of Old Wyoming / Cimarron (Roll On) / Pecos Bill / Boots And Saddle / My Adobe Hacienda / Along The Navajo Trail / Cowboy's Lament / Ragtime Cowboy Joe

1961 LP 12" RCA VICTOR PRM-108 (US) WESTWARD HO! - The Last Frontier / Old Pioneer / Buffalo / Ballad Of The Cowboy Sailor / Slow Moving Cattle / Outlaws / Far Enchanted Isle / Piney Woods / This Ain't The Same Old Range / High Ridin' Woman / Hasta La Vista / One More Ride 
02/1962 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2456 (mono) / LSP-2456 (stereo) (US)

TUMBLEWEED TRAIL - Tumbleweed Trail / Cattle Call / Chant On The Plains (I Need You) / Wanderers / Silver On The Sage / Lillies Grow High / Song Of The Trail / There's A Home In Wyoming / Yippi-Yi Yippi-Yo / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / El Paso / Song Of The Pioneers

12/1962 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2603 (mono) / LSP-2603 (stereo) (US)

OUR MEN OUT WEST - When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Old Faithful (Horse's Prayer) / Dusty Skies / Chant Of The Wanderer / South Of The Border / When It's Night Time In Nevada / San Antonio Rose / High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me) / Sierra Nevada / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Columbus Stockade Blues / The Singing Hills

1962 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM 10113 (I)

Canzoni Del West - Riders In The Sky / Red River Valley / Saddle Up / Wagon Wheels / Cimarron (Roll On) / Cowboy's Lament / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / The Last Round Up / Pecos Bill / Cool Water / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Timber Trail / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / Along The Navajo Trail / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / A Cowboy Has To Sing

1963 LP 12" CAMDEN CAL-723 (US) GOOD OLD COUNTRY MUSIC - Be Honest With Me / It's A Sin / Pins And Needles (In My Heart) / Hang Your Head In Shame / Kaw-Liga / Crazy Heart / Roly Poly / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / End Of The World / No One Will Ever Know
03/1963 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2652 (mono) / LSP-2652 (stereo) (US)

THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS SING HYMNS OF THE COWBOY - Suddenly There's A Valley / God Speaks / Place Where I Worship / All Wild Things / He Walks With The Wild And The Lonely / Wonders Of God's Green Earth / Woodsman's Prayer / Lord You Made The Cowboy Happy / Mystery Of His Way / Star Of Hope / How Will I Know Him (When He Walks By) / I Believe

10/1963 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2737 (mono) / LSP-2737 (stereo) (US)

TRAIL DUST - Trail Herdin' Cowboy / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Down The Trail To San Antone / Autumn On The Trail / Oregon Trail / There's A Long Long Trail / Trail Dust / Utah Trail / Silent Trails / By A Campfire On The Trail / Trail Dreamin' / We'll Rest At The End Of The Trail

1963 ? LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM 10134 (I)

West Selvaggio - Ralph Hunter Choir, The Sons Of The Pioneers - The Cold Of Chisolm Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweed / Yippi-Yi, Yippi-Yo / Il Sentiero Per Il Mexico / La Rosa Di S. Antonio / Sierra Nevada / Rye Whiskey / Il Sogno Del Diavolo / Cieli Polverosi / La Canzone Del Vagabondo / La Valle Del Fiume Rosso / Le Colline Del Vecchio Wyomin' / Whoopee Ti Yi Yo

05/1964 LP 12" HARMONY HL-7317 (US) SONS OF THE PIONEERS' BEST - My Saddle Pals And I / When The Roses Bloom Again / Billy The Kid / Open Range / There Is Power In The Blood / Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / I Love You Nelly / Hold That Critter Down / Let's Pretend / Lead Me Gently Home Father
1964 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2855 (mono) / LSP-2855 (stereo) (US)

COUNTRY FARE - Cold Cold Heart / Ramona / Crazy Arms / Listen To The Mocking Bird / I Still Do / Almost / Cattle Call Rondolet / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Song Of The Bandit / I'll Hold You In My Heart / My Heart Cries For You / Green Fields

10/1964 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-2957 (mono) / LSP-2957 (stereo) (US)

DOWN MEMORY TRAIL WITH THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Memories / Bonaparte's Retreat / Gone / Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / Left My Gal In The Mountains / Four Walls / Born To Lose / Mockin' Bird Hill / Memories Are Made Of This / Vaya Con Dios (May God Be With You) / By The River Of The Roses / Among My Souvenirs

1964 LP 12" VOCALION VL-3715 (mono) / VL-73715 (stereo) (US)

TUMBLEWEED TRAILS - Tumbleweed Trail / I'll Be Around Somewhere / Home In San Antone / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Salt River Valley / Montana / River Of No Return / There's A Long Long Trail / I Knew It All The Time / He's Gone Up The Trail / Lonely Rose Of Mexico / Cielito Lindo

1964 LP 12" CAMDEN CAL-1054 (mono) / CAS-1054 (stereo) (US)

Johnny Appleseed / Pecos Bill - Dennis DayRoy Rogers, The Sons Of The Pioneers - Johnny Appleseed From Walt Disney's Melody Time / Pecos Bill From Walt Disney's Melody Time

1965 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-3351 (mono) / LSP-3351 (stereo) (US)

THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS SING LEGENDS OF THE WEST - Buffalo / Destiny / Strawberry Roan / Shifting Whispering Sands / Little Joe The Wrangler / Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie / Ringo / Me And My Burro / Outlaws / Billy The Kid / Green Ice And Mountain Men / Jesse James

1965 LP 12" RCA LSP 3351 (I)

Sui Sentieri Del West - Buffalo / Destiny / Strawberry Roan / Shifting Whispering Sands / Little Joe The Wrangler / Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie / Ringo / Me And My Burro / Outlaws / Billy The Kid / Green Ice And Mountain Men / Jesse James

11/1965 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-3476 (mono) / LSP-3476 (stereo) (US) THE BEST SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Cool Water / My Best To You / No One To Cry To / San Antonio Rose / I Still Do / Have I Told You Lately / That I Love You / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Riders In The Sky / The Last Round-Up / Room Full Of Roses / Chant Of The Wanderer
05/1966 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-3554 (mono) / LSP-3554 (stereo) (US)

THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS SING THE SONGS OF BOB NOLAN - The Boss Is Hangin' Out A Rainbow / Night Falls On The Prairie / Sandman Lullaby / Summer Night Rain / Song Of The Prairie / You Are My Eyes / I Follow The Stream / At The Rainbow's End / One More Ride / Following The Sun All Day / Cottage In The Clouds / Half Way Round The World

1966 LP 12" CAMDEN CAL-1074 (US)

LORE OF THE WEST & FAVORITE WESTERN SONGS FOR GROWING BOYS & GIRLS - Roy ROGERS (King Of The Cowboys), Dale EVANS, Gabby Hayes, The Sons Of The Pioneers - Lore Of The West (Roy ROGERS, Gabby HAYES) / Happy Trails (Roy ROGERS, Dale EVANS) / That Palomino Pal Of Mine (Roy ROGERS, The Sons Of The Pioneers) / Texas For Me (Dale EVANS) / Rock Me To Sleep In My Saddle (Roy ROGERS) / The Yellow Rose Of Texas (Roy ROGERS) / Home On The Range (Roy ROGERS, The Sons Of The Pioneers)

02/1967 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-3714 (mono) / LSP-3714 (stereo) (US)

THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS SING CAMPFIRE FAVORITES - That Lucky Old Sun / Moonlight On The Colorado / I Can't Help It / Don't Fence Me In / Somewhere In Old Wyoming / Leanin' On The Ole Top Rail / It Happened In Monterey / Carolina In The Morning / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Roll Along Prairie Moon / Be Honest With Me / I Love You Truly

03/1968 LP 12" CAMDEN CAL-2205 (mono) / CAS-2205 (stereo) (US)

SAN ANTONIO ROSE AND OTHER COUNTRY FAVORITES - San Antonio Rose / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Listen To The Mocking Bird / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Cold Cold Heart / Columbus Stockade Blues / I'll Hold You In My Heart / Crazy Arms, Almost / Green Fields

07/1968 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LPM-3964 (mono) / LSP-3964 (stereo) (US) SOUTH OF THE BORDER - South Of The Border / Mexicali Rose / Gay Ranchero / Rosa / Love Me With All Your Heart / Yours (Quiereme Mucho) / Gringo's Guitar / You Belong To My Heart / Margretta / Maria Elena / Spanish Eyes
02/1969 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LSP-4119 (US) TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Song Of The Land I Love / Ramona / How Will I Know Him (When He Walks By) / Chant Of The Wanderer / Oregon Trail / King Of The Fools / Trail Dreamin' / Along The Santa Fe Trail, I Still Do / He Walks With The Wild And The Lonely
09/1969 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LSP-4194 (US) THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS VISIT THE SOUTH SEAS - Hawaiian Lullaby / Pali Wind / Walkin' In The Sand / I'll Remember You / Stars Above Hawaii / Harbour Lights / Beyond The Reef / Far Enchanted Isle / My Isle Of Golden Dreams / Tiny Bubbles (Hua Li'l) / Blue Hawaii
DISC 1 : Ghost Riders In The Sky / Empty Saddles / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / Red River Valley / Cool Water / High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me) / Old Faithful (Horse's Prayer) / Let's Pretend / Wind
DISC 2 : Ballad Of Davy Crockett / Down The Trail To San Antone / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Wagons West / Cigarets Whisky And Wild Wild Women / Outlaws / Blue Prairie / Home On The Range
1973 LP 12" MCA 730 (US) TUMBLEWEED TRAILS - Tumbleweed Trails / I'll Be Around Somewhere / Home In San Antone / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Salt River Valley / Montana / River Of No Return / There's A Long, Long Trail / I Knew It All The Time / He's Gone Up The Trail / Lonely Rose Of Mexico / Cielito Lindo
1973 LP 12" John Edwards Memorial Foundation JEMF 102 (US) THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - When Payday Rolls Around / Song Of The Bandit / I Wonder If She Waits For Me Tonight / Ne Ha Nee / The Howl'in Pup / Rocky Mountain Express / Golden Wedding Waltz / South In My Soul / When The Prairie Sun Comes Out Of The Hay / Blow Wind Blow / One More Ride / Hangin' Blues / The Texas Crapshooter / So Long To The Red River Valley / Coyote Serenade / All Through The Night / Love Song Of The Waterfall / Pioneer Mother Of Mine / My Pretty Quadroon / I Grab My Saddle Horn & Blow
1974 LP 12" RCA AN L1-1092 (US) COOL WATER And Seventeen Timeless Western Favorites - Cool Water / Whoople-Ti-Yi-Yo / Wind / Cowboy's Dream / Last Roundup / Ridin' Home / Twilight On The Trail / Red River Valley / Wagon Wheels / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Blue Prairie / Way Out There / Empty Saddles / Teardrops In My Heart / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Timber Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
1976 LP 12" GRANITE GS-1007 (US) WESTERN COUNTRY - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Willie The Wandering Gypsy And Me / Home On The Range / When Pay Day Rolls Around / Room Full Of Roses / Indian Woman / Cool Water / Pretty Painted Ladies / Texas Hills / Cowboy's Lament / One More Ride
1976 LP 12" MCA VIM-4009 (JAP)

The Sons Of The Pioneers - 1930's Decca Hillbilly Series - Ridin' Home / Moonlight On The Prairie / When Our Old Age Pension Check Comes To Our Door / I Follow The Stream / There's A Roundup In The Sky / Echoes From The Hills / Songs Of The Pioneers / Kilocycle Stomp - When I Leave This World Behind / Texas Star / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Blue Bonnet Girl / Empty Saddles / We'll Rest At The End Of The Trail 

06/1977 LP 12" RCA VICTOR ANL1-2332 (US) A COUNTRY-WESTERN SONGBOOK - When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Old Faithful (Horse's Prayer) / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Strawberry Roan / Shifting Whispering Sands / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Boots And Saddle / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / Cowboy's Lament
1977 LP 12" RCA VICTOR DVL2-0247 (US)

The Sons Of The Pioneers - Cool Water / Ole Faithful / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Twilight On The Trail / San Antonio Rose / High Noon / Ramona / Riders In The Sky / Empty Saddles / Strawberry Roan / That Lucky Old Sun / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Red River Valley / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Wagon Wheels / Room Full Of Roses / Home On The Range / Don't Fence Me In / The Last Round-Up

1977 LP 12" Telefunken ‎6.23046 (GER) WESTERN COUNTRY - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Willie The Wandering Gypsy And Me / Home On The Range / When Pay Day Rolls Around / Room Full Of Roses / Indian Woman / Cool Water / Pretty Painted Ladies / Texas Hills / Cowboy's Lament / One More Ride
1978 LP 12" RCA VICTOR ANL1-2808 (US) THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS SING HYMNS OF THE COWBOY - Suddenly There's A Valley / God Speaks / Place Where I Worship The (Is The Wide Open Spaces) / All Wild Things / He Walks With The Wild And The Lonely / The Wonders Of God's Green Earth / Woodsman's Prayer / Lord You Made The Cowboy Happy / The Mystery Of His Way / Star Of Hope / How Will I Know Him (When He Walks By) / I Believe
1979 LP 12" RCA VICTOR ANL1-3468 (US) THE BEST OF THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - THE BEST SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Cool Water / My Best To You / No One To Cry To / San Antonio Rose / I Still Do / Have I Told You Lately / That I Love You / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Riders In The Sky / The Last Round-Up / Room Full Of Roses / Chant Of The Wanderer
1979 LP 12" ELEKTRA 6E-212 (US) THE SOUND OF A PIONEER - (Bob NOLAN) - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / He Walks With The Wild And The Lonely / That Old Outlaw Time / Cool Water / Can You Hear Those Pioneers / Man Walks Among Us / Texas Plains / The Touch Of God's Hand / Old Home Town / Ride Me Down Easy / Wandering
1979 2 LP 12" AFM AFM-701 (US)

Lucky U Ranch Radio Broadcasts 1951-53 :
DISC 1 : Texas Plains / Little Annie Rooney / This Ain't The Same Old Ranche / Heartbreak Hill / Love Song Of The Waterfall / 'Deed I Do / Dink Swink / Happy Rovin' Cowboy / Cowboy Jubilee / Silver Bell / Blues In D / When You Came To The End Of The Day / Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away / Blue Prairie / Keep A Light In Your Window Tonight / My Gal Is Purple / When Payday Rolls Around
DISC 2 : He's Ridin' Home / You Wore A Tulip / Sweet Georgia Brown / Rose Of Tralee / Room Full Of Roses / Hillbilly Wedding / Put On Your Ol' Gray Bonnet / There's A Blue Sky Way Out Yonder / Echoes From The Hills / Honeysuckle Rose / Wait 'til The Sun Shines Nellie / China Boy / Bring Your Roses To Her Now / Owl Lullaby / Too Old To Cut The Mustard / I Was Seeing Nellie Home / Tumbling Tumbleweeds 

1979 2 LP 12" John Edwards Memorial Foundation ‎ JEMF 2201 (US) Lucky U Ranch Radio Broadcasts 1951-53 :
DISC 1 : Texas Plains / Little Annie Rooney / This Ain't The Same Old Ranche / Heartbreak Hill / Love Song Of The Waterfall / 'Deed I Do / Dink Swink / Happy Rovin' Cowboy / Cowboy Jubilee / Silver Bell / Blues In D / When You Came To The End Of The Day / Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away / Blue Prairie / Keep A Light In Your Window Tonight / My Gal Is Purple / When Payday Rolls Around
DISC 2 : He's Ridin' Home / You Wore A Tulip / Sweet Georgia Brown / Rose Of Tralee / Room Full Of Roses / Hillbilly Wedding / Put On Your Ol' Gray Bonnet / There's A Blue Sky Way Out Yonder / Echoes From The Hills / Honeysuckle Rose / Wait 'til The Sun Shines Nellie / China Boy / Bring Your Roses To Her Now / Owl Lullaby / Too Old To Cut The Mustard / I Was Seeing Nellie Home / Tumbling Tumbleweeds 
1979 LP 12" Danny SP-7907 (GER)

The Sons Of The Pioneers In 1942 - Springtime On The Range / West Is In My Soul / South Of Santa Fe / My Old Pal Pal Of Mine / Crawdad Hole / What'cha Gonna Say To Peter / New Frontier / Rise An' Shine / Cowboy Camp Meeting / On Melody Hill / Trail Herdin' Cowboy / She's The Lilly Of Hillbilly Valley / Boss Is Hangin' Out A Rainbow / Still Water Pool / Moonlight On The Trail / Ridin' On The Sunshine Trail / Hillbilly Wedding In June / Round-Up Time Is Over / Moonlight Melody / Desert Serenade

1980 LP 12" CATTLE LP 03 (GER) THE LEGENDARY SONS OF THE PIONEERS - VOLUME 1 - 1849 Years / It's A Great Day / Lord, You Made The Cowboy Happy / Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms / One More River To Cross / Move On, You Lazy Cattle / That Pioneer Mother Of Mine / Sagebrush Symphony / Tumbleweed Trail / Hi Filootin' Newton / Yippi-Yi Yippi-Yo / Yellow Rose Of Texas / It's A Cowboy's Life For Me / Lazy / Waitin' For The Sun To Say Good Mornin' / The Old Black Mountain Trail / Mexicali Rose / Texas Polka / Home Again In Ol' Wyoming / Song Of The San Joaquin
1980 LP 12" CATTLE LP 04 (GER) THE LEGENDARY SONS OF THE PIONEERS - VOLUME 2 - Yodel Your Troubles Away / So Long To The Red River Valley / The Termite's Love Song / Farr Away Stomp / Slim / I Follow The Stream / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Hi-Ho Little Doggies / Rose Of Ol' Santa Fe / Cattle Call Rondolet / Westward Ho / Prairie Reverie / Santa Fe Trail / Jubilation Jamboree / Timber Trail / Roundup In The Sky / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / Cowboy's Serenade / Well, Well, Well / Hard Times Come Again No More
1980 LP 12" Cowboy Songs / OUTLAW CSR 5 (GER)

The Standard Radio Transcriptions, 1934/5 - Swiss Yodel / When Round-Up Is Over / Hear Dem Bells / Giddyap Napoleon / Ain't We Crazy / Side Walk Waltz / Bells Of Baltimore / White Mule Of Mine / Sweet Betsy From Pike / She Came Rollin' Down The Mountain / Grandfather's Clock / Little Brown Jug

1980 LP 12" Cowboy Songs / OUTLAW CSR 6 (GER) The Standard Radio Transcriptions, 1934/5 - PART. 2 - Put On Your Old Gret Bonnet / Dear Old Girl / Gospel Train / Dese Bones Gwine To Rise Again / Lone Star Trail / Little Red Barn / Hills Of Old Kentucky / Little Annie Ronnie / Jim Crack Corn / Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown / Jordan Am A Hard Road To Travel / Threw It Out The Window
1980 LP 12" Cowboy Songs / OUTLAW CSR 7 (GER) Radio Transcriptions, 1 - 1849 Blues / It's A Great Day / Lord, You Made The Cowboy Happy / Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms / One More River To Cross / Move On, You Lazy Cattle / That Pioneer Mother Of Mine / Sagebrush Symphony / Tumbleweed Trail / Hi Filiitin' Netwon / Yippi-Yi Yippi Yo / Yellow Rose Of Texas / It's A Cowboy's Life For Me / Lazy / Waitin' For The Sun To Say Good Mornin' / The Old Black Mountain Trail / Mexicali Rose / Texas Polka / Home Again In Old Wyoming / Song Of The San Juan Joaquin
1980 LP 12" Cowboy Songs / OUTLAW CSR 8 (GER)

Radio Transcriptions, 2 - Yodel Your Troubles Away (Tim SPENCER) / So Long To The Red River Valley (Glenn SPENCER) / The Termite's Love Song (Pat BRADY) / Farr Away Stomp (FARR BROTHERS) / Slim (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / I Follow the Stream (Bob NOLAN) / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low (Tim SPENCER) / Hi-Ho Little Doggies (Glenn SPENCER) / Rose of Ol' Santa Fe (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Cattle Call Rondolet (Glenn SPENCER) / Westward Ho (Tim SPENCER) / Prairie Reverie (FARR BROTHERS) / Santa Fe Trail (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Jubilation Jamboree (Glenn SPENCER) / Timber Trail (Tim SPENCER) / Round-up in the Sky (Bob NOLAN) / Whoopie-ti-yi-yo (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Cowboy's Serenade (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / Well, Well, Well (Ken CARSON) / Hard Times Come Again No More (Lloyd PERRYMAN)

1980 LP 12" Cowboy Songs / OUTLAW CSR 9 (GER)

Radio Transcriptions, 3 - Wagon Wheels / Don Juan / Riding Down The Canyon / Biscuit Blues / The Cowpoke / Cornflower (instrumental FARR BROTHERS) / Silent Trails / Graveyard Filler Of The West / Song Of The Bandit / Sky Ball Paint / The West Is My Soul / Cowboy Camp Meeting / Following The Sun All Day / Whispering Wind / Trail Dreaming / Redwood Trees

1980. LP 12" Cowboy Songs / OUTLAW CSR 10 (GER) Radio Transcriptions, 4 - Pecos Bill / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / I Follow The Stream / Love Song Of The Waterfall / The Cherokee Strip / Cowboy Jubilee / Stars Of The West / Night Falls On The Prairie / Lord You Made The Cowboy Happy / Round-Up In The Sky / Buffalo / The Lillies Grow High / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Round-Up Time Is Over / He's Ridin' Home / The Touch Of God's Hand
1981 LP 12" RCA VICTOR AYM1-4092 (US) LET'S GO WEST AGAIN - Rollin' Dust / Song Of The Wagonmaster / Let's Go West Again / Heartbreak Hill / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / Searchers (Ride Away) / Cheyenne / Restless Gun / High Ridin' Woman / This Ain't The Same Old Range
1981 LP 12" AFM AFM-721 (US) THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - Decca / Coral - Way Out There / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Kilocycle Stomp / A Melody From The Sky / Blue Bonnet Girl / So Long To The Red River Valley / Plain Old Plains / Kelly Waltz / If You Would Only Be Mine / Sierra Nevada / The River Of No Return / The Lilies Grow High / Lonely Little Room / Montana / Somebody Bigger Than You And I / The Mystery Of His Way
1981 LP 12" CATTLE LP 21 (GER) THE LEGENDARY SONS OF THE PIONEERS - VOLUME 3 - (1956) - Wagon Wheels / Don Juan / Riding Down The Canyon / Biscuit Blues / The Cowpoke / Cornflower / Silent Trails / Graveyard Filler Of The West / Song Of The Bandit / Sky Ball Paint / The West Is In My Soul / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Following The Sun All Day / Whispering Wind / Trail Dreaming / Red Wood Trees
02/1982 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15071 (GER) COWBOY COUNTRY - One More Ride / Yaller Yaller Gold / The Grave Yard Filler Of The West / King Of The River / All The Way / Ballad Of The Cowboy Sailor / Buffalo / The Last Frontier / Cowboy Country / No Rodeo Dough / Lie Low Little Doggies (The Cowboy's Prayer) / Old Pioneer / The Bar None Ranch / Out In Pioneer Town / Serenade To A Coyote / Wagon Train
04/1982 LP 12" COLUMBIA FC-37439 (US) THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - COLUMBIA HISTORIC EDITION - Song Of The Bandit / At The Rainbow's End / Hold That Critter Down / When The Golden Train Comes Down / Cajun Stomp / You Must Come In At The Door / Devil's Great Grandson / Cowboy Night Herd Song / Send Him Home To Me / The Touch Of God's Hand
1982 LP 12" AFM AFM-731 (US) THE ORIGINAL PIONEER TRIO SINGS SONGS OF THE HILLS & PLAINS (1934-1935) - Cowboy's Nightherd Song / Railroad Boomer / Nancy Till / Black Sheep Blues / Cider Schottische / When You And I Were Young Maggie / When The Bees Are In The Hive / Dear Old Western Skies / Hadie Brown / At The End Of The Lane / Gentle Nettie Moore / When The Work's All Done This Fall / Prairie Whing Ding / Leaning On The Everlasting Arms / Down The Lane To Happiness / Sweet Genevieve
1983 LP 12" MCA MCA-1563 (US) EMPTY SADDLES - I'm An Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grande) / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Melody From The Sky / One More Ride / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Westward Ho / Cajon Stomp / Empty Saddles / When I Leave This World Behind / Blue Prairie / Roving Cowboy / Bluebonnet Girl / Kilocykle Stomp / Echoes From The Hills
1983 LP 12" Silver Spur S581/LP (US)

Celebration :
DISC 1 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Strawberry Roan / Rodeo Cowboy / Way Out There / Red River Valley / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Don't Fence Me In / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Press Along To The Big Corral / Teardrops In My Heart / Roy's Ramble
DISC 2 : Cool Water / Cimarron (Roll On) / Call Of The Wild / Home On The Range / Whoopee Ti Yi Yo / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / San Antonio Rose / Wagon Wheels / Texas Plains / Timber Trail / Old Droop Ears - Old Faithful / Saddle Up / Blue Shadows On The Trail

1983 LP 12" CATTLE LP 36 (GER) THE LEGENDARY SONS OF THE PIONEERS - VOLUME 4 - (1955-1959) - Pecos Bill / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / I Follow The Stream / Love Song Of The Waterfall / The Cherokee Strip / Cowboy Jubilee / Stars Of The West / Night Falls On The Prairie / Lord You Made The Cowboy Happy / Roundup In The Sky / Buffalo / Lillies Grow High / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Roundup Time Is Over / He's Ridin' Home / The Touch Of God's Hand
1983 LP 12" COWGIRLBOY 5002 (GER) THE DAYS OF THE YODELING COWBOYS - VOLUME 2 - Old Mac Donald / Peekaboo / Oh Susannah / Mandy Lee / Kindom Coming / Get On The Golden Train / Strawberry Roan / Cabin In The Lane / Abdul Abulbul Ameer / A Sandman Lullaby / A Summer Rain / Dear Evelina / Bluebonnets / The Glendy Burke / Pop Eye's Spiritual / West Of The Rio Grande
1984 LP 12" VARESE SARABANDE STV81212 (US) ROY ROGERS AND THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - THE REPUBLIC YEARS -  My Saddle Pals And I / Silver Stars, Purple Sage, Eyes Of Blue / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Rainbow Over Texas / My Adobe Hacienda / Cowboy Country / I'm An Old Cowhand / Medley : Springtime In The Rockies - The Lonesome Cowboy Blues / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Highways Are Happy Ways / Mexicali Rose / Git Along Little Dogies / Don't Fence Me In / Utah Trail / The Cowboy Jubilee / Ride 'em Cowboy / Lights Of Old Santa Fe / It's An Old Custom / Ride Ranger Ride / Red River Valley / On The Old Spanish Trail 
1985 LP 12" AFM AFM-741 (US)

Ranch Radio Broadcasts vol. 2 - Ridin' Down To Santa Fe / At The End Of The Lane / My Saddle Pals And I / Riders In The Sky / Outlaws / Galway Bay / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Theme / Fire Ball Mail / Tumbleweed Trail / In The Gloaming / Draggin' The Bow / Anytime / Whispering Wind / Red River Valley / Tennessee Waltz / Theme

1984 LP 12" CATTLE LP 55 (GER) THE LEGENDARY SONS OF THE PIONEERS - VOLUME 5 - (1934/35) - Swiss Yodel - When Roundup Time Is Over / Hear Dem Bells / Giddyap Napoleon / Ain't We Crazy / Side Walk Waltz / Belle Of Baltimore / White Mule Of Mine / Betsy From Pike / She Came Rollin' Down The Mountain / Grandfather's Clock / Little Brown Jug
1984 LP 12" CATTLE LP 56 (GER) THE LEGENDARY SONS OF THE PIONEERS - VOLUME 6 - (1934/35) - Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet / Dear Old Girl / Gospel Train / Dese Bones Gwine To Rise Again / Lone Star Trail / Little Red Barn / Hills Of Old Kentucky / Little Annie Roonie / Jim Crack Corn / Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown / Jordan Am A Hard Road / Threw It Out The Window
1984 LP 12"  Cowgirlboy LP-5013 (GER)

In The Beginning - Volume 1 - I Wish I Had Stayed In The Wagon Yard / Some Folks / Billy The Kid / Dixie / Swanee River (instr.) / Big Rock Candy Mountain / Little Old Sod Shanty / Beautiful Nell / Dolly Day / Beulah Land / Darling Nellie Grey / Chicken / Old Rover / Keep A-Inchin' Along / Climb Up Chillun / Falling Leaf

1984 LP 12"  Cowgirlboy LP-5014 (GER)

In The Beginning - Volume 2 - Bugler's Blues (instr.) / Old Cherry Orchard / Crawdad Song / Old Black Mountain Trail / My Old Kentucky Home / Get Away Old Man / Eighth Of January (instr.) / Power In The Blood / Coming Through The Rye / Memories Of The Range / Birmingham Jail / New River Train / I Want To Follow A Swallow Back Home To Colorado / Lane County Bachelor / Open Up Dem Pearly Gates / Cowboy's Dance Song

1985 LP 12" Country Music Foundation CMF-003 (US)

Way Out West

1985 LP 12" RCA NL89525 (GER) 20 Of The Best - Riders In The Sky / Don't Fence Me In / Red River Valley / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie  / One More Ride / Way Out There / Song Of The Bandit / Room Full Of Roses / Ringo / Twilight On The Trail / Cool Water / My Abode Hacienda / Along The Navajo Trail / El Paso / Song Of The Pioneers / The Mystery Of His Way / The Shifting Whispering Sands / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Last Round-Up
1987 2 LP 12" PAIR PDL-2-1156 (US) Sunset Of The Range :
DISC 1 : Riders In The Sky / Yellow Rose Of Texas / High Noon / Kaw-Liga / O Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Home On The Range
DISC 2 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Cheyenne / Jesse James / Billy The Kid / Cool Water / Room Full Of Roses / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Red River Valley
1987 LP 12" Good Music DMC1-0790 (US)

Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Home On The Range / Empty Saddles / Red River Valley  / Room Full Of Roses / Along The Navajo Trail / The Last Round-Up / Twilight On The Trail / Cool Water / Riders In The Sky / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / The Shifting Whispering Sands / San Antonio Rose / O Bury Me Not On The Lone Prarie / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Wagon Wheels / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle

1987 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15202 (GER) EDITION 1 - 1945-46 - COOL WATER - Cool Water / Timber Trail / You’ll Be Sorry When I’m Gone / Forgive And Forget / Gold Star Mother With Silvery Hair / You’re Getting Tired Of Me / Columbus Stockade Blues (with Vaughn Monroe) / Cool Water (with Vaughan Monroe) / Cowboy Camp Meetin’ / I Wear Your Memory In My Heart / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / No One To Cry To / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Grieven’ My Heart Out For You / Out California Way / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima (Isle)
1987 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15252 (GER) EDITION 2 - 1946-47 - Teardrops In My Heart - Teardrops In My Heart / The Chant Of The Wanderer / Let's Pretend / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven / A Penny For Your Thoughts / Baby Doll / The Letter Marked Unclaimed / Trees / Cigareetes, Whusky And Wild Women / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / You'll Never Miss The Water (Till The Well... / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / My Best To You / Blue Prairie / Lead Me Gently Home Father
1987 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15253 (GER) EDITION 3 - 1947 - A Hundred And Sixty Acres - A Hundred And Sixty Acres / Calico Apron And A Gingham Gown / The Whiffenpoof Song / Wind / Where Are You / Out In Pioneer Town / Two Eyes, Two Lips But No Heart / Cowboy Country / Power In The Blood / Let Me Share Your Name / Happy Birthday Polka / Read The Bible Every Day / The Sea Walker / The Old Rugged Cross / The Last Round Up / The Bar None Ranch (In The Sky)
1987 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15254 (GER) EDITION 4 -  1947-49 - Riders In The Sky - Santa Fe, New Mexico / Down Where The Rio Flows / I Still Do / Serenade To A Coyote / Red River Valley / Riders In The Sky / Sentimental, Worried And Blue / The Missouri Is A Devil Of A Woman / My Feet Take Me Away / Room Full Of Roses / Let's Go West Again / Lie Low Little Doggies (The Cowboy's Prayer) / No Rodeo Dough / Touch Of God's Hand / Little Gray Home In The West / Rounded Up In Glory
1987 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15255 (GER) EDITION 5 - 1949 - 50 - Land Beyond The Sun - Land Beyond The Sun / Wagons West / Outlaws / Rollin’ Dust / Song Of The Wagonmaster / Wind / Love At The Country Fair (with Dale Evans) / Wedding Dolls (From Your Wedding Cake) / Old Man Atom / I Told Them About You / Chuckawalla Swing / What This Country Needs / The Eagle’s Heart / Baby, I Ain’t Gonna Cry No More / Little White Cross / Roses
1988 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15282 (GER) EDITION 6 - 1950-51 - The Sons Of The Pioneers And Friends - Lonesome / Bring Your Roses To Her Now / Mexicali Rose / San Antonio Rose / Moonlight And Roses / Daddy’s Little Cowboy / Baby, I Ain’t Gonna Cry No More / America Forever / You Don’t Kno’ What Lonesome Is (with Perry Como) / Tumbling Tumbleweeds (with Perry Como) / Handsome Stranger (with The FONTANE SISTERS) / Grasshopper Heart (with The FONTANE SISTERS) / I Still Feel The Same About You (with The Three Suns) / The Hokey Pokey (with The Three Suns) / The Wind Is A Woman (with Ezio Pinza) / The Little Ol’ State Of Texas (with Ezio Pinza)
1988 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BFX 15283 (GER) EDITION 7 - 1951-52 - There's A Gold Mine In The Sky - Empty Saddles / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / I Still Do (1987) / Old Pioneer / Home On The Range / Heartbreak Hill / Outlaw / Wind / Diesel Smoke (1987) / Diesel Smoke (1952) / Waltz Of The Roses / Ho Le O / I Still Do (1952) / Almost; Resurrectus / Wondrous Word (Of The Lord) / The Lord's Prayer
1988 CD RCA DML1-0856 (US)

Legendary Songs Of America's Golden West - Cool Water / San Antonio Rose / Home On The Range / Don't Fence Me In / Empty Saddles / Cowboy's Lament / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Twilight On The Trail / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Whoopie Ti-Yi-Yo / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Wagon Wheels / Along The Navajo Trail / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Red River Valley / Teardrops In My Heart / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / The Last Round-Up / The Shifting Whispering Sands

1988 LP 12" Reader's Digest KRB-017/(US)

Greatest Hits - Cool Water / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Wagon Wheels / The Red River Valley / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Whoopee Ti Yi Yo (Git Along Little Dogies) / Home On The Range / Mexicali Rose / The Last Round-Up

08/1989 CD RCA 9744-2-R (US) TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Chant Of The Wanderer / No One To Cry To / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Trees / Timber Trail / Let's Pretend / Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Cool Water / Teardrops In My Heart / (There'll Never Be Another) Pecos Bill / Blue Prairie / Let Me Share Your Name / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven? / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / Cowboy Country / Penny For Your Thoughts / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Last Roundup / My Best To You
1990 7 LP 12" Reader's Digest RB7-137 (US)

DISC 1 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / San Antonio Rose / Cool Water / Mexicali Rose / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / I Still Do / Cigareets, Whusky, And Wild, Wild Women / Blue Prarie / Room Full Of Roses / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima
DISC 2 : South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Love Me With All Your Heart / Maria Elena / You Belong To My Heart / My Adobe Hacienda / Spanish Eyes / Harbor Lights / Blue Hawaii / Tiny Bubbles / Beyond The Reef / Stars Above Hawaii / My Isle Of Golden Dreams
DISC 3 : How Great Thou Art / The Old Rugged Cross / Suddenly There's A Valley / I Believe / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / The Lord's Prayer / The Cattle Call / A Cowboy's Lament (The Streets Of Laredo) / A Cowboy Has To Sing / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Vaya con Dios / The Last Round-Up
DISC 4 : Don't Fence Me In / Moonlight On The Colorado / That Lucky Old Sun / Carolina In The Morning / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Home On The Range / The Red River Valley / Sweet Betsy From Pike / Be Honest With Me / Moonlight And Roses (Bring Mem'ries Of You)
DISC 5 : Wagon Wheels / Twilight On The Trail / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Pecos Bill / Jesse James / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo (Git Along Little Dogies) / Along The Navajo Trail / The Strawberry Roan / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prarie / Cimarron (Roll On)
DISC 6 : I Love You Truly / No One To Cry To / Listen To The Mocking Bird / Teardrops In My Heart / Memories / Crazy Arms / Blues Eyes Crying In The Rain / El Paso / Bonaparte's Retreat / I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) / Born To Lose
DISC 7 : Mockin' Bird Hill / Yours / Greenfields / Memories Are Made Of This / It Happened In Monterey / My Heart Cries for You / High Noon / The Ballad Of Davy Crockett / Cheyenne / The Searchers / Wagon Train / Maverick

06/1991 LP 12" MCA MCA-10090 (US) COUNTRY MUSIC HALL OF FAME - Way Out There / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / There's A Roundup In The Sky / When Our Old Age Pension Check Comes To Our Door / Echoes From The Hills / Hills Of Old Wyoming / Ride Ranger Ride / One More Ride / Rye Whiskey / Cool Water / When The Moon Comes Over The Valley / Private Buckaroo / I Hang My Head And Cry / Let Me Keep My Memories / Sierra Nevada / Somebody Bigger Than You And I
07/1991 CD PAIR PDC2-1156 (US) SUNSET ON THE RANGE - Riders In The Sky / Yellow Rose Of Texas / High Noon / Kaw-Liga / O Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Home On The Range / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Cheyenne / Jesse James / Billy The Kid / Cool Water / Room Full Of Roses / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Red River Valley / Chant Of The Wanderer / The Oregon Trail / Ramona / Trail Dreamin'
07/1991 CD PAIR PDL2-1217 (US) Songs Of The Trail - When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Ole Faithful / Chant Of The Wanderer / South Of The Border / San Antonio Rose / Sierra Nevada / Columbus Stockade Blues / Singing Hills / That Lucky Old Sun / Be Honest With Me / I Can't Help It / Don't Fence Me In / Carolina In The Morning / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Moonlight On Colorado / I Love You Truly
10/1991 CD PAIR PDC-2-1298 (US) COUNTRY & WESTERN MEMORIES - Memories Are Made Of This / Ramona / Mockin' Bird Hill / Born To Lose / Four Walls / My Heart Cries For You / Cattle Call Rondolet / Among My Souvenirs / Vaya Con Dios / Memories / Listen To The Mockingbird / Crazy Arms / Gone / Song Of The Bandit / Cold, Cold Heart / I Still Do / I'll Hold You In My Heart / Bonaparte's Retreat / Left My Gal In The Mountains / By The River Of The Roses
1991 7 LP 12" Reader's Digest RBA-135 A (US) Down Memory Trail With The Sons Of The Pioneers :
DISC 1 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / San Antonio Rose / Cool Water / Mexicali Rose / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / I Still Do / Cigareets, Whusky, And Wild, Wild Women / Blue Prarie / Room Full Of Roses / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima
DISC 2 : South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Love Me With All Your Heart / Maria Elena / You Belong To My Heart / My Adobe Hacienda / Spanish Eyes / Harbor Lights / Blue Hawaii / Tiny Bubbles / Beyond The Reef / Stars Above Hawaii / My Isle Of Golden Dreams
DISC 3 : How Great Thou Art / The Old Rugged Cross / Suddenly There's A Valley / I Believe / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / The Lord's Prayer / The Cattle Call / A Cowboy's Lament (The Streets Of Laredo) / A Cowboy Has To Sing / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Vaya con Dios / The Last Round-Up
DISC 4 : Don't Fence Me In / Moonlight On The Colorado / That Lucky Old Sun / Carolina In The Morning / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Home On The Range / The Red River Valley / Sweet Betsy From Pike / Be Honest With Me / Moonlight And Roses (Bring Mem'ries Of You)
DISC 5 : Wagon Wheels / Twilight On The Trail / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Pecos Bill / Jesse James / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo (Git Along Little Dogies) / Along The Navajo Trail / The Strawberry Roan / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prarie / Cimarron (Roll On)
DISC 6 : I Love You Truly / No One To Cry To / Listen To The Mocking Bird / Teardrops In My Heart / Memories / Crazy Arms / Blues Eyes Crying In The Rain / El Paso / Bonaparte's Retreat / I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) / Born To Lose
DISC 7 : Mockin' Bird Hill / Yours / Greenfields / Memories Are Made Of This / It Happened In Monterey / My Heart Cries for You / High Noon / The Ballad Of Davy Crockett / Cheyenne / The Searchers / Wagon Train / Maverick
1992 CD RCA DMC1-1044 (US)

The Very Best Of The Sons Of The Pioneers - Cool Water / Trees / Pecos Bill / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven / Chant Of The Wanderer / Last Roundup / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Lead Me Gently Home Father / Riders In The Sky / Blue Prairie / No One To Cry To / Whoople-Ti-Yi-Yo / Timber Trail / Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Cowboy Country / Let's Pretend / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Red River Valley / Penny For Your Thoughts / Let Me Share Your Name / Teardrops In My Heart / My Best To You / Wind

1992 CD RCA 07863 58406-2 (club edition) COOL WATER - Cool Water / Riders In The Sky / Wind / Cowboy's Dream / Red River Valley / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / Teardrops In My Heart / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
1992 LP 12"  Cowgirlboy LP-5088 (GER) The Sons Of The Pioneers & Friends In The Studio - One More River To Cross (Sons Of The Pioneers) / I Hang My Head And Cry (Sons Of The Pioneers) / New Worried Mind (Roy ROGERS) / Melody Of The Plains (Roy ROGERS) / Dangerous Ground (Roy ROGERS) / I'm Restless (Roy ROGERS) / Farr-Away Blues (instr) (Farr Brothers) /  South In My Soul (instr) (Farr Brothers) / Farr Brothers Stomp (instr) (Farr Brothers) / Texas Skiparoo (instr) (Farr Brothers) / Tumbling Tumbleweeds (solo version) (Bob NOLAN) / Manhunt (Dragnet Closing In On Me) (Bob NOLAN) / An Angel In The Choir (Bob NOLAN) / The Mystery Of His Way (Bob NOLAN) / As Long As Got My Horse (Gene AUTRY with The Sons Of The Pioneers) / The Dude Ranch Cowhands (Gene AUTRY with The Sons Of The Pioneers)
1992 LP 12"  Cowgirlboy LP-5132 (GER)

Lucky U Ranch Days (1952) - Little Rock Getaway / Falling Leaf / Ramona / Wedding Dolls / I Told Them All About You / Star Of Hope / I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen / Cool Water / A Cowboy Has To Sing / Blues For Dixie / Ridin' Home / Don Juan / Rollin' Dust / At The Rainbow's End / That Pioneer Mother Of Mine

CD 1 : Forgive And Forget / Cool Water / The Timber Trail / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima / You're Getting Tired Of Me / Goldstar Mother With Silvery Hair / You'll Be Sorry When I'm Gone / I Wear Your Memory In My Heart / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Out California Way / Grievin' My Heart Out For You / No One To Cry To / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Chant Of The Wanderer / Blue Prairie /  Trees / The Letter Marked Unclaimed / Baby Doll / A Penny For Your Thoughts / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Let's Pretend / Cigareets, Whiskey And Wild Women / Teardrops In My Heart / My Best To You / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is
CD 2 : You Never Miss The Water Till The... / Lead Me Gently Home Father / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / Out In Pioneertown / A Hundred And Sixty Acres / The Sea Walker / Read The Bible Every Day / The Last Round-Up / Two Eyes, Two Lips But No Heart / Cowboy Country / The Bar-None Ranch (In The Sky) / Where Are You / Calico Apron And A Gingham Gown / Happy Birthday Polka / Let Me Share Your Name / Wind / The Whiffenpoof Song / The Old Rugged Cross / Power In The Blood / The Touch Of God's Hand / Rounded Up In Glory / Santa Fe, New Mexico / Down Where The Rio Flows (take 1) / Down Where The Rio Flows (take 2) / My Feet Takes Me Away / Red River Valley / Serenade To A Coyote / The Missouri Is A Devil Of A Woman / No Rodeo Dough
CD 3 : Sentimental, Worried And Blue / Little Gray Home In The West / I Still Do / Riders In The Sky / Room Full Of Roses / No One Here But You / Lie Low Little Dogies (The Cowboy's Prayer) / Let's Go West Again / Wind / Love At The County Fair (& Dale EVANS) / Wedding Dolls (From Your Wedding Cake) / Outlaws / Roses / The Eagle's Heart / Land Beyond The Sun / I Told Them All About You / Wagons West / Rollin' Dust / Song Of The Wagon Master / Chuckawalla Swing / Old Man Atom / What This Country Needs / Baby, I Ain't Gonna Cry No More / Little White Cross / America Forever / Daddy's Little Cowboy / Baby, I Ain't Gonna Cry No More / Moonlight And Roses (Bring Mem'ries Of You)
CD 4 : San Antonio Rose / Bring Your Roses To Her Now / Mexicali Rose / Lonesome / The Wondrous Word / Resurrectus / Wind / Waltz Of The Roses / The Lord's Prayer / Heart Break Hill / Ho Le O / I Still Do / Waltz Of Roses / I Still Do / Outlaw / Diesel Smoke (take 1) / Almost / Diesel Smoke (take 2) / Empty Saddles / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / Old Pioneer / Home On The Range / If You Would Only Be Mine / Sierra Nevada / The River Of No Return / The Lilies Grow High / Lonely Little Room / Montana / Somebody Bigger Than You And I / The Mystery Of His Way
09/1994 CD RHINO 71451 (US)

Songs of the West Volume Three - Yellow Rose Of Texas / Roving Cowboy (with Roy Rogers) / Under Fiesta Stars / Echoes From The Hills (with Roy Rogers) / Home On The Range / Blue Bonnet Girl (with Roy Rogers) / Ages And Ages Ago / Cowboy Night Herd Song (with Roy Rogers) / Tears On My Pillow / That Pioneer Mother Of Mine (Roy Rogers) / Tweedle-O-Twill / Dust (Roy Rogers) / Be Honest With Me / When I Camped Under The Stars (Roy Rogers) / Buttons And Bows / Lovenworth (Roy Rogers) / Dixie Cannon Ball / Hoppy Gene And Me (Roy Rogers)

1994 2 LP 12" RCA DML2-1191 (US)

The Sons of The Pioneers : 
DISC 1 : Cool Water / Red River Valley / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Home On The Range / Don't Fence Me In / Along The Navajo Trail / South Of The Border / San Antonio Rose / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Teardrops In My Heart / The Cowboy's Lament
DISC 2 : Cattle Call / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Wagon Wheels / Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Twilight On The Trail / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Empty Saddles / Whoople-Ti-Yi-Yo / Last Roundup / The Shifting Whispering Sands

01/1995 CD MCA MCAD-22091 (US) TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS - SONS OF THE PIONEERS FEATURING ROY ROGERS - I'm An Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grande) / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Blue Prairie / One More Ride / A Melody From The Sky / Blue Bonnet Girl / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Empty Saddles / Cool Water / Song Of The Pioneers
1995 CD PAIR PDC-2-1156 (US) SUNSET ON THE RANGE - Riders In The Sky / Yellow Rose Of Texas / High Noon / Kaw-Liga / O Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Home On The Range / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Cheyenne / Jesse James / Billy The Kid / Cool Water / Room Full Of Roses / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Red River Valley / Chant Of The Wanderer / The Oregon Trail / Ramona / Trail Dreamin'
04/1998 CD MADACY 5335 (US) DOUBLE BARREL COUNTRY - SONS OF THE PIONEERS - ROY ROGERS - SONS OF THE PIONEERS : Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima Isle / Baby Doll / No One To Cry To / Room Full Of Roses / Cool Water / Roy Rogers : Happy Trails / Stampede / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Home On The Range / Don't Fence Me In
CD 1 : Happy Roving Cowboy / Nellie's Blue Eyes / Called Away / Old McDonald Had A Farm / Peekaboo / The Heavenly Airplane / Oh Susanna / Song Of The Prairie / Way Out There / Belle Of Baltimore / Moonlight On The Prairie / Walk In Jerusalem / Milenburg Joys / Cagen Stomp / Fire In The Mountains / Whistlin' Rufus / White Mule Of Mine / Roundup In The Sky / Hold Him Down / Fiddlin' Around / Cowboy's Night Herd Song / Betsy From Pike / She Came Rollin' Down The Mountain / My Daddy / Uncleaned / Rolling Stones / Blue Ridge Mountain Home / Grandfathers's Clock / Hear Dem Bells / Swiss Yodel / Rainbow's End
CD 2 : Yoopie-Ty-Yi-Yo / St. Louis Blues / Kilocycle Stomp / Kelley Waltz / Mandy Lee / Kingdom Coming / Dear Evelina / Ridin' Home / Sagebrush Sea / Get On The Golden Train / Rosalee / Nancy Till / Spanish Cavalier / Hills Of Old Montana / Lone Star Trail / Little Red Barn / Juanita / Dese Bones Gwine To Rise Again / Fair To Middlin' / Carry Me Back To The Mountain / Jordan Am A Hard Road To Travel / When Roundup Time Is Over / Prairie Lullaby / Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie / Little Brown Jug / Home On The Range / Side Walk Waltz / Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet
CD 3 : Hills Of Old Kentucky / Apple Blossom Time In Normandy / Cabin In The Lane / Carry Me Back To Old Virginny / Home In Wyoming / Open Up Dem Pearly Gates / Dem Golden Bells / Hadie Brown / My Old Kentucky Home / Cowboy's Dance Song / My Pretty Quadroon / Way Out West In Kansas / Giddyap Napoleon / Abdul Abulbul Amir / Preacher And The Bear / Threw It Out The Window / Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown / Casey Jones / Wait For The Wagon / Oh, Mona / Go Long Mule / Golden Train / Texas Crapshooter / Eleven More Months And Ten More Days / Somewhere In Old Wyoming / Seaside Schottische / Little Annie Roonie / The Big Corral / At The End Of The Lane
CD 4 : Ain't We Crazy / Gentle Nettie Moore / Jim Crack Corn / Skinner's Sock / Old Pine Tree / Whing-Ding / Sailor's Horn Pipe / Alabamy Stomp / Cider Schottische / Rye Straw / Square Dance / Dear Old Girl / Carry Me Along / The Gospel Train / Whispering Wind / Sing, Cowboy Sing / A Sandman Lullaby / Blue Prairie / A Summer Rain / Syncopated Rhythm / Old Oaken Bucket / Chant Of The Plains / Bluebird Blues / Old Black Joe / I Miss You So My Darling / Barnyard Jubilee / Sweet Genevieve / Chuck Wagon Blues / Hand Me Down My Walking Cane / In The Gloaming / Swing Low Sweet Chariot
CD 5 : Prairie Reverie / Bring Back My Bonnie / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Prairie Whing Ding / Waters Of The Blue Juanita (Juniata) / Bonnie Eloise / Buffalo Gal / Gentle Annie / When You And I Were Young Maggie / Desert Hokum / Dear Old Western Skies / Pass Around The Bottle / Roving Gambler / Just Before The Battle Mother / Long Long Ago / Shamus O'Brian / Strawberry Roan / Blue Bonnets / Dem Golden Slippers / While I Rock Our Babies To Sleep / Mexicali Rose / 'A' Rag / Mellow Alabama Moon / Royal Telephone / Hey There (Whing Ding) / The Day I Played Baseball / Stars Of The West / When It's Autumn In The Hills Of California / Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Theme) / Echoes From The Hills / The Glendy Burke / Louisiana Belle
03/1999 CD RCA 126051 (US) COOL WATER - Cool Water / Whoople-Ti-Yi-Yo / Wind / Cowboy's Dream / Last Roundup / Ridin' Home / Twilight On The Trail / Red River Valley / Wagon Wheels / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Blue Prairie / Way Out There / Empty Saddles / Teardrops In My Heart / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Timber Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
05/1999 CD COUNTRY STARS CTS-55454 (B) TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS - Tumbling Tumbleweeds (1934 version) / Way Out There / There's A Round-Up In The Sky / Echoes From The Hills / When Our Old Age Pension Check Comes To Our Door / The Hills Of Old Wyomin' / Ride Ranger Ride / One More Time / Rye Whiskey / When The Moon Comes Over Sun Valley / Private Buckaroo / I Hang My Head And Cry / The Timber Trail / Forgive And Forget / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima / Cool Water / You're Getting Tired Of Me / Gold Star Mother With Silvery Hair / You'll Be Sorry When I'm Gone / I Wear Your Memory In My Heart / No One To Cry To / Grievin' My Heart Out For You / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Tumbling Tumbleweeds (1946 version)
06/1999 CD SOUNDIES SCD-4105 (US) THE TELEWAYS TRANSCRIPTION - Show #1 : On The Rhythm Range / Swanee River / Froggie Went-A-Courtin' / Beautiful Dreamer... // Show #2 : You Tell Me Your Dream / Cody Of The Pony Express / Song Of The San Joaquin.... // Show #3 : La Cucaracha / Little David, Play On Your Harp  /Instrumental / Spanish Cavalier... // Show #4 : Cajun Stomp / Carry Me Back To Ol' Virginny / Come And Get It / Mexicali Rose...
CD 1 : Me And My Burro / Old Sky Ball Paint / Outlaw Rag / Way Down South / De Camp Town Races / Old Dog Trey / Ragtime Annie / Soldier's Joy / Oompah Rag / Pop Eye's Spiritual / West Of The Rio Grande / One More River To Cross / Bring Roses To Your Mother / Dolly Day / Cow Across The Road / Darling Clementine / Black Sheep Blues / Railroad Boomer / Rocky Mountain Express / The Yodeling Cowboy / Pride Of The Ball / Standin' In Need Of Prayer / Cowboy Jack / Roll Along Jordan / Tom And Jerry / Old Madeira Waltz / Rye Whiskey Waltz / Where The Morning Glories Grow / Methodist Pie / Seein' Nellie Home (Aunt Dinah's Quilting...)
CD 2 : Miss Lucy Long / Hard Times Come Again No More / Yankee Doodle / All God's Chillun Got Wings / T For Texas / Harvester / Custer's Last Battle / Goodbye My Lover Goodbye / Covered Wagon Roll Me On (Westward Ho) / Beulah Land (Dwelling In Beulah Land) / Follow The Stream (I Follow The Stream) / Darling Nellie Grey / Chicken / Going Home / Blues In E / Old Rover / Going Home / Beautiful Nell / Main Street / Drifting Sands (Sands Of The Desert) / And I Still Do / Climb Up Chillun' / Falling Leaf / I Wish I'd Stayed In The Wagon Yard / Some Folks / We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder / Dixie / Wind / Old Paint / Tenting Tonight (On The Old Camp Ground)
CD 3 : Travelin' With The Sun / Roll On (Cowboy's Dream) / Old Time Religion / Florine Waltz / Swanee River / Waggoner / Big Rock Candy Mountain / Little Old Sod Shanty / Keep A-Inchin' Along / Gambler's Blues / Down The Lane To Happiness / Coming Through The Rye / Ninety And Nine / Tom Bigbee River / (Down In The) Old Cherry Orchard / Jesse James / When The Bees Are In The Hive / Hifalutin' / Rosewood Casket / Bum Song (Hallelujah, I'm A Bum) / Call Of The South (Come On Home) / Song Of The Pioneers / Utah Trail / The Crawdad Song / Old Black Mountain Trail / (My) Old Kentucky Home / Get Away Old Man, Get Away / Eight Of January / Jack Of Diamonds / Bugler's Blues / Fine Time At Our House
CD 4 : Oh There's Power (In The Blood) / Leaning On The Everlasting Arm / I Need Thee / Prairie Schooner (Over The Santa Fe Trail) / Nelly Bly / Oh Lemuel / Ring Ring De Banjo / Auld Lang Syne / Billy Boy / Memories Of The Range / Birmingham Jail / New River Train / In The Saddle (Ridin', Ropin') / Give My Love To Nell / Listen To The Mockingbird / Whispering Hope / Mellow Mountain Moon / Sagebrush Stomp / Bury Me Beneath The Willow / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Rock Me To Sleep In My Rocky Mountain Home / I Want To Follow The Swallow Back Home... / One More Ride / Lane County Bachelor / Cool Water / When The Work's All Done This Fall / Sleepy Rio Grande / When It's Prayer Meetin' Time In The Hollow / Nighttime In Nevada / Cotton Eyed Joe
1999 CD PickAway PO199 (US)

Our Best To You - Way Out There / Red River Valley / Timber Trail / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Little Joe, The Wrangler / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / Cool Water / Don't Fence Me In / Teardrops In My Heart / Home On The Range / Blue Prairie / Cowboy's Lament / King Of The Cowboys / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / My (Our) Best To You / Happy Trails To You 

CD 1 : Lore Of The West (Gabby HAYES) / Happy Trails (Dale EVANS) / That Palomino Pal O' Mine (Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Texas For Me (Dale EVANS) / Rock Me To Sleep In My Saddle (Dale EVANS) / Yellow Rose Of Texas (Dale EVANS) / Home On The Range (Roy ROGERS & The SONS OF THE PIONEERS)
CD 2 : Be Honest With Me (Roy ROGERS) / It's A Sin / Pins And Needles (In My Heart) (Roy ROGERS) / (Don't Your Conscience Ever Bother You) Hang Your Head In Shame (Roy ROGERS) / Kaw-Liga (Roy ROGERS) / Crazy Heart (Roy ROGERS) / Roly Poly (Roy ROGERS) / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / End Of The World (Roy ROGERS) / No One Will Ever Know (Roy ROGERS)
CD 3 : San Antonio Rose (Roy ROGERS) / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Listen To The Mockingbird (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Cold, Cold Heart (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Columbus Stockade Blues (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / I'll Hold You In My Heart (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Crazy Arms (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Almost (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / Green Fields (The SONS OF THE PIONEERS)
12/1999 CD DELTA 6095 (US) GOOD OLD COUNTRY MUSIC - Be Honest With Me / It's A Sin / Pins And Needles (In My Heart) / Hang Your Head In Shame / Kaw-Liga / Crazy Heart / Roly Poly / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / End Of The World / No One Will Ever Know
12/1999 CD BMG / RCA / CAMDEN 6097 (US) SAN ANTONIO ROSE - San Antonio Rose / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Listen To The Mockingbird / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Cold, Cold Heart / Columbus Stockade / I'll Hold You In My Heart / Crazy Arms / Almost / Green Fields
10/2001 CD BLOODSHOT BS 808 (US) SYMPHONIES OF THE SAGE - When Pay Day Rolls Around / Sagebrush Symphony / Song Of The Bandit / Ne-Ha-Nee / The Howlin' Pup / Rocky Mountain Express / One More Ride / So Long To The Red River Valley / Coyote Serenade / South In My South / Cool Water / Rainbow Over The Range / Happy Cowboy / The Texas Crapshooter / At The Old Barn Dance / Move Along You Lazy Cattle / Swingin' The Bow / Whoopee Ti Yi Yo / Jubilation Jamboree / Bound For The Rio Grande / Cactus Swing / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Saddle Your Worries To The Wind / Cajon Stomp / Trail Dreamin'
2001 CD  TEXAS MOON BCG-1005 (US)

Cowboy Jubilee - SONS OF THE PIONEERS FEATURING REX ALLEN - Open Range Ahead / Blue Prairie / Money, Marbles And Chalk / Along The Navajo Trail / Cimarron / He's Ridin' Home / All Cried Out / Chant Of The Plains / A Cowboy Has To Sing / Song Of The Trail / Blue Dream / Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Cowboy Jubilee / Wind / There's A Blue Sky Way Out Yonder / Chant Of The Wanderer

02/2002 CD SOUNDIES SCD-4147 (US)

The Essential Collection :
CD 1 : When Payday Rolls Around / Love Song Of The Waterfall / Chant Of The Wanderer / Sagebrush Symphony / West Is In My Soul / Cowboy Has To Sing / Ridin' Home / Springtime On The Range / Cool Water / Cajon Stomp [instr.] / Touch Of God's Hand / Timber Trail / There's A Rainbow Over The Range / Boss Is Hangin' Out A Rainbow / Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away / Trail Herdin' Cowboy / Trail Dreamin' / New Frontier / He's Gone, He's Gone Up The Trail / Lord, You Made The Cowboy Happy / Texas Crapshooter [instr.]
CD 2 : So Long To The Red River Valley / Blue Prairie / Hold That Critter Down / Howlin' Pup [instr.] / When The Prairie Sun Climbs Out Of The Way / One More Ride / Blow, Wind, Blow / Open Range Ahead / Song Of The Bandit / Following The Sun All Day / Whisperin' Wind / By A Campfire On The Trail / Happy Cowboy / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Whoopee Ti Yi Yo / Tumbleweed Trail / Wending My Way To Wyoming / Kelly Waltz [instr.] / Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / When The Moon Comes Over Sun Valley / I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen

04/2002 CD JASMINE JASMCD-3528 (UK) MEMORIES OF THE LUCKY U RANCH - Introduction (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / There's A Blue Sky Way Out Yonder (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / Little Annie Rooney / Cowboy Jubilee (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / This Ain't the Same Ol' Range / 'Deed I Do [instr.] (Betty TAYLOR) / Introductory Conversation (Shug FISHER) / Heartbreak Hill (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / Silver Bell / He's Ridin' Home (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / Blue Prairie / Comedy With Dink Swink / Happy Roving Cowboy (Ken CURTIS) / Blues In "D" [instr.] / Introductory Conversation (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / Hillbilly Wedding In June / Introductory Conversation / My Gal Is Purple (Shug FISHER) / Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet (Bob NOLAN) / Introductory Conversation / Owl Lullaby (Betty TAYLOR) / Introductory Conversation (Shug FISHER) / Too Old To Cut The Mustard (Bob NOLAN) / Sweet Georgia Brown [instr.] / Echoes From The Hills (Stan JONES) / Love Song Of The Waterfall (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / Room Full Of Roses / Keep A Light In Your Window Tonight / I Was Seeing Nellie Home / China Boy [instr.] / Thought For The Day & Monologue (Stan JONES) / Bring Your Roses To Her Now (Lloyd PERRYMAN) / When You Come To The End Of The Day / Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Betty TAYLOR)
05/2002 CD HIP-O 088-112 815-2 (US) ULTIMATE COLLECTION - Way Out There / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / There's A Roundup In The Sky / Empty Saddles / Blue Prairie / One More Ride / So Long To The Red River Valley / Cool Water / I'm an Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grande) / The Hills Of Old Wyomin' / Blue Bonnet Girl / Ride, Ranger, Ride / Echoes From The Hills / I Follow The Stream / My Saddle Pals And I / Song Of The Bandit / I Wonder If She Waits For Me Tonight / Chant Of The Wanderer / Riders In The Sky / The Lillies Grow High / The River Of No Return
05/2002 CD ASV LIVING ERA CD AJA-5421 (UK) CIGAREETS, WHUSKY... AND COOL, COOL WATER - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Cigareetes, Whusky And Wild Wimmen / Cool Water / Song Of The Bandit / Timber Trail / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima Isle / No One To Cry To / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Out California Way / Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Chant Of The Wanderer / Blue Prairie / Teardrops In My Heart / Cowboy Country / Out In Pioneer Town / Serenade To A Coyote / Red River Valley / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Pecos Bill (with Roy ROGERS) / Home On The Range / Room Full Of Roses (with Roy ROGERS) / Sante Fé, New Mexico / Lie Low, Little Doggies (The Cowboy's Lament) / Wind / Wagons West (with Roy ROGERS) / Last Roundup
2002 4 CD Reader's Digest SSTC00883 (US)

Down Memory Trail With The Sons Of The Pioneers :
CD 1 : The Very Best Of The Sons Of The Pioneers : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / San Antonio Rose / Cool Water / Mexicali Rose / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / I Still Do / Cigarettes, Whusky, And Wild, Wild Women / Blue Prairie / Room Full Of Roses / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima / South Of The Border : South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Love Me With All Your Heart / Maria Elena / You Belong To My Heart / My Adobe Hacienda / Spanish Eyes / Dreamy Hawaiian Nights : Harbor Lights / Blue Hawaii
CD 2 : Tiny Bubbles / Beyond The Reef / Stars Above Hawaii / My Isle Of Golden Dreams / Hymns Of The Cowboy : How Great Thou Art / The Old Rugged Cross / Suddenly There's A Valley / I Believe / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / The Lord's Prayer / Last Round-Up (Cowboy Songs) : The Cattle Call / The Cowboy's Lament (The Streets Of Laredo) / A Cowboy Has To Sing / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Vaya Con Dios / The Last Round-Up / Singin' 'Round The Campfire : Don't Fence Me In / Moonlight On The Colorado / That Lucky Old Sun / Carolina In The Morning / Cowboy Camp Meetin'
CD 3 : When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Home On The Range / The Red River Valley / Sweet Betsy From Pike / Be Honest With Me / Moonlight And Roses (Bring Mem'ries Of You) / The 'Ol West Lives On / Trail Songs : Wagon Wheels / Twilight On The Trail / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Pecos Bill / Jesse James / Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo (Git Along Little Dogies) / Along The Navajo Trail / The Strawberry Roan / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / Cimarron (Roll On) / Sweet 'N' Sentimental : I Love You Truly / No One To Cry To
CD 4 : Listen To The Mocking Bird / Teardrops In My Heart / Memories / Country Classics ; Crazy Arms / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / El Paso / Bonaparte's Retreat / I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) / Born To Lose / Mockin' Bird Hill / Among My Souvenirs / All-Time Popular Favorites : Yours / Greenfields / Memories Are Made Of This / It Happened In Monterey / My Heart Cries For You / A Saulte To Screen Favorites : High Noon / The Ballad Of Davy Crockett / Cheyenne / The Searchers / Wagon Train / Maverick

CD 1 : When Payday Rolls Around / Love Song Of The Waterfall / Chant Of The Wanderer / Sagebrush Symphony / West Is In My Soul / Cowboy Has To Sing / Ridin' Home / Springtime On The Range / Cool Water / Cajon Stomp [instr.] / Touch Of God's Hand / Timber Trail / There's A Rainbow Over The Range / Boss Is Hangin' Out A Rainbow / Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away / Trail Herdin' Cowboy / Trail Dreamin' / New Frontier / He's Gone, He's Gone Up The Trail / Lord, You Made The Cowboy Happy / Texas Crapshooter [instr.]
CD 2 : So Long To The Red River Valley / Blue Prairie / Hold That Critter Down / Howlin' Pup [instr.] / When The Prairie Sun Climbs Out Of The Way / One More Ride / Blow, Wind, Blow / Open Range Ahead / Song Of The Bandit / Following The Sun All Day / Whisperin' Wind / By A Campfire On The Trail / Happy Cowboy / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Whoopee Ti Yi Yo / Tumbleweed Trail / Wending My Way To Wyoming / Kelly Waltz [instr.] / Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / When The Moon Comes Over Sun Valley / I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen
10/2003 CD RCA 126051 (US) COOL WATER - Cool Water / Riders In The Sky / Wind / Cowboy's Dream / Red River Valley / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / Teardrops In My Heart / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
06/2004 CD RCA 60613-2 (US) RCA COUNTRY LEGEND - Cool Water / Room Full Of Roses / Baby Doll / Cigareetes, Whusky / Riders In The Sky / Teardrops In My Heart / Wind / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Pins And Needles / Grievin' My Heart Out For You / Blue Shadows On The Trail (with Roy ROGERS) / Old Man Atom / Diesel Smoke / (Don't Your Sonscience Ever Bother You) Hang Your Head In Shame / South In My Soul (FARR BROTHERS) / Farr-Away Blues (FARR BROTHERS)
08/2004 CD BACM CD D 078 (UK)

Western Harmony And Hot Swing - Vol. 1 - Rise And Shine / Lone Buckaroo / Riding The Rocky Range / Get Along Pinto Pony / Cottage In The Clouds / Cielito Lindo / Sunset On The Trail / Sally Goodin’ (instr.) / Come And Get It / Where The Rio Rolls Along / Ridin’ The Range With You / Cody Of The Pony Express / Ridin’ On The Sunshine Trail / I Belong To The Range / On The Rhythm Range / She’s The Lily Of Hillbilly Valley / When The Prairie Sun Says Good Morning / Boggy Road To Texas (instr.) / Curly Joe From Idaho / Blue Mountain Sweetheart / No Good Son Of A Gun / A Cowboy’s Prayer / Great Big Taters In The Sandy Land (instr.) / When A Cowboy Starts To Courtin’ / Wonder Valley / Bon Ton Schottische (instr.) / We Sat Beneath The Maple On The Hill / The Quilting Party / What Wonderful Joy / Moonlight On The Trail / What You Gonna Say To Peter / Rocky Road In The Rockies

08/2004 CD BACM CD D 079 (UK)

Western Harmony And Hot Swing - Vol. 2 - You Don’t Love Me But I’ll Always Care / Hoppin’ High (instr.) / Crawdad Hole / Farr Into The Night / Whistle And Wait For Katy / Close To Heaven / They Drew My Number / Don’t You Wish You Had Someone (instr.) / When We Get Old And Grey / More Fried Chicken, Uncle Joe? (instr.) / Blue Eyed Little Nell Of Narraganset Bay / I Love The Prairie Country / Jim Jam Jiggin’ (instr.) / Moonlight Melody / Shadows Of The Wildwood / Comin’ Through The Korn (instr.) / I Ain’t A-Worryin’ / When They Ring Those Golden Bells / Climbing Up The Golden Stairs / Tom And Jerry (instr.) / Hill Country / Blue For You / Li’l Liza Jane / Sweet And Low / Frankie And Johnnie (instr.) / The Capital Ship / Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight / Dreamy Reverie (instr.) / The Gypsy’s Warning / Under The Willow She’s Sleeping / Silver Threads Among The Gold / Someone Like You (instr.) 

05/2005 CD VARESE SARABANDE 302 066653-2 (US) SONS OF THE PIONEERS FEATURING ROY ROGERS - UNDER WESTERN SKIES - Hadie Brown (My Little Lady) / My Pretty Quadroon / The Preacher And The Bear / Square Dance / Black Sheep Blues / The Yodeling Cowboy / Cowboy Jack / I Wish I'd Stayed In The Wagon Yard / Dear Old Western Skies / While I Rock Our Babies To Sleep / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Cowboy's Night Herd Song / Swiss Yodel / T For Texas / A Sandman Lullaby / One More River To Cross / I Still Do / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo
CD 1 : Tumbling Tumbleweed : Way Out There / Tumbling Tumbleweed / I Follow The Stream / There's A Round-Up In The Sky / The Rovin' Cowboy / When Our Old Pension Check Comes To Our Door / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Song Of The Pioneers / Echoes From The Hills / Kilocycle Stomp / Cajon Stomp / Hills Of Old Wyoming / A Melody From The Sky / Blue Bonnet Girl / Ride Ranger Ride / Empty Saddles / Blue Prairie / I'm An Old Cowhand / One More Ride / My Saddle Pals And I / I Wonder If She Waits For Me Tonight / Song Of Bandit / One More River To Cross / The Devil's Great Grand Son / When The Golden Train Comes In
CD 2 : Cool Water : Hold That Critter Down / At The Rainbow's End / So Long To The Red River Valley / Cool Water / When The Moon Comes Over Sun Valley / Private Buckaroo / Hang My Head And Cry / Forgive And Forget / Cool Water / Timber Trail / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima (Isle) / You're Getting Tired Of Me / Gold Star Mother With Silvery Hair / You'll Be Sorry When I'm Gone / I Wear Your Memory In My Heart / A Little White Cross On The Hill / Rock Me To Sleep In My Saddle / I Can't Go On This Way / Cowboy Camp Meeting / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Out California Way / Grievin' My Heart Out For You / No One To Cry To / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Chant Of The Wanderer
CD 3 : Cigarettes, Whisky And Wild (Wild) Women : Blue Prairie / Baby Doll / A Penny For Your Thoughts / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Let's Pretend / Cigareetes, Whusky And Wild (Wild) Women / Teardrops In My Heart / My Best To You / Will There Be Sage Brush In Heaven / You Don't Know What Lonesome Is / You'll Never Miss The Water 'Til The Well Runs Dry / Lead Me Home Gentle Father / Too High Too Wide Too Low / Out In Pioneer Town / A Hundred And Sixty Acres / The Last Round-Up / Cowboy Country / The Bar-None Ranch / Where Are You / A Calico Apron And A Gingham Gown / Happy Birthday Polka / Santa Fe New Mexico / Down Where The Rio Flows / My Feet Takes Me Away / Red River Valley
CD 4 : Riders In The Sky : The Whiffenpoof Song / The Old Rugged Cross / Power In The Blood / Rounded Up In Glory / Blue Shadows On The Trail / (There'll Never Be Another) Pecos Bill / Home On The Range / No Rodeo Dough / The Missouri Is A Devil Of A Woman / Sentimental Worried And Blue / Little Gray Home In The West / Riders In The Sky / Room Full Of Roses / Lie Low Little Doggies / Stampede / Let's Go West Again / Land Beyond The Sun / Wagons West / Song Of The Wagonmaster / Old Man Atom / Diesel Smoke / Home On The Range / The River Of No Return / The Lillies Grow High / Montana
CD 1 : Cool Water / Along The Navajo Trail / Rock Me To Sleep n My Saddle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Blue Prairie / On The Old Spanish Trail / Don't Fence Me In / Home In Oklahoma / A Gay Ranchero / The Last Round-Up / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Home On The Range
CD 2 : Dusty / Riders In The Sky / San Antonio Rose / California Rose / Empty Saddles / Happy Trails / In The Garden / The Old Rugged Cross / Jesus Loves Me / (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Cowboy's Dream
CD 3 : Timber Trail / The Cowboy's Lament / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / Way Out There / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / The cattle Call / Along The Santa Fe Trail / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / High Noon / O Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie / Suddenly There's A Valley / I Believe
2005 4 CD Audiophonic ASOP050701 (US) The Celebrated Sons of the Pioneers (1955-59) :
CD 1 : Song Of The Bandit / Trail Dreamin' / Sky Ball Paint / The Touch Of God's Hand / The West Is In My Soul / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / Biscuit Blues / Lord You Made The Cowboy Happy / Redwood Trees / Wagon Wheels / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Don Juan / Old Pioneer / Shine / You Ain't Heard Nothin' Till You Hear Him Roar! / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Blue Prairie
CD 2 : There's a Rainbow Over The Range / Round-Up In The Sky / Following The Sun All Day / Whispering Wind / Buffalo / The Lillies Grow High / Too High Too Wide Too Low / Throw Another Log On The Fire / Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away / When You Came To The End Of The Day / The Hills Of Old Wyoming / Cody Of The Pony Express /  (Down The) Trail To San Antone / Cowpoke / Round-Up Time Is Over / The Graveyard Filler Of The West / He's Ridin' Home
CD 3 : Cornflower / Silent Trails / 'Way Out There / Echoes From The Hills / The Timber Trail / When Pay Day Rolls Around / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Cimarron (Roll On) / Cool Water / Blue Juniata / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Open Range Ahead / Trail Herdin' Cowboy / Chant Of The Plains / Hillbilly Wedding In June / Cajon Stomp / Sierra Nevada
CD 4 : Farr-Away Blues / Riders In The Sky / Wind / TheMystery Of His Way / Hold That Critter Down / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / He's Ridin' Home / Love Song Of The Waterfall / I Follow The Stream / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / A Blues In A / Chant Of The Wanderer / Song Of The Trail / There's A Blue Sky Way Out Yonder / Ne Ha Nee / Froggie Went-A-Courtin' / Smokey The Bear
01/2006 CD VARESE SARABANDE 302 066737-2 (US) CLASSIC COWBOY SONGS - Ridin' Down The Canyon / Blue Bonnet Girl / Press Along To The Big Corral / Sky Ball Paint / Crab Your Saddle Horn And Blow / Home On The Range / Lone Star Trail / Billy The Kid / Round-Up In The Sky / The Strawberry Roan / Jesse James / This Ain't The Same Old Range / There's A Home In Wyomin' / Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / Ridin' The Range With You / Cowboy's Dream (Roll On) / That Pioneer Mother Of Mine / When The Work's All Done This Trail
10/2006 CD VARESE SARABANDE 302 066 753 (US) SONS OF THE PIONEERS FEATURING ROY ROGERS - THE REPUBLIC YEARS FROM THE ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACKS - My Saddle Pals And I / Silver Spurs, Purple Sage, Eyes Of Blue / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Rainbow Over Texas / My Adobe Hacienda / Cowboy Country / I'm An Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grande) / Medley: When It's Springtime In The Rockies - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Highways Are Happy Ways / Mexicali Rose / Git Along Little Dogies (Whoopee Ti Yi Yo) / Don't Fence Me In / The Utah Trail / The Cowboy Jubilee / Ride 'em Cowboy / Lights Of Old Santa Fe / It's An Old Spanish Custom / Ride, Ranger, Ride / The Lonesome Cowboy Blues / Red River Valley / On The Old Spanish Trail
2006 CD TEXAS MOON ? (US) How Great Thou Art & Other Cowboy Spirituals - How Great Thou Art / Little White Cross / Power In The Blood / Lead Me Gently Home Father / Rounded Up In Glory / The Old Rugged Cross / Resurrectus / Wondrous Word (Of The Lord) / Cowboy Camp Meetin' / The Touch Of God's Hand / Too High Too Wide Too Low / Read The Bible Everyday / Song Of The Prodigal / I Wonder When We'll Ever Know (The Wonder Of It All) / The King's Highway / The Lord's Prayer / The Sea Walker / God Has His Arms Around Me / Will There Be Sagebrush In Heaven / What This Country Needs
2007 CD TEXAS MOON ? (US) SONS OF THE PIONEERS SING COWBOY CLASSICS - Cimarron (1960) / Hills Of Old Wyoming (1960) / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo (1959) / Blue Shadows On The Trail (1959) / Pecos Bill (1960) / Along The Navajo Trail (1960) / Blue Prairie (1959) / Twilight On The Trail (1959) / The Cattle Call (1960) / Tumbleweed Trail (1961) / Dusty Skies (1962) / At The Rainbow's End (1966) / That Lucky Old Sun (1966) / You Are My Eyes (1966) / Chant Of The Wanderer (1962) / Chant Of The Plains (1960) / Way Out There (1959) / One More Ride (1966) / Ridin' Home (1959) / The Boss Is Hangin' Out A Rainbow (1966) / Following The Sun All Day (1966) / Yippee-Yi-Yippie-Yo (1960) / Buffalo (1964) / Tumbling Tumbleweeds (1959)
07/2008 CD VARESE SARABANDE 302 066899-2 (US) WESTERN HYMNS AND SPIRITUALS  - One More River To Cross / When They Ring Those Golden Bells / You Must Come In At The Door / Lord, You Made The Cowboy Happy / Leaning On The Everlasting Arm / Power In The Blood / The Touch Of God's Hand / What You Gonna Say To Peter / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / Keep A-Inchin' Along / Standin' In The Need Of Prayer / Old Time Religion / Swing Low, Sweet Chariot / Dem Golden Slippers / We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder / Cowboy's Dream (Roll On)
03/2009 CD CD Baby / Sons of the Pioneers 5637652513 (US) 75 YEARS - 1934-2009 - COLLECTOR'S EDITION - Blue Sky Way Out Yonder / Cool Water / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Cimarron / Just A Closer Walk With Thee / Blue Prairie / Don't Fence Me In / Pioneer Heaven / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma [with orchestra] / Blue Prairie [with orchestra]
08/2009 6 CD BEAR FAMILY BCD 16389 (GER)

Way Out There - The Complete Recordings 1934-1943 :
CD 1 : Way Out There / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Moonlight On The Prairie / Ridin' Home / I Follow The Stream / There's A Roundup In The Sky / Roving Cowboy / Will You Love Me When My Hair Has Turned To Silver / When Our Old Age Pension Check Comes To Our Door / When I Leave This World Behind / Over The Santa Fe Trail / Song Of The Pioneers / Echoes From The Hills / Kilocycle Stomp / Cajon Stomp / Westward Ho / The Hills Of Old Wyomin' / A Melody From The Sky / We'll Rest At The End Of The Trail / Texas Star / Blue Bonnet Girl / Ride, Ranger, Ride / Empty Saddles / Blue Prairie / I'm An Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grande) / Way Out There / Will You Love Me When My Hair Has Turned To Silver / Song Of The Pioneers / Blue Prairie
CD 2 : One More Ride / Way Out There / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / My Saddle Pals And I / I Love You Nelly / I Wonder If She Waits For Me Tonight / When The Roses Bloom Again / Heavenly Airplane / Billie The Kid / Power In The Blood / Let's Pretend / Love Song Of The Waterfall / Song Of The Bandit / Down Along The Sleepy Rio Grande / Just A-Wearyin' For You / Smilin' Through / Kelly Waltz / Open Range Ahead / Cajon Stomp / Blue Juniata / Send Him Home To Me / Cowboy Night-Herd Song / One More Ride / I Wonder If She Waits For Me Tonight / When The Roses Bloom Again / Billie The Kid / Power In The Blood / Open Range Ahead / Send Him Home To Me / Cowboy Night-Herd Song
CD 3 : Black Sheep Blues / That Pioneer Mother Of Mine / Hadie Brown (My Little Lady) / Hear Dem Bells / One More River To Cross / You Must Come In At The Door / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / The Devil's Great Grandson / Dewlling In Beulah Land / When The Golden Train Comes Down / The Hangin' Blues / Hold That Critter Down / Leaning On The Everlasting Arm / What You Gonna Say To Peter / At The Rainbow's End / The Touch Of God's Hand / Lord, You Made The Cowboy Happy / That Pioneer Mother Of Mine / Dust / When A Cowboy Sings A Song / Listen To The Rhythm Of The Range / Hi-Yo, Silver! / A Lonely Ranger Am I / Old Pioneer / Ridin' Ropin' / Black Sheep Blues / One More River To Cross / You Must Come In At The Door / Hold That Critter Down / Leaning On The Everlasting Arm / The Touch Of God's Hand
CD 4 : I've Sold My Saddle For An Old Guitar / Colorado Sunset / There's A Ranch In The Rockies / When The Sun Is Setting On The Prairie / When I Camped Under The Stars / Born To The Saddle / When Mother Nature Sings Her Lullaby / Somebody's Smile / I've Learned A Lot About Women / The Man In The Moon Is A Cowhand / She's All Wet Now / I Hope I'm Not Dreaming Again / The Mail Must Go Through / Ridin' Down The Trail / Here On The Range / Let Me Build A Cabin / Headin' For Texas And Home / Rusty Spurs / Chapel In The Valley / You Waited Too Long / Nobody's Fault But My Own / No Matter What Happens, My Darling / Silent Night, Holy Night / O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) / Wondering Why / I Hope I'm Not Dreaming Again / Chapel In The Valley / You Waited Too Long / Nobody's Fault But My Own / Silent Night, Holy Night / O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
CD 5 : Wondering Why / (Without You Darling) Life Won't Be The Same / New Worried Mind / Time Changes Everything / Yesterday / Melody Of The Plains / So Long To The Red River Valley / My Love Went Without Water (Three Days) / (Goodby My Darlin') They Drew My Number / He's Gone Up The Trail / A Love That Ended Too Soon / Cielito Lindo / Cool Water / You Don't Love Me But I'll Always Care / There's A Long, Long, Trail / Kelly Waltz / Lonely Rose Of Mexico / Rye Whiskey / Wagner Hoedown / Boggy Road To Texas / Don't Be Blue, Little Pal, Don't Be Blue / You Were Right And I Was Wrong / I'm Trusting In You / I'll Be Honest With You (Answer To Be Honest) / (Without You Darling) Life Won't Be The Same / New Worried Mind / Time Changes Everything / Melody Of The Plains / Me Love Went Without Water (Three Days) / (Goodbye My Darlin') They Drew My Number / He's Gone Up The Trail

CD 6 : I Knew It All The Time / You Broke My Heart, Little Darlin' / How Was I To Know / When The Moon Comes Over Sun Valley / Down By The Old Alamo / I Know I Shouldn't Worry (But I Do) / A Gay Ranchero (Las Altenitas) / Blue Bonnet Lane / Don't Waste Your Love On Me / It's Just The Same / A Man And His Song / I've Sold My Saddle For An Old Guitar / Pay Me No Mind / Salt River Valley / Tumbleweed Trails / Plain Old Plains / You're The Answer To My Prayer / Little Old Church On The Hilltop / She Gave Her Heart To A Soldier Boy / Think Of Me / Private Buckaroo / O-O-Ooh, Wonderful World / I'll Be Around Somewhere / I'm Crying My Heart Out Over You / I Hang My Head And Cry / Home In San Antone / Let Me Keep My Memories / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Pay Me No Mind / Salt River Valley

06/2010 CD VARESE SARABANDE 067022 (US) SONS OF THE PIONEERS FEATURING ROY ROGERS SING THE STEPHEN FOSTER SONGBOOK - Oh Susanna [traditional version] / De Camptown Races / Ring Ring De Banjo / Dolly Day / Old Dog Trey / Hard Times Come Again No More / Louisiana Belle / My Old Kentucky Home / Some Folks / Nelly Bly / Old Black Joe / Swanee River / The Glendy Burke / Away Down South
/11/2010 4 CD Reader's Digest RB7-137 (US)

Down Memory Trail With Sons Of The Pioneers - 
CD 1 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / San Antonio Rose / Cool Water / Mexicali Rose / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky / The Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / I Still Do / Cigarettes, Whusky, And Wild, Wild Women / Blue Prairie / Room Full Of Roses / Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Love Me With All Your Heart / Maria Elena / You Belong To My Heart / My Adobe Hacienda / Spanish Eyes / Harbor Lights / Blue Hawaii
CD 2 : Tiny Bubbles / Beyond The Reef / Stars Above Hawaii / My Isle Of Golden Dreams / How Great Thou Art / The Old Rugged Cross / Suddenly There's A Valley / I Believe / Lead Me Gently Home, Father / The Lord's Prayer / The Cattle Call / The Cowboy's Lament (The Streets Of Laredo) / A Cowboy Has To Sing / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Vaya Con Dios / The Last Round-Up / Don't Fence Me In / Moonlight On The Colorado / That Lucky Old Sun / Carolina In The Morning / Cowboy Camp Meetin'
CD 3 : When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Home On The Range / The Red River Valley / Sweet Betsy From Pike / Be Honest With Me / Moonlight And Roses (Bring Mem'ries Of You) / Wagon Wheels / Twilight On The Trail / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Pecos Bill / Jesse James / Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo (Git Along Little Dogies) / Along The Navajo Trail / The Strawberry Roan / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / Cimarron (Roll On) / I Love You Truly / No One To Cry To
CD 4 : Listen To The Mocking Bird / Teardrops In My Heart / Memories / Crazy Arms / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / El Paso / Bonaparte's Retreat / I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) / Born To Lose / Mockin' Bird Hill / Yours / Greenfields / Memories Are Made Of This / It Happened In Monterey / My Heart Cries For You /  High Noon / The Ballad Of Davy Crockett / Cheyenne / The Searchers / Wagon Train / Maverick

11/2011 CD VARESE SARABANDE 671182 (US) ROY ROGERS WITH THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS - THE CENTENNIAL COLLECTION - Cowboy Night Herd Song / Jesse James / Hadie Brown (My Little Lady) / Seein' Nellie Home (Aunt Dinah's Quitling..) / Swiss Yodel / Goodbye My Lover Goodbye / Black Sheep Blues / One More River To Cross / Sing, Cowboy, Sing / When The Work's All Done This Fall / Dear Old Western Skies / New River Train / Billy The Kid / Goodbye Old Paint / Memories Of The Range / Cool Water / The Strawberry Roan / When It's Night Time In Nevada / Square Dance / That Silver Hairerd Daddy Of Mine / It's Home Sweet Home To Me
11/2011 2 CD  JASMINE JASMCD 8836022 (UK)

Let’s Go West :
CD 1 : Riders In The Sky / Cowboy's Dream / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / Twilight On The Trail / No One Will Ever Know / Kaw-Liga / Blue Prairie / Little White Cross (An Invocation) / The King's Highway / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Red River Valley /  Pins And Needles (In My Heart) / Ridin' Down The Canyon / I Wonder When We'll Ever Know (The Wonder Of It All) / Power In The Blood / Wind / Be Honest With Me / Empty Saddles / Timber Trail / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Crazy Heart / Too High, Too Wide, Too Low / How Great Thou Art / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Hang Your Head In Shame / Song Of The Prodigal / The Lord's Prayer / The Last Round-Up / The End Of The World / Roly Poly / Teardrops In My Heart / Maverick / Cool Water / Ridin' Home / Read The Bible Every Day
CD 2 : It's A Sin / Way Out There / Rounded Up In Glory / The Old Rugged Cross / Wagon Wheels / America Forever / God Has His Arms Around Me / High Ridin' Woman / A Room Full Of Roses / San Antonio Rose / Roses / Mexicali Rose / Press Along To The Big Corral / Home On The Range / Bunkhouse Bugle Boy / Sweet Betsy From Pike / Along The Santa Fe Trail / Happy Cowboy / Slow Moving Cattle / Pajarillo Barrenquero / Come And Get It! / Texas Stomp / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / Curly Joe From Idaho / Everlasting Hills Of Oklahoma / Red River Valley / So Long To The Red River Valley / Farr Away Stomp / The Last Round-Up / The Ballad Of Davy Crockett / Old Betsy (Davy Crockett's Gun) / The Graveyard Filler Of The West / A Whale Of A Tale

11/2012 CD CD Baby / Pioneer 5638039154 (US)

Melody Mesa - Cowboy Jubilee / Silver On The Sage / Trail To San Antone / The Lilies Grow High / Song Of The Bandit / So Long To The Red River Valley / Along The Navajo Trail / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Ridin' Down The Canyon / When Payday Rolls Around / Wagon Wheels / South Of The Border / Springtime In The Rockies / Texas Plains / Empty Saddles

10/2015 CD JASMINE JASMCD 3692 (UK)

The Lure of Tumbleweed Trails - Saddle Up / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / A Cowboy Has To Sing / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Hills Of Old Wyomin’ / Cimarron (Roll On) / Pecos Bill  / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / My Adobe Hacienda / Along The Navajo Trail / Cowboy’s Lament / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Tumbleweed Trail / The Cattle Call / Chant Of The Plains (I Need You) / Wanderers / Silver On The Sage / The Lillies Grow High / Song Of The Trail / There’s A Home In Wyomin’ / Yippi-Yi, Yippi-Yo / There’s A Gold Mine In The Sky / El Paso / Song Of The Pioneers

11/2016 CD Blue Moon BMCD 841 (US)

The Wild Wild West + Cool Water - The Ralph Hunter Choir / The Sons of the Pioneers - On The Trail / The Old Chisholm Trail / The Dying Cowboy / The Trail To Mexico / Saturday Night / Rot Gut (Cowboy Drinkin Song) / Rye Whiskey I"ll Remember You In My Prayers / Dancin And Hollerin / The Devils Dream / Strawberry Roan / Little Dogies / Whoopee Ti Yi Yo / I Ride An Old Paint / Lonesome Cowboy / Red River Valley / Cool Water / Whoopie-Ti-Yi-Yo / Wind / Cowboys Dream / The Last Round-Up / Ridin Home / Twilight On The Trail / Red River Valley / Wagon Wheels / Riders In The Sky / Blue Prairie / Way Out There /  Empty Saddles / Teardrops In My Heart / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Ridin Down The Canyon / Timber Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

© Rocky Productions 26/10/2018