Chanteur Rock 'n' Roll US né à Albany (New York), Gary Engel a enregistré un single à la fin des années cinquante chez Pee Bee Records de Albany (New York).
US Rock 'n' Roll singer born in Albany (New York), Gary Engel recorded a single in the late fifties in Bee Pee Records of Albany (New York).
Talents : Vocals
Style musical : Rock 'n' Roll, Doo Wop
KIMMY LEE (19??) GOLD (19??) |
Years in activity :
1910 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 2000 | 10 | 20 |
10/1959 | SP PEE BEE 1001 (US) | Gary ANGEL & The TOPHATTERS - You Are My Choice / Money Honey |
19?? | SP KP 1010 (US) | Gary ANGEL & The TOP HATTERS - Kimmy Lee / Gold |
© Rocky Productions 10/02/2002