Chanteur US né Orvon Gene Autry, le 29 Septembre 1907 à Tigga (Texas). Gene Autry débute en 1928 en obtenant une audition chez Victor Records de New York. Il commence alors à enregistrer pour Victor puis Velvet Tone, Champion, Perfect, Okeh, Clarion, Timely Tunes, Banner, Conqueror, Melotone, Romeo, Vocalion et Columbia. En 1931, Gene se rend à Hollywood où il tournera dans plus de cinquante films Western de série B. Gene Autry fut élu au Country Music Hall Of Fame en 1969. Surtout connu comme chanteur et acteur, il fut aussi un auteur accompli. Gene est décédé le 2 Octobre 1998 à son domicile de Studio City près de Los Angeles.

Gene Autry was more than a musician. His music, coupled with his careers in movies and on radio and television, made him a part of the mythos that has made up the American identity for the past hundred years — John Wayne with a little bit of Sam Houston and Davy Crockett all rolled into one, with a great singing voice and an ear for music added on. He defined country music for two generations of listeners, cowboy songs for much of the 20th century, and American music for much of the world. He was country music's first genuine "multimedia" star, the best-known country & western singer on records, in movies, on radio, and on television from the early '30s until the mid-'50s. His 300 songs cut between 1929 and 1964 include nine gold record awards and one platinum record; his 93 movies saved one big chunk of the movie industry, delighted millions, and made millionaires of several producers (as well as Autry himself); his radio and television shows were even more popular and successful; and a number of his songs outside of the country & western field have become American pop culture touchstones.
The biggest selling country & western singer of the middle of the 20th century was born Orvon Gene Autry on September 29, 1907, in the tiny Texas town of Tioga, the son of Delbert and Elnora Ozmont Autry. He was first taught to sing at age five by his grandfather, William T. Autry, a Baptist preacher and descendant of some of the earliest settlers in Texas, contemporaries of the Houstons and the Crocketts (an Autry had died at the Alamo). The boy's interest in music was encouraged by his mother, who taught him hymns and folk songs and read psalms to him at night. Autry got his first guitar at age 12, bought from the Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog for eight dollars (saved from his work as a hired hand on his uncle's farm baling and stacking hay). By the time he was 15, he had played anyplace there was to perform in Tioga, including school plays and the local cafe, but made most of his living working for the railroad as an apprentice at $35 a month. Later on, as a proper telegraph operator, he was making $150 a month, which those days was a comfortable income in that part of Texas.
He was working the four-to-midnight shift at the local telegraph office in Chelsea, OK, one summer night in 1927 when, to break up the monotony, he began strumming a guitar and singing quietly to himself. A customer came into the office; rather than insisting upon immediate service, he motioned for Autry to continue singing, then sat down to watch and listen while he looked over the pages he was preparing to send. At one point, the visitor asked him to sing another. Finally, after dropping his copy on the counter, the customer told Autry that with some hard work, he might have a future on the radio, and should consider going to New York to pursue a singing career. The man, whom Autry had recognized instantly, was Will Rogers, the humorist, writer, and movie actor, and one of the most popular figures in the entertainment world of that era.
Autry didn't immediately give up his job, but just over a year later he was in New York auditioning for a representative of RCA Victor. The judgment was that he had a good voice, but should stay away from pop hits, find his own kind of songs and his own sound, and get some experience. He was back six months later, on October 9, 1929, cutting his first record, "My Dreaming of You"/"My Alabama Home," for Victor. Two weeks later, Autry was making a demo record for the Columbia label of Jimmie Rodgers' "Blue Yodel No. 5." Present that same day in the studio were two up-and-coming singers, Rudy Vallée and Kate Smith. Autry found himself being pressured to sign an exclusive contract with Victor, but chose instead to sign with the American Record Corporation. Their general manager, Arthur Sattherly (who would later record Leadbelly, among many other acts), persuaded Autry that while Victor was a large company and could offer more money and a better marketing apparatus, he would be lost at Victor amid its existing stable of stars, whereas ARC would treat him as their most important star. Additionally, Sattherly — through a series of arrangements involving major retail and chain stores across the country — now had the means to get Autry's records into peoples' hands as easily as Victor.
His first recordings had just been released when his mother, who'd been ill for months, died at the age of 45, apparently of cancer. Autry's father began drifting away soon afterward, and he became the head of the family and the main supporter of himself, two sisters, and a younger brother. In early December of 1929, Autry cut his first six sides for ARC. The music was a mix of hillbilly, blues, country, yodel songs, and cowboy ballads. His breakthrough record, "That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine," co-written by Autry and his friend Jimmy Long one night at the railroad depot, was released in 1931. The song sold 30,000 copies within a month, and by the end of a year 500,000 had been sold, an occasion that American Records decided to mark with the public presentation of a gold-plated copy of the record. Autry received a second gold record when sales later broke one million. And that was where the notion of the Gold Record Award was born. The record also led him into a new career on the radio as Oklahoma's Yodeling Cowboy on the National Barn Dance show sponsored by WLS out of Chicago. It was there that Autry became a major national star — his record sales rose assisted by his exposure on radio.
During the early years of his career, Autry took a number of important collaborators and musicians aboard. Among them were Fred Rose, the songwriter (later responsible for "Your Cheatin' Heart") with whom he collaborated on many of his hits, and fiddle player Carl Cotner (who also played sax, clarinet, and piano), who became his arranger. Autry had a knack for knowing a good song when he heard it (though he almost passed on the biggest hit of his career), and for knowing when a song needed something extra in its arrangement, but it was Cotner who was able to translate his sensibilities into musical notes and arrangements. Mary Ford, later of Les Paul fame, was in Autry's band at one time, and in 1936 Autry signed up a 17-year-old guitar player named Merle Travis, the future country star and songwriter.
By the early '30s, Autry became one of the most beloved singers in country & western music. By 1933, he was getting fan letters by the hundreds every week, and his record sales were only going up. Autry's career might've been made right there, but fate intervened again that year, in the form of the movie business. The Western — especially the B Western, the bottom-of-the-bill, low-budget action oater — had been hit very hard by the coming of sound in the years 1927 to 1929. Audiences expected dialogue in their movies, and most Western stars up to that time were a lot better at riding, roping, and shooting than reading lines. Not only did producers and directors need something to fill up the soundtracks of their movies, especially on the limited budgets of the B Westerns, but something to substitute for violent action, which was being increasingly criticized by citizen groups.
Cowboy star Ken Maynard, who was a great trick rider and stuntman but no singer, had tried singing songs in a few of his movies, and the producers noticed that the songs had gone over well despite his Vocals limitations. Maynard was making another Western, In Old Santa Fe (1934), for Mascot Pictures, and producer Nat Levine decided to try an experiment, putting in a musical number sung by a professional. By sheer chance, the American Record Company and Mascot Pictures were locked together financially, though indirectly, and with the help from the president of ARC, Levine was steered toward Autry.
A phone call brought the young singer and another ARC performer — multi-instrumentalist/comedian Smiley Burnette — out to Hollywood, where, after a quick meeting and screen test, the two were put into In Old Santa Fe. Autry had only one scene, singing a song and calling a square dance, but that scene proved to be one of the most popular parts of the movie.
Levine next stuck Autry and Burnette into a Ken Maynard serial, Mystery Mountain, in minor supporting roles. But Autry's next appearance was much more important, as the star of the highly successful 12-chapter serial The Phantom Empire. Perhaps recognizing that Autry was no "actor," and that he had an audience of millions already, he, the writers, and the producer agreed that he should simply play "Gene Autry," a good-natured radio singer and sometime cowboy. The success of Autry's early films was not enough to save Mascot Pictures, which collapsed under the weight of debts held by Consolidated Film Laboratories, which did Mascot's film processing. In 1935, Consolidated forced a merger of Mascot and a handful of other small studios and formed Republic Pictures, with Consolidated's president, Herbert J. Yates, at the helm. Republic thrived in the B movie market, ultimately dominating the entire field for the next 20 years. And central to Republic's success were the Westerns of Gene Autry.
His first starring Western for the newly organized Republic Pictures, Tumbling Tumbleweeds (released on September 5, 1935), which also included the singing group the Sons of the Pioneers, was a huge hit, and was followed by Melody Trail, The Sagebrush Troubador, and The Singing Vagabond, all released during the final three months of 1935. Autry settled into a schedule of one movie every six weeks, or eight per year, at $5,000 per movie, and a formula was quickly established. The production values on these movies were modest, in keeping with their low budgets and tight shooting schedules, but within the framework of B Westerns and the context of their music, they were first-rate productions. By 1937 and for five years after — a string that was only broken when he enlisted in the army during World War II — Autry was rated in an industry survey of theater owners as one of the top ten box-office attractions in the country, alongside the likes of James Cagney and Clark Gable. Autry was the only cowboy star to make the list, and the only actor from B movies on the list.
For Republic Pictures, his movies were such a cash cow, and so popular in the southern, border, and western states, that the tiny studio was able to use them as a way to force "block booking" on theater owners and chains — that is, theaters only got access to the Autry movies scheduled each season if they bought all of Republic's titles for that season. It was Autry's discovery of this policy (which, in fairness, was practiced by every major studio at the time, and led to the anti-trust suit by the government that ultimately forced the studios to give up their theater chains) in early 1938 that led to his first break with Republic. The problems had been brewing for some time, over Autry's unhappiness at never having gotten a raise from his original Mascot-era $5,000-per-movie deal, and contractual clauses — which had never been exercised, but worried him nonetheless — giving Republic a share of his radio, personal appearance, and endorsement earnings. After trying unsuccessfully to work out the problems with Yates, Autry walked out of the studio chief's office and thereafter refused to report for the first day's shooting on a movie called Washington Cowboy, later retitled Under Western Stars when it became the debut of Roy Rogers.
After eight months of legal sparring, Autry was left enjoined from making live appearances. Republic, however, found itself with an uprising of theater owners and chains on its hands — without a guarantee that it would have any Autry movies to release, the studio's entire annual distribution plans were jeopardized. By the fall of 1938 the two sides had come to terms, with raises for Autry and freedom from the most onerous clauses in his old contract. Despite his best efforts, however, he couldn't help the theater owners over the block-booking policy, for it was now entrenched in the industry and an integral part of Republic's business plan.
Meanwhile, his recording career continued, often in tandem with the movies. Whenever Republic could, the studio licensed the rights to whatever hit song Autry had most recently recorded to use it as the title of his newest picture — when this was done, Republic always charged the theater owners somewhat more for the film, and they paid it, because the song had "pre-sold" the movie to the public. The songs kept coming, sometimes out of the movies themselves, and not always his own: Autry's friend Ray Whitley had written "Back in the Saddle Again" for a 1938 George O'Brien Western called Border G-Man, and when Autry was looking for a theme song for his own radio show, he went back to Whitley's song, made a few changes, and recorded it himself. Along with "That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine," it was the song he would be most closely associated with.
Autry's career was interrupted by his service in the military during World War II, but when he returned to the recording and movie studios in 1945, he resumed both his singing and film careers without skipping a beat. He was still a name to be reckoned with at the box office, although he was never again ranked among the top ten money-making stars of movies. The cultural dislocations caused by World War II and their effect on rural and small-town America and on the movie business, as well as the impending arrival of television, had shrunk the B movie market to a shadow of its 1930s glory. His movies still made money, however, and he kept making them right into the beginning of the 1950s, after which he moved into television production — Autry had already begun buying up radio stations before the war, and by the early '50s he was owner of several television stations, a studio, and his own production company, where he made his own television program as well as others that he owned.
His singing career was bigger than ever, however. Even before the war, Autry had occasionally moved away from country music and scored big, as with his 1940 hit version of "Blueberry Hill," which predated Fats Domino's recording by 16 years. After the war, he still did cowboy and country songs such as "Silver Spurs" and "Sioux City Sue," sprinkled with occasional folk songs and pop numbers. In 1949, however, Autry scored the biggest single hit of his career — and possibly the second- or third-biggest hit song ever recorded up to that time — with "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," a song by Johnny Marks that Autry had recorded only reluctantly, in a single take at the end of a session. That same year, he cut "(Ghost) Riders in the Sky," a number by a former forest ranger named Stan Jones, which became both a country and pop music standard, cut by everyone from Vaughan Monroe to Johnny Cash.
By the mid-'50s, Autry's career had slowed. Rock & roll and R&B were attracting younger listeners, and a new generation of country music stars, heralded by Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins, was beginning to attract serious sales. Autry, then in his forties, still had his audience, but he gradually receded from the limelight to attend to his burgeoning business interests. He died October 2, 1998.

Talents :  Vocals, Songwriter, Guitar, Industry Executive

Style musical : Singing Cowboy, Traditional Country

My Alabama Home (1929) (Jimmy Long & Gene Autry)





ROLY POLY (1953)

Years in activity :

1910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10 20


78 tours, Singles & EP

1929 78 t. VAN DYKE 74281 (US) .

My Oklahoma Home (Sam Hill [Gene Autry]) / Show Boat Blues (Cezz Chase)

1929 78 t. VICTOR V-40200 (US) . Jimmie LONG & Gene AUTRY - My Alabama Home / My Dreaming Of You
1929 78 t. VELVET TONE 7056 (US) . Hobo Yodel / Dust Pan Blues
1929 78 t. VELVET TONE 7057 (US) . Slue Foot Sue / Waiting For A Train
1929 78 t. VELVET TONE 7058 (US) . Stay Away From My Chicken House / California Blues (Blue Yodel No.4)
1929 78 t. HARMONY 1046-H (US) . Blue Yodel No. 5 / Left My Gal In The Mountains
1929 78 t. VELVET TONE 2046-V (US) .

Blue Yodel No. 5 / Left My Gal In The Mountains

1929 78 t. DIVA 3046-G (US) . Blue Yodel No. 5 / Left My Gal In The Mountains
1930 78 t. VELVET TONE 7059-V (US) .

My Alabama Home / Lullaby Yodel

1930 78 t. VELVET TONE 7061-V (US) .

No One To Call Me Darling / Daddy And Home

1930 78 t. VELVET TONE 7063-V (US) . Frankie And Johnnie / No One To Call Me Darling
1930 78 t. VELVET TONE 7075-V (US) . That's Why I Left The Mountains / My Rough & Rowdy Ways
1930 78 t. VELVET TONE 7083-V (US) . I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Girl / The Cowboy Yodel
1930 78 t. VELVET TONE 7087-V (US) . Jimmy LONG - Watching The Clouds Roll By / When Father Was A Boy
1930 78 t. QRS Q-1044 (US) .

I'll Be Thinking Of You, Little Gal / Living In The Mountains

1930 78 t. GREYGULL 4303 (US)  . Why Don't You Come Back? (Sam HILL (Gene AUTRY)) / A Chaw Of Tobacco And A Little Drink (Carson ROBISON)
1930 78 t. CHAMPION 16030 (US) . Whisper Your Mother's Name / I'll Be Thinking Of You, Little Gal
08/1930 78 t. CHAMPION 16050 (US) . They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree / In The Shadow Of The Pine
1930 78 t. CHAMPION 16073 (US) . Hobo Bill's Last Ride / Train Whistle Blues
1930 78 t. CHAMPION 16096 (US) . Cowboy Yodel / Hobo Yodel
1930 78 t. CHAMPION 16119 (US) . Dust Pan Blues / Texas Blues
1930 78 t. CHAMPION 16141 (US) . In The Jailhouse Now No. 2 / Anniversary Blue Yodel No.7
1930 78 t. CHAMPION 16166 (US) . Yodeling Hobo / High Powered Mama
1930 78 t. SUPERIOR 2561 (US) .

The Girl I Left Behind / My Carolina Sunshine Girl

1930 78 t. OKEH 45417 (US) . Johnny TODDS (= Gene AUTRY) - Frankie And Johnny / The Railroad Boomer
1930 78 t. OKEH 45462 (US) . Johnny TODDS (= Gene AUTRY) - Stay Away From My Chicken House / No One To Call Me Darling
1930 78 t. OKEH 45472 (US) . Johnny TODDS (= Gene AUTRY) - Slue Foot Lue / Why Don't You Come Back To Me
1930 78 t. CLARION 5025-C (US) . That's Why I Left The Mountains / Hobo Yodel
1930 78 t. CLARION 5026 (US) . Frankie And Johnny / No One To Call Me Darling
1930 78 t. CLARION 5058 (US) . Why Don't You Come Back To Me / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Girl
1930 78 t. CLARION 5075 (US) . The Cowboy Yodel / My Alabama Home
1930 78 t. CLARION 5154 (US) . Dust Pan Blues / Slue Foot Lou
1930 78 t. DIVA 6030-G (US) .

Hobo Yodel / Dustpan Blues

1930 78 t. DIVA 6031-G (US) .

Slue-Foot Lue / Waiting For A Train

1930 78 t. CLARION 5155 (US) . Stay Away From My Chicken House / Waiting For A Train
1930 78 t. DIVA 6032-G (US) .

Stay Away From My Chicken House / California Blues (Blue Yodel No. 4)

1930 78 t. DIVA 6033-G (US) .

My Alabama Home / Lullaby Yodel

1930 78 t. SUPERTONE 9702 (US) .

Hobo Bill's Last Ride / Hobo Yodel

1930 78 t. SUPERTONE 9703 (US) .

Dust Pan Blues / Texas Blues

1930 78 t. SUPERTONE 9705 (US) .

I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Gal / Whisper Your Mother's Name 

1930 78 t. SUPERTONE 9706 (US) .

Cowboy Yodel / Train Whistle Blues

1930 78 t. GREY GULL 5119 (US)  . Left My Gal In The Mountains (Carson ROBISON) / Why Don't You Come Back To (Sam HILL (Gene AUTRY))
1930 78 t. GREY GULL 5120 (US)  . So I Joined Navy (Carson ROBISON) / Stay Away From My Chicken House (Sam HILL (Gene AUTRY))
1930 78 t. CONQUEROR 7702 (US) . The Death Of Mother Jones / Dad In The Hills
1930 78 t. CONQUEROR 7704 (US) .

Don't Send My Boy To Prison (Frankie WALLACE) / A Gangster's Warning (Gene AUTRY)

1931 78 t. PERFECT 12667 (US) . He's In The Jail House Now No. 2 / The Yodeling Hobo
1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7708 (US) . He's In The Jail House Now No. 2 / The Yodeling Hobo
1931 78 t. REGAL 10259 (US) . He's In The Jail House Now No. 2 / The Yodeling Hobo
1931 78 t. BANNER 32082 (US) . He's In The Jail House Now No. 2 / The Yodeling Hobo
1931 78 t. CLARION 5239 (US) . My Virginia Home (Jim ANDREWS (A. FIELDS)) / Left My Gal In The Mountains (Gene AUTRY)
1931 78 t. CLARION 5240 (US) . I Want To Be Cradled In Mother's Arms (Jim ANDREWS (A. FIELDS)) / Daddy And Home (Gene AUTRY)
1931 78 t. CLARION 5243 (US) . Lullaby Yodel / Red River Valley (Frank LUTHER & Carson ROBISON)
1931 78 t. CLARION 5272 (US) . Pictures Of My Mother / True Blue Bill
1931 78 t. CLARION 5308-C (US) . A Gangster's Warning / That's How I Got My Start
03/1931 78 t. PERFECT 12686 (US) . Blue Days / Cowboy Yodel
04/1931 78 t. PERFECT 12695 (US) . A Gangster's Warning / True Blue Bill
1931 78 t. ROMEO 5052 (US) . A Gangster's Warning / True Blue Bill
1931 78 t. ORIOLE 8052 (US) . A Gangster's Warning / True Blue Bill
04/1931 78 t. VICTOR 23530 (US) .

Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Bear Cat Papa Blues

05/1931 78 t. ORIOLE 8093 (US) .

When It's Night-Time In Nevada (Carson ROBISON TRIO) / That's How I Got My Start (Gene Autry)

1931 78 t. VICTOR 23548 (US) . That's How I Got My Start / Do Right Daddy Blues
1931 78 t. PERFECT 12696 (US) . Dad In The Hills / The Death Of Mother Jones
06/1931 78 t. PERFECT 12721 (US) . Pistol Packin' Papa / Bear Cat Papa
06/1931 78 t. ROMEO 5069 (US) . Pistol Packin' Papa / Bear Cat Papa
06/1931 78 t. PERFECT 12722 (US) . Dallas County Jail Blues / Do Right Daddy Blues
07/1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7765 (US) .

Pistol Packin' Papa (Gene AUTRY) / May I Sleep In Your Barn Tonight Mister? (Joe REEVES)

07/1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1550 (US) . Gene JOHNSON (= Gene AUTRY) - T.B. Blues / High Steppin' Mama Blues
07/1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1551 (US) . Gene JOHNSON (= Gene AUTRY) - Jimmie The Kid / She Wouldn’t Do It
1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1552 (US) . Gene JOHNSON (= Gene AUTRY) - Do Right Daddy Blues No. 2 / Traveling Blues
1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1553 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Frankie MARVIN - Old Man Duff / She's Just That Kind
1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1554 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Frankie MARVIN - I’m A Truthful Fellow / She's Always On My Mind
07/1931 78 t. VICTOR 23561 (US) . When It's Night Time In Nevada (Frankie MARVIN) / There's A Good Gal In The Mountains (Gene AUTRY)
1931 78 t. OKEH 45560 (US) . Johnny TODDS (= Gene AUTRY) - Cowboy Yodel / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Gal
1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1555 (US) . Frank MARVIN & Jimmie SMITH (= Frank MARVIN & Gene AUTRY) - Valley In The Hills / I'm Blue And Lonesome
1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1556 (US) . Jimmie SMITH (= Gene AUTRY) - She's A Low-Down Mama / Bearcat Mama From Horner's Corners
1931 78 t. TIMELY TUNES C-1557 (US) . Jimmie SMITH (= Gene AUTRY) - There's A Good Gal In The Mountains / She's A Hum Dum Dinger
1931 78 t. BANNER 32123 (US) . Blue Days / Cowboy Yodel
1931 78 t. BANNER 32132 (US) . A Gangster's Warning / True Blue Bill
1931 78 t. BANNER 32133 (US) . Death Of Mother Jones / Dad In The Hills
1931 78 t. VELVET TONE 2374 (US) . That's How I Got My Start / A Gangster's Warning
1931 78 t. SUPERIOR 2596 (US) .

Dad In The Hills / Pictures Of My Mother

1931 78 t. BROADWAY 4068 (US) . Bob CLAYTON (= Gene AUTRY) - Pictures Of My Mother / Dad In The Hills
1931 78 t. BANNER 32200 (US) . Bear Cat Papa Blues / Pistol Packin' Papa
1931 78 t. BANNER 32201 (US) . Dallas County Jail Blues / Do Right Daddy Blues
1931 78 t. CHAMPION 16210 (US) . Blue Yodel No.8 / Mean Mama Blues
1931 78 t. CHAMPION 16230 (US) . Any Old Time / Pistol Packin' Papa
1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7831 (US) . Blue Days / Cowboy's Yodel
1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7832 (US) . Dallas County Jail Blues / Do Right Daddy Blues
1931 78 t. CHAMPION 16245 (US) . Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Blue Days
1931 78 t. PERFECT 12742 (US) . T. B. Blues / I'll Always Be A Rambler
09/1931 78 t. PERFECT 12743 (US) . I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Girl / You're As Pretty As A Picture (DAVIS TRIO)
1931 78 t. BANNER 32242 (US) . When It's Night Time In Nevada (Carson ROBISON TRIO) / That's How I Get My Star (Gene AUTRY)
09/1931 78 t. ROMEO 5093 (US) . When It's Night Time In Nevada (Carson ROBISON TRIO) / That's How I Get My Star (Gene AUTRY)
09/1931 78 t. PERFECT 12745 (US) . When It's Night Time In Nevada (Carson ROBISON TRIO) / That's How I Got My Start (Gene AUTRY)
1931 78 t. BANNER 32244 (US) . I'll Always Be A Rambler / T.B. Blues
09/1931 78 t. BANNER 32245 (US) . I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Girl / You're As Pretty As A Picture (DAVIS TRIO)
1931 78 t. CHAMPION 16275 (US) . T.B. Blues / I've Got The Jail House Blues
09/1931 78 t. VICTOR 23589 (US) . She Wouldn't Do It / High Stepping Mama
1931 78 t. VICTOR 23617 (US) . Don't Do Me That Way - Do Right Daddy Blues No.2 / She's A Lowdown Mama
1931 78 t. VICTOR 23622 (US) . The Cross Eyed Gal That Lived Upon The Hill (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / Mississippi Valley (LONG BROS (AUTRY & LONG))
1931 78 t. VICTOR 23630 (US) . Rheumatism Blues / I'm Atlanta Bound
10/1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7835 (US) . I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Girl (Gene AUTRY) / You're As Pretty As A Picture (DAVIS TRIO)
1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7838 (US) . Jail House Blues / Bear Cat Papa Blues
1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7840 (US) . Money Ain't No Use Anyhow / She Wouldn't Do It
11/1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7842 (US) . T. B. Blues / I'll Always Be A Rambler
11/1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7843 (US) . True Blue Bill / Pictures Of My Mother
11/1931 78 t. CONQUEROR 7845 (US) . When It's Night Time In Nevada (Carson ROBISON TRIO) / That's How I Got My Star (Gene AUTRY)
1931 78 t. CHAMPION 16328 (US) . I'll Always Be A Rambler / True Blue Bill
1931 78 t. CHAMPION 16372 (US) . Dad In The Hills / Picture Of My Mother
1931 78 t. PERFECT 12750 (US) . She Wouldn't Do It / Money Ain't No Use Anyhow
1931 78 t. BANNER 32263 (US) . Money Ain't No Use Anyhow / She Wouldn't Do It
12/1931 78 t. BANNER 32308 (US) . I Shall Not Be Moved (Frank & James McCRAVY) / Methodist Pie (Gene AUTRY)
12/1931 78 t. ORIOLE 8103 (US) .

I Shall Not Be Moved (Frank & James McCRAVY) / Methodist Pie (Gene AUTRY)

1931 78 t. PERFECT 12764 (US) . I Shall Not Be Moved (Frank & James McCRAVY) / Methodist Pie (Gene AUTRY)
1931 78 t. SUPERIOR 2710 (US) .

T. B. Blues / Blue Days

1932 78 t. BANNER 32350 (US) . Jail House Blues / I'm Atlanta Bound
1932 78 t. BANNER 32431 (US) . Why Don't You Come Back To Me? / My Old Pal Of Yesterday (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
01/1932 78 t. PERFECT 12775 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Mississippi Valley Blues
01/1932 78 t. ROMEO 5109 (US) .

Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Mississippi Valley Blues

01/1932 78 t. ORIOLE 8109 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Mississippi Valley Blues
01/1932 78 t. BANNER 32349 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Mississippi Valley Blues
01/1932 78 t. PERFECT 12776 (US) . Atlanta Bound / Jail House Blues
01/1932 78 t. ROMEO 5110 (US) .

Atlanta Bound / Jail House Blues

01/1932 78 t. MELOTONE M 12384 (US) .

Atlanta Bound / Jail House Blues

1932 78 t. BANNER 32350 (US) . Jail House Blues / I'm Atlanta Bound
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7907 (US) . My Alabama Home / Atlanta Bound
02/1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7908 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Mississippi Valley Blues
02/1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7909 (US) . Birmingham Daddy / High Steppin' Mama Blues
02/1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7910 (US) . Under The Old Apple Tree / My Old Pal Of Yesterday
02/1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7911 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - My Cross Eyed Gal / She's A Low Down Mama
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7912 (US) . There's A Good Girl In The Mountains / I'm A Railroad Man Waiting On A Weary Train
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7913 (US) . Rheumatism Blues / Wild Cat Mama Blues
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7914 (US) . Why Don't You Come Back To Me? / Missouri I'm Calling
03/1932 78 t. VICTOR 23642 (US) . Jailhouse Blues / Wild Cat Mama
05/1932 78 t. PERFECT 12804 (US) . My Old Pal Of Yesterday (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / Why Don't You Come Back To Me? (Gene Autry)
05/1932 78 t. ORIOLE 8133 (US) .

My Old Pal Of Yesterday (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / Why Don't You Come Back To Me? (Gene Autry)

1932 78 t. BANNER 32431 (US) . My Old Pal Of Yesterday (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / Why Don't You Come Back To Me? (Gene Autry)
06/1932 78 t. MELOTONE M 12429 (US) .

High Steppin' Mama (Gene AUTRY) / Wildcat Mama Blues (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)

1932 78 t. PERFECT 12811 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - My Alabama Home / Missouri I'm Calling
1932 78 t. ORIOLE 8146 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - My Alabama Home / Missouri I'm Calling
1932 78 t. BANNER 32472 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - My Alabama Home / Missouri I'm Calling
1932 78 t. BANNER 32473 (US) . High Steppin' Mama (Gene AUTRY) / Wildcat Mama Blues (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
07/1932 78 t. PERFECT 12817 (US) . High Steppin' Mama (Gene AUTRY) / Wildcat Mama Blues (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
08/1932 78 t. PERFECT 12830 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Crime I Didn't Do / I'm Always Dreaming Of You
08/1932 78 t. MELOTONE M 12472 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Crime I Didn't Do / I'm Always Dreaming Of You
08/1932 78 t. ORIOLE 8153 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Crime I Didn't Do / I'm Always Dreaming Of You
08/1932 78 t. PERFECT 12837 (US) . Moonlight And Skies / There's A Good Girl In The Mountains
1932 78 t. VICTOR 23673 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Come Back To Me / I'm Always Dreaming Of You
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7998 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Alone With My Sorrows / Have You Found Someone Else?
1932 78 t. PERFECT 12873 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Alone With My Sorrows / Have You Found Someone Else?
1932 78 t. MELOTONE M 12572 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Alone With My Sorrows / Have You Found Someone Else?
11/1932 78 t. PERFECT 12858 (US) . Back To Old Smoky Mountains / That Ramshackle Shack
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 7999 (US) . Back To Old Smoky Mountains / That Ramshackle Shack
1932 78 t. BANNER 32521 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Crime I Didn't Do / I'm Always Dreaming Of You
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 8000 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Crime I Didn't Do / I'm Always Dreaming Of You
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 8001 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - In The Cradle Of My Dreams / My Carolina Mountain Rose
1932 78 t. CONQUEROR 8002 (US) .

Moonlight And Skies / Back Home In The Blue Ridge Mountains

1932 78 t. CHAMPION 16485 (US) . Bear Cat Papa Blues / That's How I Got My Start
1932 78 t. VICTOR 23707 (US) . Glorious Night Blues (ALLEN BROS.) / Black Bottom Blues
1932 78 t. VICTOR 23720 (US) . That Ramshackle Shack / Kentucky Lullaby
1932 78 t. VICTOR 23725 (US) . I Wonder If He's Singing To The Angels Tonight? (Bud BILLINGS & His TRIO) / Gangsters Warning
1932 78 t. VICTOR 23726 (US) . Back Home In The Blue Ridge Mountains / Back To The Old Smoky Mountains
02/1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8059 (US) . Kentucky Lullaby / In The Hills Of Caroline
1933 78 t. BANNER 32723 (US) . Cowboy's Heaven / If I Could Bring Back My Buddy (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1933 78 t. BANNER 32761 (US) . Answer To Twenty-One Years / Old Folks Back Home
1933 78 t. BRUNSWICK 12899/12936 (US) . Cowboy's Heaven (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (Gene AUTRY)
1933 78 t. PERFECT 12899 (US) . Cowboy's Heaven (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / If I Could Bring My Buddy Back
1933 78 t. ROMEO 5217 (US) . Cowboy's Heaven (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / If I Could Bring My Buddy Back
06/1933 78 t. PERFECT 12910 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Old Folks Back Home / The Answer To Twenty-One Years
06/1933 78 t. PERFECT 12912 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B
06/1933 78 t. BANNER 32771 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Little Ranch House Of The Old Circle B
06/1933 78 t. ROMEO 5230 (US) .

Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Answer To 21 Years / The Old Folks Back Home

06/1933 78 t. MELOTONE M 12690 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Answer To 21 Years / The Old Folks Back Home
1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8092 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Answer To 21 Years  / Louisiana Moon
06/1933 78 t. MELOTONE M 12700 (US) .

Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B

1933 78 t. VOCALION 5489 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / My Old Pal Of Yesterday
07/1933 78 t. MELOTONE M 12733 (US) .

The Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers

07/1933 78 t. VOCALION 5504 (US) . The Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers
07/1933 78 t. PERFECT 12922 (US) . The Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers
1933 78 t. BANNER 32800 (US) . The Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers
09/1933 78 t. PERFECT 12936 (US) . There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (Gene AUTRY) / Louisiana Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
09/1933 78 t. MELOTONE M 12772 (US) . There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (Gene AUTRY) / Louisiana Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1933 78 t. BANNER 32843 (US) . There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (Gene AUTRY) / Louisiana Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8093 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B / Cowboy's Heaven
1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8094 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - When It's Lamplightnin' Time In The Valley / The Old Folks Back Home
1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8095 (US) . Don't Take Me Back To The Chain Gang / Returning To My Cabin Home
1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8096 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Gosh! I Miss You All The Time
1933 78 t. VICTOR 23783 (US) . Cowboy's Heaven (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B (Gene AUTRY)
1933 78 t. VICTOR 23792 (US) . Louisiana Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / The Yellow Rose Of Texas (Gene AUTRY)
1933 78 t. VICTOR 23810 (US) . Sweet Old Lady (Dwight BUTCHER) / Your Voice Is Ringing (Gene AUTRY)
12/1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8138 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - If I Could Bring Back My Buddy / Watching The Clouds Roll By
1933 78 t. CONQUEROR 8152 (US) . In The Valley Of The Moon / When The Humming Birds Are Humming
1933 78 t. BANNER 32886 (US) . That Old Feather Bed On The Farm / If You'll Let Me Be Your Little Sweetheart
1933 78 t. PERFECT 12950 (US) . That Old Feather Bed On The Farm / If You'll Let Me Be Your Little Sweetheart
1933 78 t. Montgomery Ward ‎M-4067 (US) .

Jail House Blues (Gene AUTRY) / T.B. Blues (Jimmie Rodgers)

1933 78 t. Montgomery Ward ‎M-4244 (US) .

Do Right Daddy Blues / High Steppin' Mama

1933 78 t. Montgomery Ward ‎M-4245 (US) .

Wild Cat Mamma / Rheumatism Blues

1933 78 t. Montgomery Ward ‎M-4326 (US) .

Gangster's Warning / That Ramshackle Shack

1933 78 t. Montgomery Ward ‎M-4333 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - I'm Always Dreaming Of You / Come Back To Me
1933 78 t. BANNER 32887 (US) . The Last Round-Up / 'Way Out West In Texas
1933 78 t. PERFECT 12952 (US) . The Last Round-Up / Way Out West In Texas
1933 78 t. ROMEO 5279 (US) . The Last Round-Up / 'Way Out West In Texas
1933 78 t. MELOTONE M 12832 (US) . The Last Round-Up / 'Way Out West In Texas
1933 78 t. ORIOLE 8279 (US) . The Last Round-Up / Way Out West In Texas
1933 78 t. BANNER 32902 (US) . Good Luck Old Pal, Till We Meet Bye And Bye / When Jimmie Rodgers Said Goodbye
1933 78 t. BANNER 32928 (US) . My Carolina Mountain Rose / Watching The Clouds Roll By (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
02/1934 78 t. BANNER 32981 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - A Hill Billy Wedding In June (Gene AUTRY) / Gosh I Miss You All The Time (Gene Autry And Jimmy Long)
02/1934 78 t. CONQUEROR 8168 (US) . The Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers
03/1934 78 t. CONQUEROR 8191 (US) . The Last Round-Up / There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight
1934 78 t. PERFECT 12957 (US) . When Jimmie Rodgers Said Goodbye / Good Luck Old Pal 'Till We Meet Bye And Bye
1934 78 t. PERFECT 12964 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - My Carolina Mountain Rose / Watching The Clouds Roll By
1934 78 t. PERFECT 12980 (US) . A Hill-Billy Wedding In June (Gene AUTRY) / Gosh! I Miss You All The Time (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
03/1934 78 t. CONQUEROR 8192 (US) . If You'll Let Me Be Your Little Sweetheart / A Hill-Billy Wedding In June
03/1934 78 t. CONQUEROR 8193 (US) . 'Way Out West In Texas / The Dying Cowgirl
05/1934 78 t. ROMEO 5334 (US) .

Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - After Twenty-One Years / Little Farm Home

1934 78 t. PERFECT 13003 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - After Twenty-One Years / Little Farm Home
1934 78 t. PERFECT 13009 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Beautiful Texas / There's A Little Old Lady Waiting
1934 78 t. MELOTONE M 13034 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Beautiful Texas / There's A Little Old Lady Waiting
1934 78 t. VOCALION 04267 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Beautiful Texas / There's A Little Old Lady Waiting
1934 78 t. PERFECT 13016 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Stump Of The Old Pine Tree / Seven More Days
1934 78 t. MELOTONE M 13070 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Stump Of The Old Pine Tree / Seven More Days
08/1934 78 t. PERFECT 13026 (US) . Rheumatism Blues / Birmingham Daddy
11/1934 78 t. MELOTONE M 13192 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Memories Of That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / When The Moon Shines On The Mississippi Valley
1934 78 t. PERFECT 13065 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Memories Of That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / When The Moon Shines On The Mississippi Valley
1934 78 t. PERFECT 13094 (US) . The Roundup In Cheyenne (Gene AUTRY) / My Shy Little Blue Bonnet Girl (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1934 78 t. CONQUEROR 8223 (US) . That Mother And Daddy Of Mine / Moonlight Down In Lover's Lane
1934 78 t. CONQUEROR 8224 (US) . That Old Feather Bed On The Farm / Roll Along Kentucky Moon
1934 78 t. CONQUEROR 8246 (US) . When Jimmy Rodgers Said Goodbye / Good Luck Old Pal ('til We Meet Bye And Bye)
1934 78 t. BANNER 33055 (US) . Little Farm Home / After Twenty One Years (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1934 78 t. BANNER 33070 (US) . Beautiful Texas / There's A Little Old Lady Waiting (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1934 78 t. BANNER 33102 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Seven More Days / The Stump Of The Old Pine Tree
1934 78 t. BANNER 33131 (US) . Rheumatism Blues / Birmingham Daddy
1934 78 t. BANNER 33225 (US) . When The Moon Shines On The Mississippi Valley (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / Memories Of That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine
1934 78 t. BANNER 33294 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - My Shy Little Blue Bonnet Girl / The Roundup In Cheyenne
1934 78 t. CHAMPION 45025 (US) . Any Old Time / Pistol Packin' Papa
1934 78 t. CHAMPION 45027 (US) . That's How I Got My Start / Bearcat Papa Blues
1934 78 t. CHAMPION 45060 (US) . Dad In The Hills / Picture Of My Mother
1934 78 t. CHAMPION 45071 (US) . They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree / In The Shadow Of The Pine
1934 78 t. CHAMPION 45073 (US) . I've Got The Jail House Blues / T.B. Blues
1934 78 t. ORIOLE 8470 (US) .

Don't Take Me Back To The Chain Gang / Eleven Months In Leavenworth

01/1935 78 t. PERFECT 13113 (US) 53 . Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
01/1935 78 t. BANNER 33348 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
01/1935 78 t. MELOTONE 13315 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1935 78 t. PERFECT 13114 (US) . Texas Plains (Gene AUTRY) / Hold On Little Doggies, Hold On (Gene AUTRY TRIO)
02/1935 78 t. BANNER 33349 (US) . Texas Plains (Gene AUTRY) / Hold On Little Doggies, Hold On (Gene AUTRY TRIO)
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8295 (US) . Dear Old Western Skies / The Roundup At Cheyenne
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8296 (US) . There's A Little Old Lady Waiting / Memories Of That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine
02/1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8297 (US) . After Twenty-One Years (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / Eleven More Months In Leavenworth (Gene AUTRY)
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8386 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Stump Of The Old Pine Tree / Seven More Days
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8465 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
03/1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8466 (US) . Texas Plains (Carson ROBISON TRIO) / Hold On, Little Dogies, Hold On (Gene AUTRY TRIO)
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8467 (US) . Uncle Noah's Ark (Gene AUTRY & Smiley BURNETT) / My Shy Little Blue Bonnet Girl (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
04/1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8468 (US) . Old Faithful (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Some Day In Wyomin' (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
04/1935 78 t. BANNER 33387 (US) . Old Faithful (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Some Day In Wyomin' (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
04/1935 78 t. PERFECT 13127 (US) . Old Faithful (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Some Day In Wyomin' (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
04/1935 78 t. ROMEO 5448 (US) .

Old Faithful (GENE AUTRY TRIO) / Some Day In Wyomin' (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)

1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8483 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Smiley BURNETTE - When The Desert Sun Goes Down / Wagon Train
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8484 (US) . Angel Boy (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG) / The Covered Wagon (Gene AUTRY & Smiley BURNETTE)
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8485 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Red River Lullaby / Answer To Red River Valley
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8581 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Silver Haired Mother Of Mine / Rainbow Valley
1935 78 t. CONQUEROR 8582 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - Vine Covered Cabin In The Valley / I'd Love A Home In The Mountains
1935 78 t. BANNER 33444 (US) . Don't Take Me Back To The Chain Gang / Eleven More Months In Leavenworth
1935 78 t. PERFECT 13144 (US) . Don't Take Me Back To The Chain Gang / Eleven More Months In Leavenworth
08/1935 78 t. MELOTONE 13452 (US) . Uncle Noah's Ark (Gene AUTRY & Smilie BURNETTE) / My Cross-Eyed Girl (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
08/1935 78 t. BANNER 33485 (US) . Uncle Noah's Ark (Gene AUTRY & Smilie BURNETTE) / My Cross-Eyed Girl (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
08/1935 78 t. ROMEO 5489 (US) . Uncle Noah's Ark (Gene AUTRY & Smilie BURNETTE) / My Cross-Eyed Girl (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
08/1935 78 t. ORIOLE 8489 (US) . Uncle Noah's Ark (Gene AUTRY & Smilie BURNETTE) / My Cross-Eyed Girl (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
08/1935 78 t. PERFECT 13159 (US) . Uncle Noah's Ark (Gene AUTRY & Smilie BURNETTE) / My Cross-Eyed Girl (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1935 78 t. CHAMPION 45156 (US) . Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Blue Days
1935 78 t. CHAMPION 45172 (US) . Yodeling Hobo / Cowboy Yodel
1935 78 t. CHAMPION 45183 (US) . I'll Always Be A Rambler / Mean Mama Blues
1935 78 t. PERFECT 35-10-10 (US) .

Angel Boy (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long) / Dear Old Western Skies (Gene Autry)

1935 78 t. ROMEO 35-10-18 (US) . Ridin' Down The Canyon / Wagon Train
1935 78 t. PERFECT 35-10-18 (US) . Ridin' Down The Canyon / Wagon Train
1935 78 t. MELOTONE 35-10-18 (US) . Ridin' Down The Canyon / Wagon Train
1935 78 t. VOCALION 0291 (US) . That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine (Gene AUTRY & Johnny LONG) / Mississippi Valley Blues (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1935 78 t. VOCALION 03007 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
1935 78 t. VOCALION 03097 (US) . You're The Only Star, In My Blue Heaven (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Mexicali Rose
12/1935 78 t. PERFECT 5-12-53 (US) . Old Covered Wagon (Gene AUTRY & Smilie BURNETTE) / Silver Haired Mother Of Mine (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
12/1935 78 t. VOCALION 03101 (US) . The Answer To Nobody's Darling (Gene AUTRY) / Answer To Red River Valley (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
02/1936 78 t. ORIOLE 6-02-58 (US) .

Ridin' The Range / The End Of The Trail

02/1936 78 t. PERFECT 6-02-58 (US) . Ridin' The Range / The End Of The Trail
02/1936 78 t. ROMEO 6-02-58 (US) . Ridin' The Range / The End Of The Trail
02/1936 78 t. MELOTONE 6-02-58 (US) . Ridin' The Range / The End Of The Trail
02/1936 78 t. CONQUEROR 8629 (US) . Mexicali Rose / Nobody's Darlin' But Mine
02/1936 78 t. CONQUEROR 8632 (US) . Don't Waste Your Tears On Me / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)
02/1936 78 t. CONQUEROR 8634 (US) . The End Of The Trail / Ridin' The Range
1936 78 t. CONQUEROR 8685 (US) . Guns And Guitars / The Answer To Nobody's Darling
04/1936 78 t. BANNER 6-04-52 (US) .

Nobody's Darling But Mine / Don't Waste Your Tears On Me

04/1936 78 t. PERFECT 6-04-52 (US) . Nobody's Darling But Mine / Don't Waste Your Tears On Me
04/1936 78 t. ROMEO 6-04-52 (US . Nobody's Darling But Mine / Don't Waste Your Tears On Me
05/1936 78 t. BANNER 6-05-59 (US .

Mexicali Rose / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)

05/1936 78 t. ROMEO 6-05-59 (US) . You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Mexicali Rose
05/1936 78 t. PERFECT 6-05-59 (US) . You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Mexicali Rose
08/1936 78 t. PERFECT 6-08-51 (US) .

Answer To Red River Valley (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long) / The Answer To Nobody's Darling (Gene AUTRY)

1936 78 t. BANNER 6-08-51 (US . Answer To Red River Valley (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long) / The Answer To Nobody's Darling (Gene AUTRY)
1936 78 t. CONQUEROR 8686 (US) . The Old Grey Mare / I'll Go Riding Down That Texas Trail
1936 78 t. MONTGOMERY WARD M-4978 (US) .

Whisper Your Mothers Name / My Carolina Sunshine Girl

1936 78 t. VOCALION 03138 (US) . I'll Go Riding Down That Texas Trail / My Old Saddle Pal
05/1937 78 t. PERFECT 7-05-54 (US) .

I'll Go Riding Down That Texas Trail / My Old Saddle Pal

05/1937 78t. MELOTONE 7-05-54 (US) . I'll Go Riding Down That Texas Trail / My Old Saddle Pal
06/1937 78 t. MONTGOMERY WARD 8017 (US) .

Cowboy Yodel / Yodeling Hobo

09/1937 78 t. DECCA 5426 (US) .

Blue Days / Money Ain't No Use Anyway

1937 78 t. CONQUEROR 8808 (US) . The Convict's Dream / That's Why I'm Nobody's Darling
1937 78 t. PERFECT 7-05-73 (US) . The Convict's Dream / That's Why I'm Nobody's Darling
1937 78 t. VOCALION 03229 (US) . The Convict's Dream / That's Why I'm Nonody's Darling
1937 78 t. CONQUEROR 8828 (US) . Riding All Day / My Old Saddle Pal
1937 78 t. CONQUEROR 8878 (US) . With A Song In My Heart / When The Golden Leaves Are Falling
1937 78 t. PERFECT 7-08-53 (US) . With A Song In My Heart / When The Golden Leaves Are Falling
10/1937 78 t. PERFECT 7-10-58 (US) .

The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) (Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND) / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)

11/1937 78 t. CONQUEROR 8879 (US) .

The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) (Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND) / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)

1937 78 t. VOCALION 03262 (US) . The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) (Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND) / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)
1937 78 t. CONQUEROR 8880 (US) . Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / My Star Of The Sky
11/1937 78 t. DECCA 5464 (US) .

They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree / In The Shadow Of The Pine

12/1937 78 t. MELOTONE 7-12-61 (US) .

Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND - In The Land Of Zulu / It's Round-Up Time In Reno

12/1937 78 t. CONQUEROR 8882 (US) . Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND - Old Buckaroo Goodbye / Rhythm Of The Range
1937 78 t. VOCALION 03291 (US) . Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND - Old Buckaroo Goodbye / Rhythm Of The Range
1937 78 t. VOCALION 03317 (US) . IGene AUTRY & His STRING BAND - In The Land Of Zulu / It's Round-Up Time In Reno
1937 78 t. VOCALION 03358 (US) . Sail Along Silvery Moon / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky
1937 78 t. VOCALION 03448 (US) . When It's Springtime In The Rockies / At The Old Barn Dance
02/1938 78 t. DECCA 5488 (US) .

That's How I Got My Start / Bear Cat Papa Blues

03/1938 78 t. MELOTONE 262 (US) .

When It's Springtime In The Rockies / At The Old Barn Dance

03/1938 78 t. DECCA 5501 (US) . Whisper Your Mother's Name / My Carolina Sunshine Girl
1938 78 t. VOCALION 03070 (US) .

Don't Waste Your Tears On Me / Nobody's Darling But Mine

1938 78 t. DECCA 5517 (US) .

T. B. Blues / I've Got The Jail House Blues

05/1938 78 t. VOCALION 03097 (US) . Mexicali Rose / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)
05/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04091 (US) .

Eyes To The Sky / When The Tumbleweeds Come Tumbling Down Again

05/1938 78 t. DECCA 5527 (US) . High Powered Mama / Yodeling Hobo
1938 78 t. VOCALION 04146 (US) .

End Of My Round-Up Days / I Want A Pardon For Daddy

06/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04172 (US) . Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Dust
07/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04246 (US) . As Long As I've Got My Horse / The Dude Ranch Cowhands
1938 78 t. DECCA 5544 (US) .

Any Old Time / Pistol Packin' Papa

1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 8933 (US) . I Want A Pardon For Daddy / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle
1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 8946 (US) . End Of My Round-Up Days / It's Round-Up Time In Reno
1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 8960 (US) . Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND - Were You Sincere / Down In The Land Of The Zulu
1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 8968 (US) . There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Sail Along, Silv'ry Moon
1938 78 t. PERFECT 8-02-51 (US) . There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Sail Along, Silv'ry Moon
1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 8982 (US) . When The Tumbleweeds Come Tumbling Down Again / When It's Springtime In The Rockies
1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 8983 (US) . Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND -Eyes To The Sky / At The Old Barn Dance
1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 9057 (US) . The Dude Ranch Cowhands / As Long As I've Got My Horse
08/1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 9058 (US) . Ride Tenderfoot Ride / The Old Trail
08/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04262 (US) .

Ride Tenderfoot Ride / The Old Trail

09/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04340 (US) .

My Star Of The Sky / Good-Bye Pinto

09/1938 78 t. CONQUEROR 9098 (US) . Good-Bye Pinto / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)
10/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04375 (US) .

There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (Gene AUTRY)  / Louisiana Moon (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)

10/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04415 (US) .

Ole Faithful (Gene Autry Trio) / Some Day In Wyomin' (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)

11/1938 78 t. VOCALION 04485 (US) .

The Last Round-Up / Way Out West In Texas

1939 78 t. VOCALION 04809 (US) .

I Just Want You / Little Sir Echo

1939 78 t. CONQUEROR 9194 (US) . I Just Want You / Little Sir Echo
05/1939 78 t. VOCALION 04810 (US) .

Paradise In The Moonlight / When I First Laid Eyes On You

1939 78 t. CONQUEROR 9259 (US) . Paradise In The Moonlight / When I First Laid Eyes On You
06/1939 78 t. VOCALION 04854 (US) .

I Wonder If You Feel The Way I Do / We've Come A Long Way Together

06/1939 78 t. CONQUEROR 9258 (US) . I Wonder If You Feel The Way I Do / We've Come A Long Way Together
1939 78 t. VOCALION 04908 (US) .

Old November Moon / If It Wasn't For The Rain

07/1939 78 t. VOCALION 04947 (US) .

Blue Montana Skies / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats

1939 78 t. VOCALION 04998 (US)

Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B

09/1939 78 t. VOCALION 05080 (US) .

Back To The Saddle / Little Old Band Of Gold

1939 78 t. CONQUEROR 9260 (US) . If It Wasn't For The Rain / Old November Moon
1939 78 t. CONQUEROR 9261 (US) . Rhythm Of The Hoof Beats / Blue Montana Skies
10/1939 78 t. CONQUEROR 9305 (US) . South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / A Gold Mine In Your Heart
10/1939 78 t. VOCALION 05122 (US) .

South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / A Gold Mine In Your Heart

1939 78 t. VOCALION 05190 (US) .

Little Pardner / Darling How Can You Forget So Soon

12/1939 78 t. VOCALION 05257 (US) .

The Merry-Go-Roundup / I'm Beginning To Care

1939 78 t. CONQUEROR 9341 (US) . Back To The Saddle / Little Pardner
1939 78 t. COLUMBIA PHILCO 3 (US) .

You've Got Something There (Blind Boy Fuller) / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) (Gene AUTRY)

1939 78 t. COLUMBIA PHILCO-9 (US) (demo) .

Gene Autry / Raymond Scott - Philco Audio Demonstration Record / Blueberry Hill / Philco Audio Demonstration Record

1939 . 78 t. MONTGOMERY WARD 8034 (US) .

Texas Blues / Train Whistle Blues

1940 78 t. OKEH 02991 (US) .

Gene Autry & Jimmy Long - Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Mississippi Valley Blues

04/1940 78 t. OKEH 03007 (US) .

Tumbling Tumbleweeds (GENE AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)

04/1940 78 t. VOCALION 05463 (US) .

Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget

05/1940 78 t. VOCALION 05513 (US) .

El Rancho Grande (My Ranch) / The Singing Hills

1940 78 t. OKEH 03070 (US) .

Nobody's Darling But Mine / Don't Waste Your Tears On Me

1940 78 t. OKEH 03097 (US) .

Mexicali Rose / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)

1940 78 t. OKEH 03101 (US) .

The Answer To Nobody’s Darling (Gene AUTRY) / Answer To Red River Valley (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)

1940 78 t. OKEH 03138 (US) .

I'll Go Riding Down That Texas Trail / My Old Saddle Pal

1940 78 t. OKEH 03229 (US) .

The Convict's Dream / That's Why I'm Nobody's Darling

1940 78 t. OKEH 03262 (US) .

The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) (Gene Autry & His String Band) / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)

1940 78 t. OKEH 03358 (US) .

Sail Along, Silv'ry Moon / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky

1940 78 t. OKEH 03448 (US) .

At The Old Barn Dance / When It’s Springtime In The Rockies

1940 78 t. OKEH 04146 (US) .

End Of My Round-Up Days / I Want A Pardon For Daddy

1940 78 t. OKEH 04172 (US) .

Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Dust

1940 78 t. OKEH 04262 (US) .

Ride Tenderfoot Ride / The Old Trail

1940 78 t. OKEH 04340 (US) .

My Star Of The Sky / Good-Bye Pinto

1940 78 t. OKEH 04485 (US) .

The Last Round-Up / Way Out West In Texas

1940 78 t. OKEH 04854 (US) . I Wonder If You Feel The Way I Do / We've Come A Long Way Together
1940 78 t. OKEH 04947 (US) .

Blue Montana Skies / Rhythm Of The Hoof Beats

1940 78 t. OKEH 05080 (US) .

Back In The Saddle Again (Theme Song) / Little Old Band Of Gold

1940 78 t. OKEH 05122 (US) .

South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / A Gold Mine In Your Heart

1940 78 t. OKEH 05190 (US) .

Little Pardner / Darling How Can You Forget So Soon

1940 78 t. OKEH 05257 (US) .

The Merry-Go-Roundup / I'm Beginning To Care

1940 78 t. OKEH 05463 (US) .

Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget

06/1940 78 t. OKEH 05599 (US) .

Mary Dear / There's Only One Love In A Lifetime

1940 78 t. VOCALION 05599 (US) . Mary Dear / There's Only One Love In A Lifetime
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9387 (US) . Mary Dear / There's Only One Love In A Lifetime
07/1940 78 t. OKEH 05513 (US) . El Rancho Grande (My Ranch) / The Singing Hills
07/1940 78 t. OKEH 05693 (US) .

Blue Hawaii / Were You Sincere

08/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9388 (US) . El Rancho Grande (My Ranch) / The Singing Hills
08/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9389 (US) . Goodbye Little Darlin', Goodbye / When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget
1942 78 t. OKEH 05779 (US) .

Blueberry Hill / Sycamore Lane

09/1940 78 t. OKEH 05780 (US) . Sierra Sue / When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano
09/1940 78 t. OKEH 05781 (US) .

You Waited Too Long / That Little Kid Sister Of Mine

09/1940 78 t. OKEH 05793 (US) .

We Never Dream The Same Dream Twice / I'll Never Smile Again

1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9390 (US) . Darling, How Can You Forget So Soon / I'm Beginning To Care
09/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9415 (US) . There Ain't No Use In Crying Now / Tears On My Pillow
11/1940 78 t. OKEH 05890 (US) .

Broomstick Buckaroo / The Call Of The Canyon

1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9425 (US) . Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Cowboy's Trademarks
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9426 (US) . I'm Gonna Roundup My Blues / I Don't Belong In Your World (And You Don't Belong)
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9427 (US) . The Dude Ranch Cowhands / Dust (Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND)
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9428 (US) . Eyes To The Sky (Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND) / If It Wasn't For The Rain
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9441 (US) . It's Roundup Time In Reno / Down In The Land Of The Zulu
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9442 (US) . My Old Saddle Pal / My Star Of The Sky
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9444 (US) . Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND - Old Buckaroo Goodbye / Old November Moon
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9449 (US) . When I First Laid Eyes On You / Paradise In The Moonlight
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9450 (US) . Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / Why Don't You Come Back To Me?
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9512 (US) . Louisiana Moon / Answer To The Red River Valley (Gene AUTRY TRIO)
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9513 (US) . Rhythm Of The Range (Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND) / Way Out West In Texas (Gene AUTRY)
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9544 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again / The Call Of The Canyon
12/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9545 (US) . Blueberry Hill / Sycamore Lane
12/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9546 (US) . When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / We Never Dream The Same Dream Twice
12/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9547 (US) . You Waited Too Long / That Little Kid Sister Of Mine
12/1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9548 (US) . I'll Never Smile Again / Sierra Sue
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9549 (US) . What's Gonna Happen To Me / Be Honest With Me
1940 78 t. CONQUEROR 9550 (US) . End Of My Roundup Days / Broomstick Buckaroo
01/1941 78 t. OKEH 05980 (US) .

What's Gonna Happen To Me / Be Honest With Me

02/1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9613 (US) . Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG - There's A Little Old Lady Waiting / Some Day In Wyomin'
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9614 (US) . A Face I See At Evening / Little Old Band Of Gold
1941 ? 78 t. OKEH 04375 (US) . There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (Gene AUTRY) / Louisiana Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
03/1941 78 t. OKEH 06089 (US) . There Ain't No Use In Crying Now / A Face I See At Evening
06/1941 78 t. OKEH 06239 (US) .

There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You / Tears On My Pillow

07/1941 78 t. OKEH 06274 (US) .

You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now

08/1941 78 t. OKEH 06359 (US) .

God Must Have Loved America / Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You

08/1941 78 t. OKEH 06360 (US) .

A Year Ago Tonight / I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin')

1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9797 (US) . I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire / After Tomorrow
10/1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9798 (US) .

Amapola (Pretty Little Poppy) / Maria Elena

1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9799 (US) . You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9800 (US) . There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You / The Last Letter
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9801 (US) . I'll Be True While You're Gone / I'll Wait For You
10/1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9802 (US) . Under Fiesta Stars / Spend A Night In Argentina
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9803 (US) . You Are The Light Of My Life / Too Late
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9804 (US) . Lonely River / Dear Little Dream Girl Of Mine
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9805 (US) . Purple Sage In The Twilight / Dear Old Dad Of Mine
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9806 (US) . I'm Comin' Home Darlin' / I Wish All My Children Were Babies Again
1941 78 t. CONQUEROR 9807 (US) . If You Only Believed In Me / Blue-Eyed Elaine
10/1941 78 t. OKEH 06434 (US) . After Tomorrow / I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
1941 78 t. OKEH 06435 (US) .

Amapola (Pretty Little Poppy) / Maria Elena

11/1941 78 t. OKEH 06461 (US) . I Wish All My Children Were Babies Again / I'm Comin' Home Darlin'
12/1941 78 t. OKEH 06511 (US) . I'll Wait For You / Lonely River
01/1942 78 t. OKEH 06549 (US) . Too Late / Blue Eyed Elaine
02/1942 78 t. OKEH 06567 (US) . Sweethearts Or Strangers / You Are The Light Of My Life
03/1942 78 t. OKEH 06627 (US) . I Hang My Head And Cry / You'll Be Sorry
04/1942 78 t. OKEH 06643 (US) .

Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns

04/1942 78 t. OKEH 6648 (US) . I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / I'll Be True While You're Gone
05/1942 78 t. OKEH 6680 (US) . Tweedle-O-Twill / Take Me Back Into Your Heart
05/1942 78 t. COLUMBIA 36587 (US) . Tweedle-O-Twill / Take Me Back Into Your Heart
05/1942 78 t. OKEH 6682 (US) .

Private Buckaroo / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado

05/1942 78 t. COLUMBIA 36598 (US) . Private Buckaroo / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado
06/1942 78 t. OKEH 6684 (US) . Yesterday's Roses / Call For Me And I'll Be There
06/1942 78 t. OKEH 6690 (US) . Jingle Jangle Jingle / I'm A Cow Poke Pokin' Along
1942 78 t. COLUMBIA 36608 (US) . Call For Me And I'll Be There / Yesterday's Roses
09/1942 78 t. OKEH 6694 (US) . Under Fiesta Stars / Spend A Night In Argentina
1942 4 78 t. OKEH ? (US) GENE AUTRY :
DISC 1 : Call For Me And I'll Be There /Yesterday's Roses
DISC 2 : Mexicali Rose / You're The Only Star
DISC 3 : I'll Be True While You're Gone / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
DISC 4 : I Hang My Head And Cry / You'll Be Sorry
10/1943 78 t. V DISC 20 (US) .

You'll Be Sorry / Goodbye, Little Darlin', Goodbye

07/1944 78 t. V DISC 240 (US) .

Gene Autry : After Tomorrow / It Makes No Difference Now / Ted Daffan's Texans : No Letter Today / Born To Lose

10/1944 78 t. OKEH 6725 (US) . Purple Sage In The Twilight / If You Only Believed In Me
12/1944 78 t. OKEH 6728 (US)  . Don't Fence Me In / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas
03/1945 78 t. OKEH 6737 (US)  . At Mail Call Today / I'll Be Back
06/1945 78 t. OKEH 6743 (US) . Darlin' What More Can I Do / I Guess I've Been Asleep
09/1945 78 t. COLUMBIA 36840 (US) . Don't Hang Around Me Anymore / Address Unknown
09/1945 78 t. COLUMBIA 36880 (US) . I Want To Be Sure / Don't Live A Lie
01/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 36904 (US) . Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Silver Spurs (On The Golden Stairs)
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 20001 (US) Address Unknown / Don't Hang Around Me Anymore
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 20007 (US) . I Want To Be Sure / Don't Live A Lie
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 20012 (US) . Good Old Fashioned Hoe Down / Silver Spurs
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 20020 (US) . You Only Want Me When You're Lonely / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 20025 (US) . Over And Over Again / Wave To Me, My Lady
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 20027 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
04/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 36970 (US) . I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely
05/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 36984 (US) . Wave To Me, My Lady / Over And Over Again
06/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37000 (US) . Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Gene AUTRY TRIO) / Old Missouri Moon (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy LONG)
06/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37001 (US) . Nobody's Darlin' But Mine / Don't Waste Your Tears On Me
06/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37002 (US) . Mexicali Rose / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)
06/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37003 (US) . Sail Along Silv'ry Moon / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky
06/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37004 (US) . End Of My Round-Up Days / I Want A Pardon For Daddy
07/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37010 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again (Theme Song) / Little Old Band Of Gold
07/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37011 (US) . Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37016 (US) . You Waited Too Long / That Little Kid Sister Of Mine
07/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37018 (US) . What's Gonna Happen To Me / Be Honest With Me
07/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37021 (US) . You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now
07/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37023 (US) . I'll Be True While You're Gone / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
07/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37024 (US) . Tweedle-O-Twill / Take Me Back Into Your Heart
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37026 (US) . Private Buckaroo / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado
07/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37027 (US) . Yesterday's Roses / Call For Me And I'll Be There
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37036 (US) . If You Only Believed In Me / Purple Sage In The Twilight
08/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37041 (US) . At Mail Call Today / I'll Be Back
1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37043 (US) . Darlin' What More Can I Do / I Guess I've Been Asleep
09/1946 78 t. COLUMBIA 37079 (US) . Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You
1946 4 78t. COLUMBIA 36840, 36880, 36904, 36970 (US) GENE AUTRY :
DISC 1 : Don't Hang Around Me Anymore / Address Unknown  
DISC 2 : I Want To Be Sure / Don't Live A Lie  
DISC 3 : Silver Spurs (On The Golden Stairs) / Good Old Fashioned Hoedown  
DISC 4 : I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely  
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37183 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37184 (US) . Red River Valley / Home On The Range
02/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37185 (US) . South Of The Border / Mexicali Rose
02/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37186 (US) . Twilight On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon
02/1947 4 78 t. COLUMBIA C-120 / H-1 (US) GENE AUTRY'S WESTERN CLASSICS - SET N°1 :
DISC 1 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Back In The Saddle Again
DISC 2 : Red River Valley / Home On The Range
DISC 3 : South Of The Border / Mexicali Rose
DISC 4 : Twilight On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37201 (US) . You're Not My Darlin' Anymore / Here's To The Ladies
04/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37322 (US) . You Laughed And I Cried / Ages And Ages Ago
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37390 (US) . When The Snowbirds Cross The Rockies / The Angel Song
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37402 (US) . Don't Fence Me In / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas
05//1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37406 (US) . Jingle Jangle Jingle / I'm A Cow Poke Pokin' Along
05/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37410 (US) . Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns / Deep In The Heart Of Texas
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37412 (US) .

I Hang My Head And Cry / You'll Be Sorry

1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37423 (US) . You Are The Light Of My Life / Sweethearts Or Strangers
05/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37425 (US) . Too Late / Blue-Eyed Elaine
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37430 (US) . I'll Wait For You / Lonely River
06/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37437 (US) . I Wish All My Children Were Babies Again / I'm Comin' Home Darlin'
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37643 (US) . South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / A Gold Mine In Your Heart
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37652 (US) . Broomstick Buckaroo / The Call Of The Canyon
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37655 (US) . A Face I See At Evening / There Ain't No Use In Crying Now
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37660 (US) . There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You / Tears On My Pillow
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37663 (US) . God Must Have Loved America / Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You
1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37702 (US) . The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) (Gene Autry & His String Band) / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie (Gene Autry & Jimmy Long)
08/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37816 (US) . The Last Mile / The Leaf Of Love
09/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37923 (US) . Cowboy Blues / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal
10/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37942 (US) .

Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane) / An Old-Fashioned Tree

11/1947 78 t. COLUMBIA 37963 (US) . Pretty Mary / Dixie Cannonball
01/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 38076 (US) . Serenade Of The Bells / Loaded Pistols And Loaded Dice
03/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 38148 (US) . Fair Play / Lone Star Moon
05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20028 (US) .

You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Mexicali Rose

05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20029 (US) . Sail Along Silv'ry Moon / There's a Gold Mine In The Sky
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20030 (US) . I Want A Pardon For Daddy / End Of My Round-Up Days
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20036 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again (Theme Song)   / My Old Band Of Gold
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20037 (US) . When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20042 (US) . You Waited Too Long / That Little Kid Sister Of Mine
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20042 (US) . That Little Kid Sister Of Mine / You Waited Too Long
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20044 (US) . Be Honest With Me / What's Gonna Happen To Me
05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20047 (US) . You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20049 (US) . I'll Be True When You're Gone / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20050 (US) . Tweedle O Twill / Take Me Back Into Your Heart
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20052 (US) . Private Buckaroo / Rainbow On Rio Colorado
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20053 (US) . Call For Me And I'll Be There / Yesterday's Roses
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20061 (US) . If You Only Believed In Me / Purple Sage In The Moonlight
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20066 (US) . Darling What More Can I Do / I Guess I've Been Asleep
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20075 (US) . Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You
05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20084 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20085 (US) . Home On The Range / Red River Valley
05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20086 (US) . Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way)
05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20087 (US) . Twilight On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20089 (US) . Here's To The Ladies / You're Not My Darling Anymore
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20114 (US) . Ages And Ages Ago / You Laughed And I Cried
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20125 (US) . Angel Song / When The Snowbirds Cross The Rockies
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20129 (US) . Don't Fence Me In / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20133 (US) . I'm A Cow Poke Poking Along / Jingle Jangle Jingle
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20137 (US) . Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorn / Deep In The Heart Of Texas
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20139 (US) . I Hang My Head And Cry / You'll Be Sorry
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20150 (US) . Sweethearts Or Strangers / You Are The Light Of My Life
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20152 (US) . Too Late / Blue Eyed Elaine
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20157 (US) . Lonely River / I'll Wait For You
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20164 (US) . I'm Comin' Home Darlin' / I Wish All My Children Were Babies Again
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20242 (US) . South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / A Gold Mine In Your Heart
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20251 (US) . Call Of The Canyon / Broomstick Buckaroo
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20254 (US) . A Face I See At Evening / There Ain't No Use In Crying Now
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20259 (US) . There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You / Tears On My Pillow
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20262 (US) . God Must Have Loved America / Don't Bite The Hand That Feeds You
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20281 (US) . The One Rose / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20355 (US) . The Last Mile / Leaf Of Love
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20371 (US) . Cowboy Blues / Gallavantin' Galveston Gal
05/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20377 (US) .

Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane) / An Old-Fashioned Tree

1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20386 (US) . Pretty Mary / Dixie Cannonball
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20400 (US) . Serenade Of The Bells / Loaded Pistols And Loaded Dice
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20416 (US) . Lone Star Moon / Fair Play
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20439 (US) . I'm A Fool To Care / A Broken Promise Means A Broken Heart
06/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20448 (US) . Blue Shadows On The Trail / A Boy From Texas, Girl From Tennessee
06/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20451 (US) . They Warned Me About You / Rolling Along
1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20453 (US) . Nobody's Darlin' But Mine / Don't Waste Your Tears On Me
08/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20469 (US) . Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / Buttons And Bows
10/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20485 (US) . Blueberry Hill / Sycamore Lane
11/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20495 (US) . The Last Letter / If Today Were The End Of The World
12/1948 78 t. COLUMBIA 20524 (US) . Kentucky Babe / Missouri Waltz ((Hush-A-Bye, Ma Baby))
02/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20539 (US) . The Bible On The Table / I Lost My Little Darlin
02/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20541 (US) . The Last Roundup / Take Me Back To My Boots & Saddles
1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20542 (US) . Rounded Up In Glory / There's A Goldmine In The Sky
1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20543 (US) . When It's Roundup Time In Heaven / Old Faithful
02/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20544 (US) . There's An Empty Cot in The Bunkhouse Tonight / Cowboy's Heaven
02/1949 4 78 t. COLUMBIA H-7 (US)

Western Classics - Volume II :
DISC 1 : The Last Roundup / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle
DISC 2 : There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Rounded Up In Glory
DISC 3 : When It's Round-up Time In Heaven / Ole Faithful
DISC 4 : There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight / Cowboy's Heaven

05/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20579 (US) . Ellie Mae / Sun Flower
06/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20591 (US) . My Empty Heart / I Wish I Had Stayed Over Yonder
1949 ? SP 33 t. COLUMBIA 2-258 (US) (promo) .

My Empty Heart / I Wish I Had Stayed Over Yonder

09/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20616 (US) . Santa, Santa,  Santa / He's A Chubby Little Fellow
1949 2 78 t. COLUMBIA MJV-55 (US) STAMPEDE - A Tale Of The West :
DISC 1 : Stampede (Part 1) / Stampede (Part 4)
DISC 2 : Stampede (Part 2) / Stampede (Part 3)
09/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA MJV 56 (US) Gene Autry & The Pinafores - RUDOLPH, THE RED-NOSED REINDER - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas
1949 SP COLUMBIA 4-90049 (US) Gene Autry & The Pinafores - RUDOLPH, THE RED-NOSED REINDER - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas
1949 SP 33 t. COLUMBIA 1-375 (US) .

If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

10/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20624 (US) . Gene Autry with The Pinafores & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS - Whirlwinds / When The Silver Colorado Turns To Gold
1949 ? SP 33 t. COLUMBIA 3-350 (US) . Gene Autry with The Pinafores & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS - Whirlwinds / When The Silver Colorado Turns To Gold
1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 20635 (US) . The Cowboy's Trademark (Gene AUTRY) / Riders In The Sky (Gene Autry with The Pinafores & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS)
11/1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 38610 (US) . Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry & The Pinafores) / I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus (Jimmy BOYD)
1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 90043-V (US) .

Stampede (Part 1) / Stampede (Part 4)

1949 78 t. COLUMBIA 90044-V (US) .

Stampede (Part 2) / Stampede (Part 3)

DISC 1 : Mexicali Rose / Nobody's Darling But Mine
DISC 2 : Sail Along Silv'ry Moon / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky
DISC 3 : El Rancho Grande / The Singing Hills
DISC 4 : When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye
194? 4 78 t. OKEH SET K-1 (US) COWBOY SONG :
DISC 1 : The Last Round-Up / Way Out West In Texas
DISC 2 : My Old Saddle Pal / I'll Go Riding Down That Texas Trail
DISC 3 : The Old Trail / Ride Tenderfoot Ride
DISC 4 : Old Buckaroo Goodbye / Rhythm Of The Range
194? 4 78 t. OKEH ? (US) GENE AUTRY :
DISC 1 : Be Honest With Me / What's Gonna Happen To Me
DISC 2 : Be Honest With Me / What's Gonna Happen To Me
DISC 3 : You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now
DISC 4 : Darlin' What More Can I Do / I Guess I've Been Asleep
01/1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-20541 (US) . The Last Roundup / Take Me Back To My Boots & Saddles
01/1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 20651 (US) . A Cowboys Serenade / Mule Train
02/1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 20665 (US) . Poison Ivy / A New Star Is Shining In Heaven
03/1950 SP COLUMBIA 1-575 (US) . Peter Cottontail / The Funny Little Bunny (With The Powder Puff Tail)
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 20681 (US) . Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Dust Pan Blues
03/1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 38750 (US) . Peter Cottontail / The Funny Little Bunny
03/1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-38750 (US) . Peter Cottontail / The Funny Little Bunny
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 38816 (US) . The Roses I Picked For Our Wedding / Roses
1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-38816 (US) . The Roses I Picked For Our Wedding / Roses
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 38828 (US) . Dinah SHORE & Gene AUTRY - The Old Rugged Cross / In The Garden
1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-38828 (US) . Dinah SHORE & Gene AUTRY - The Old Rugged Cross / In The Garden
07/1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 20709 (US) . I Love You Because / Last Straw
07/1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-20709 (US) . I Love You Because / Last Straw
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 20727 (US) . Silver Haired Daddy / Mississippi Valley Blues
1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-20727 (US) . Silver Haired Daddy / Mississippi Valley Blues
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 20763 (US) . Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Rose Colored Memories
1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-20763 (US) . Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Rose Colored Memories
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 38906 (US) .

Blue Canadian Rockies (Gene Autry with The Pinafores & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Onteora (Great Land In The Sky) (Gene Autry with The CASS COUNTRY BOYS)

1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-38906 (US) . Blue Canadian Rockies (Gene Autry with The Pinafores & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Onteora (Great Land In The Sky) (Gene Autry with The CASS COUNTRY BOYS)
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 38907 (US) . Frosty The Snowman (Gene AUTRY & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter (Gene AUTRY)
1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-38907 (US) . Frosty The Snowman (Gene AUTRY & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter (Gene AUTRY)
08/1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 38934 (US) .

Goodnight Irene (Gene Autry with The Pinafores & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Texans Never Cry (Gene AUTRY)

08/1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-38934 (US) . Goodnight Irene (Gene Autry with The Pinafores & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Texans Never Cry (Gene AUTRY)
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 38985 (US) . Little Johnny Pilgrim / Guffy The Goofy Gobbler
1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-38985 (US) . Little Johnny Pilgrim / Guffy The Goofy Gobbler
1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 90063-V (US) . Peter Cottontail / The Funny Little Bunny (With The Powder Puff Tail)
10/1950 SP COLUMBIA 6-375 (US) . Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas
10/1950 SP COLUMBIA 6-742 (US) . Frosty The Snow Man / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter
1950 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 56 / MJV 4-56 (US)
RUDOLPH, THE RED-NOSED REINDER - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas
1950 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 62 / MJV 4-62 (US)

Champion - The Horse No Man Could Ride :
DISC 1 : Champion (Part 1) / Champion (Part 2)
DISC 2 : Champion (Part 3) / Champion (Part 4)

1950 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 68 / MJV 4-68 (US) GENE AUTRY SINGS PETER COTTONTAIL AND FUNNY LITTLE BUNNY - Peter Cottontail / The Funny Little Bunny (With The Powder Puff Tail)
11/1950 78 t.& SP  COLUMBIA MJV 75/ MJV 4-75 (US)
FROSTY THE SNOW MAN - Frosty The Snow Man (Gene Autry & The Cass County Boys) / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter (Gene AUTRY)
12/1950 78 t. COLUMBIA 39086 (US) . My Heart Cries For You (Gene Autry & Jo Stafford) / Teardrops From My Eyes (Jo Stafford & Gene Autry)
12/1950 SP COLUMBIA 4-39086 (US) . My Heart Cries For You (Gene Autry & Jo Stafford) / Teardrops From My Eyes (Jo Stafford & Gene Autry)
1950 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 82 / MJV 4-82 (US)

The Story Of The Nativity / The Story Of The Nativity

1950 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV-83 / MJV 4-83 (US)

Little Johnny Pilgrim / Guffy The Goofy Gobbler

1950 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 84 / MJV 4-84 (US)
Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane) (Gene AUTRY) / He's A Chubby Little Fellow (Gene Autry & The Pinafores)
DISC 1 : Gene Autry At The Rodeo / Gene Autry At The Rodeo
DISC 2 : Gene Autry At The Rodeo / Gene Autry At The Rodeo
1950 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV-94 / MJV 4-94 (US)

Rusty, The Rocking Horse / Bucky, The Bucking Bronco

DISC 1 : He Last Roundup / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Rounded Up In Glory
DISC 2 : When It's Roundup Time In Heaven / Ole Faithful / There's An Empty Cat In The Bunkhouse Tonight / Cowboy's Heaven
DISC 1 : Frosty The Snowman / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / An Old-Fashioned Tree
DISC 2 : Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Santa, Santa, Santa / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
1950 SP COLUMBIA 20763 (US) Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Rose Colored Memories
1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 20775 (US) . The Statue In The Bay / The Place Where I Worship
1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20775 (US) . The Statue In The Bay / The Place Where I Worship
1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 20814 (US) . I'll Be Back / At Mail Call Today
1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20814 (US) . At Mail Call Today / I'll Be Back
02/1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39217 (US) . Sonny The Bunny / Bunny Round_Up Time
03/1951 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 103 / MJV 4-103 (US) SONNY THE BUNNY - Sonny The Bunny / Bunny Round_Up Time
1951 2 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 104 / MJV 4-104 (US)

The Story Of Little Champ :
DISC 1 : The Story Of Little Champ / The Story Of Little Champ
DISC 2 : The Story Of Little Champ / The Story Of Little Champ

03/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20084 (US) .

Back In The Saddle Again / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

03/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20085 (US) .

Home On The Range / Red River Valley

03/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20086 (US) .

Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way)

03/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20087 (US) .

Twilight On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon

DISC 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
DISC 2 : Home On The Range / Red River Valley
DISC 3 : Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border
DISC 4 : Twilight On The Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon
DISC 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / Home On The Range / Mexicali Rose / Twilight On The Trail
DISC 2 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Red River Valley / South Of The Border / Ridin' Down The Canyon
04/1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39347 (US) . Gene Autry & The Pinafores - Gold Can Buy Anything (But Love) / Crime Will Never Pay
04/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39347 (US) . Gene Autry & The Pinafores - Gold Can Buy Anything (But Love) / Crime Will Never Pay
05/1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39371 (US) . How Long Is Forever? (Gene AUTRY) / Mister And Mississippi (Gene Autry & The Pinafores)
05/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39371 (US) . How Long Is Forever? (Gene AUTRY) / Mister And Mississippi (Gene Autry & The Pinafores)
05/1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39405 (US) . Old Soldiers Never Die / God Bless America
05/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39405 (US) . Old Soldiers Never Die / God Bless America
1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39461 (US) . Frosty The Snow Man / An Old-Fashioned Tree
1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39461 (US) . Frosty The Snow Man / An Old-Fashioned Tree
1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39462 (US) . He's A Chubby Little Fellow / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter
1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39462 (US) . He's A Chubby Little Fellow / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter
1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39463 (US) . Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus
1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39463 (US) . Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus
1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39464 (US) . Santa, Santa, Santa / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas
1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39464 (US) . Santa, Santa, Santa / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas
09/1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 20865 (US) . I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire / When It's Springtime In The Rockies
09/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20865 (US) . I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire / When It's Springtime In The Rockies
09/1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39542 (US) . He'll Be Coming Down The Chimney (Like He Always Did Before) / Poppy The Puppy
09/1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-39542 (US) . He'll Be Coming Down The Chimney (Like He Always Did Before) / Poppy The Puppy
1951 78 t. COLUMBIA 39543 (US) . (Hardrock, Coco And Joe) The Three Little Dwarfs / Thirty Two Feet - Eight Little Tails
1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-39543 (US) .

(Hardrock, Coco And Joe) The Three Little Dwarfs / Thirty Two Feet - Eight Little Tails

1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20047 (US) . You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now
1951 SP COLUMBIA 4-20543 (US) . When It's Roundup Time In Heaven / Old Faithful
1951 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 121 / MJV 4-121 (US)
THE THREE LITTLE DWARFS - Thirty-Two Feet - Eight Little Tails / (Hardrock, Coco And Joe) The Three Little Dwarfs
1951 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 122 / MJV 4-122 (US)
POPPY THE PUPPY AND HELL BE COMING DOWN THE CHIMNEY - Poppy The Puppy / He'll Be Coming Down The Chimney (Like He Always Did Before)
1951 ? 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 128 / MJV 4-128 (US) .

Gene Autry with Carl Cotner's Orchestra – Buffalo Bill / Kit Carson

1951 EP COLUMBIA J-1528 (US) GENE AUTRY AT THE RODEO - Gene Autry At The Rodeo / Gene Autry At The Rodeo
DISC 1 : The Story Of Little Champ / The Story Of Little Champ
DISC 2 : The Story Of Little Champ / The Story Of Little Champ
1952 78 t. COLUMBIA 20899 (US) .

Gene Autry with Carl Cotner's Orchestra - I'm Learning To Live Without You / A Heartsick Soldier On Heartbreak Ridge

1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-20899 (US) . Gene Autry with Carl Cotner's Orchestra - I'm Learning To Live Without You / A Heartsick Soldier On Heartbreak Ridge
02/1952 78 t. COLUMBIA 20904 (US) . Gene Autry with Carl Cotner's Orchestra - I Was Just Walkin' Out The Door / Am I Just A Pastime
02/1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-20904 (US) . Gene Autry with Carl Cotner's Orchestra - I Was Just Walkin' Out The Door / Am I Just A Pastime
04/1952 78 t. COLUMBIA 20929 (US) . Stop Your Gambling / Diesel Smoe, Dangerous Curves
04/1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-20929 (US) . Stop Your Gambling / Diesel Smoe, Dangerous Curves
1952 78 t. COLUMBIA 39808 (US) .

(Angels Are Lighting, The) God's Little Candles / Don't Believe A Word They Say

1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-39808 (US) . (Angels Are Lighting, The) God's Little Candles / Don't Believe A Word They Say
10/1952 78 t. COLUMBIA 39876 (US) .

The Night Before Christmas Song (Rosemary Clooney & Gene Autry) / Look Out The Window (The Winter Song) (Gene Autry & Rosemary Clooney)

10/1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-39876 (US) . The Night Before Christmas Song (Rosemary Clooney & Gene Autry) / Look Out The Window (The Winter Song) (Gene Autry & Rosemary Clooney)
11/1952 78 t. COLUMBIA 21035 (US) . I've Lived A Lifetime For You / Story Book Of Love
11/1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-20377 (US) .

Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane) / An Old-Fashioned Tree

11/1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-38610 (US) . Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry & The Pinafores) / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas (

I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus (Jimmy BOYD))

1952 78 t. COLUMBIA 39871 (US) . Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry & The Pinafores) / I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus (Jimmy BOYD)
1952 SP COLUMBIA 4-39871 (US) . Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry & The Pinafores) / I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus (Jimmy BOYD)
1952 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV-148 / MJV 4-148 (US)
SMOKEY THE BEAR - Smokey The Bear / Back In The Saddle Again
1952 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 149 / MJV 4-149 (US)
Rosemary Clooney & Gene Autry - The Night Before Christmas Song / Look Out The Window (The Winter Song)
1952 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA MJV 150 / MJV 4-150 (US)
MERRY TEXAS CHRISTMAS, YOU ALL! - Merry Texas Christmas, You All / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is)

SP COLUMBIA MJV 4-150 / 4-90172-V (US) (special edition)

Gene Autry Sings 'Twas The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is!) & Merry Texas Christmas You All! - Merry Texas Christmas, You All / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is)

1952 78 t. 7" PLAYTIME 384-PVD (US)

Old Chisholm Trail / The Big Corral

1952 EP COLUMBIA H-1663 (US) GENE AUTRY - Be Honest With Me / You Are My Sunshine  / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
1952 ? 78 t. COLUMBIA J-172 / MJV 149-2 (US) .

Freddie, The Little Tree (Gene Autry with The Mitchell ChoirboysCarl Cotner's Orchestra) / Look Out The Window (The Winter Song) (Rosemary Clooney, Gene Autry)

08/1953 78 t. COLUMBIA 21144 (US) .

Love Is So Misleadin' / Don't Send Your Love (To Me By Mail)

08/1953 SP COLUMBIA 4-21144 (US) . Love Is So Misleadin' / Don't Send Your Love (To Me By Mail)
1953 78 t.  COLUMBIA 40092 (US) . Where Did My Snowman Go? / Freddie The Little Fir Tree
10/1953 SP COLUMBIA 4-40092 (US) . Where Did My Snowman Go? / Freddie The Little Fir Tree
11/1953 78 t.  COLUMBIA 40135 (US) . I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Sleigh Bells
11/1953 SP COLUMBIA 4-40135 (US) . I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Sleigh Bells
12/1953 78 t. COLUMBIA 21207 (US) . Bimbo / Roly Poly
12/1953 SP COLUMBIA 4-21207 (US) . Bimbo / Roly Poly
1953 SP COLUMBIA 9-901 (US) .

Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Rose-Colored Memories

1953 78 t. PLAYTIME 386-PVD (US) .

Clementine / On Top Of Old Smoky

1953 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA J-172 / J4-172 (US)
Where Did My Snowman Go? - Where Did My Snowman Go? / Freddie, The Little Fir Tree
1953 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA J-176 / J4-176 (US)
SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN' TO TOWN - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town / Up On The House Top (Ho! Ho! Ho!)
1953 78 t. & SP CRICKET CX-6 / CX-6A-RM (US)

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene AUTRY) / Tinker Town Santa Claus (Cricketones)

1953 EP COLUMBIA J-1721 (US) Gene AUTRY & His STRING BAND - Deep In The Heart Of Texas / The One Rose / It Makes No Difference Now / When It's Springtime In The Rockies
1953 EP COLUMBIA J-1776 (US)

SINGING TIME WITH GENE AUTRY - Gene Autry & The Cass County Boys : Back In The Saddle Again / (There's A Great Big) Candy Round-Up / Gene Autry : Rusty, The Rocking Horse / Broomstick Buckaroo

1953 EP COLUMBIA J-1782 (US) CHRISTMAS FUN - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Frosty The Snowman / Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane) / Up On The House Top
1953 EP COLUMBIA J-1791 (US) . STAMPEDE (STORY OF THE WEST) - Stampede, A Story Of The West (Part 1) / Stampede, A Story Of The West (Part 2)
03/1954 78 t. COLUMBIA 21229 (US) .

Gene Autry with Carl Cotner & His Orchestra - Angels In The Sky / A Voice In The Choir

03/1954 SP COLUMBIA 4-21229 (US) . Gene Autry with Carl Cotner & His Orchestra - Angels In The Sky / A Voice In The Choir
1954 78 t. COLUMBIA 21252 (US) . My Lazy Day / Closing The Book
1954 SP COLUMBIA 4-21252 (US) . My Lazy Day / Closing The Book
1954 78 t. COLUMBIA 21269 (US) .

You're The Only Good Thing / 20/20 Vision (And Walking Around Blind)

1954 SP COLUMBIA 4-21269 (US) . You're The Only Good Thing / 20/20 Vision (And Walking Around Blind)
1954 78 t. COLUMBIA 21280 (US) . I'm A Fool To Care / A Broken Promise Means A Broken Heart
1954 SP COLUMBIA 4-21280 (US) . A Broken Promise Means A Broken Heart / I'm A Fool To Care
1954 78 t. COLUMBIA 21304 (US) . When He Grows Tired Of You / It Just Don't Seem Like Home When You're Gone
1954 SP COLUMBIA 4-21304 (US) . When He Grows Tired Of You / It Just Don't Seem Like Home When You're Gone
11/1954 78 t. COLUMBIA 21329 (US) . Barney The Bashful Bullfrog / Little Peter Pumpkin Eater
11/1954 SP COLUMBIA 4-21329 (US) . Barney The Bashful Bullfrog / Little Peter Pumpkin Eater
12/1954 78 t. COLUMBIA 21358 (US) . You're An Angel / I'm Innocent
12/1954 SP COLUMBIA 4-21358 (US) . You're An Angel / I'm Innocent
1954 78 t. COLUMBIA J-195 (US) .

(There's A Great Big) Candy Round-Up / Bimbo

1954 SP COLUMBIA 40167 (US) . Easter Morning / Horses With The Easter Bonnet
1954 SP COLUMBIA HALL OF FAME 4-50075 (US) .

Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry & The Pinafores) / Frosty The Snowman (Gene Autry & The Cass County Boys)

1954 78 t.  & SP COLUMBIA J-194 / J4-194 (US)
EASTER MORNIN' - Easter Mornin' / The Horse With The Easter Bonnet
1954 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA J-222 / J 4-222 (US) Barney The Bashful Bullfrog / Up On The Housetop ((Ho! Ho! Ho!)
1954 EP COLUMBIA J-1844 (US) EASTER FUN WITH GENE AUTRY - Peter Cottontail / The Funny Little Bunny / Sonny The Bunny / Bunny Round Up Time
1955 78 t. COLUMBIA HALL OF FAME 52026 (US) .

Back In The Saddle Again (Theme Song) (Gene AUTRY) / Silver Haired Daddy (Gene Autry & Bert Dodson)

10/1955 78 t. COLUMBIA 40589 (US) . Round, Round The Christmas Tree / Merry Christmas Waltz
10/1955 SP COLUMBIA 4-40589 (US) . Round, Round The Christmas Tree / Merry Christmas Waltz
1955 78 t. & SP COLUMBIA J-262 / J4-262 (US)

Round, Round The Christmas Tree / Merry Christmas Waltz

1955 SP COLUMBIA J4-293 (US) Gene AUTRY with Carl Cotner & His Orchestra - Everyone's A Child At Christmas / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart)
01/1956 78 t. COLUMBIA 21481 (US) . You've Got To Take The Bitter With The Sweet / Two Cheaters In Love
01/1956 SP COLUMBIA 4-21481 (US) . You've Got To Take The Bitter With The Sweet / Two Cheaters In Love
1956 78 t. COLUMBIA 21527 (US) . If Today Were The End Of The World / God's In The Saddle (Right By My Side)
1956 SP COLUMBIA 4-21527 (US) . If Today Were The End Of The World / God's In The Saddle (Right By My Side)
09/1956 78 t. COLUMBIA 40760 (US) . You Are My Sunshine (Carl Smith, Rosemary Clooney, Gene Autry, Don Cherry, The Collins Kids with The TUNESMITHS) / Nobody's Darling But Mine (Rosemary Clooney with The TUNESMITHS)
09/1956 SP COLUMBIA 4-40760 (US) .

You Are My Sunshine (Carl Smith, Rosemary Clooney, Gene Autry, Don Cherry, The Collins Kids with The TUNESMITHS) / Nobody's Darling But Mine (Rosemary Clooney with The TUNESMITHS)

11/1956 78 t. COLUMBIA 40790 (US) .

Gene AUTRY with Carl Cotner & His Orchestra - Everyone Is A Child At Christmas / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart)

11/1956 SP COLUMBIA 4-40790 (US) . Gene AUTRY with Carl Cotner & His Orchestra - Everyone Is A Child At Christmas / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart)
1956 EP COLUMBIA HALL OF FAME B-2612 (US) GENE AUTRY - CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (& The Pinafores) / Frosty The Snowman (& The Cass County Boys) / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / Here Comes Santa Claus
05/1957 78 t. COLUMBIA 40931 (US) . Johnny Reb And Billy Yank / Happy Little Island
05/1957 SP COLUMBIA 4-40931 (US) . Johnny Reb And Billy Yank / Happy Little Island
10/1957 SP CHALLENGE CH-1009 (US) .

No Back Door To Heaven / You're The Only Good Thing

10/1957 SP CBS CORONET KEP-043 (AUS)

Gene Autry And Champion In Western Adventures - Champion (The Horse No Man Could Ride) / Champion (The Horse No Man Could Ride)

10/1957 SP CBS CORONET KEP-044 (AUS)

The Story Of Little Champ - The Story Of Little Champ / The Story Of Little Champ

11/1957 2 SP CBS CORONET KEP-045 (AUS)

Stampede - Stampede / Stampede

11/1957 SP CBS CORONET KEP-046 (AUS)

Gene Autry At The Rodeo - Gene Autry At The Rodeo / Gene Autry At The Rodeo

11/1957 SP CHALLENGE CH-1010 (US) .

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa

1957 78 t. COLUMBIA 40960 (US) . Darlin' What More Can I Do / Half Your Heart
1957 SP COLUMBIA 4-40960 (US) . Darlin' What More Can I Do / Half Your Heart
09/1958 EP CBS CORONET KEP-072 (AUS)

Mexicali Rose / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Back In The Saddle Again (Theme Song) / You Are My Sunshine


Mexicali Rose / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine

11/1958 SP CHALLENGE 59030 (US)

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus

1958 EP PHILIPS 429 251 BE (DK)

Western Round-Up -Nobody's Darlin' But Mine (Rosemary Clooney with The TUNESMITHS) / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again (Don Cherry with The TUNESMITHS) / Missouri Waltz (The Collins Kids (Larrie And Lorrie) with The TUNESMITHS) / I Hang My Head And Cry (Gene Autry with The TUNESMITHS)

1959 SP COLUMBIA (US) (promo)

Columbia Celebrates The 10th Birthday Of Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry & The Pinafores) / Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (The Ray Conniff Singers)

11/1959 SP REPUBLIC 2001 (US)

Buon Natale (Means Merry Christmas) / Nine Little Reindeer

11/1959 SP REPUBLIC 2002 (US)

Santa's Comin' In A Whirlybird / Jingle Bells


Santa's Hit Parade - Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry & The Pinafores) / Suzy Snowflake (Rosemary Clooney) / Frosty The Snowman (Gene Autry & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / The Night Before Christmas Song (Rosemary Clooney & Gene Autry)


Gene Autry's Golden Hits Vol. 2 - Be Honest With Me / Trouble In Mind / Goodbye Little Darling / Hang Your Head In Shame

1962 SP 33 t. COLUMBIA HALL OF FAME 3-33023 (US) .

Back In The Saddle Again / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

02/1964 SP CBS 1.212 (NL)

Old Soldiers Never Die (They Just Fade Away) / Red River Valley

11/1964 SP HILLTOP 3001 (US) .

One Solitary Life (The Story Of Christ) / A Cowboy's Prayer

1967 EP 33 t. Victor SCP-1229 (JAP)

Best Of Western - Red River Valley (SONS OF THE PIONEERS) / San Antonio Rose (Gene AUTRY) / Molly Darling (Eddy ARNOLD) / Mockin' Bird Hill (AMES BROTHERS)

08/1968 SP COLUMBIA 44632 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again / Home On The Range
10/1968 SP CBS 3736 (NL)

Back In The Saddle Again / Home On The Range

11/1969 SP REPUBLIC 1405 (US) Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus
11/1969 SP  COLUMBIA HALL OF FAME 4-33165 (US)

Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus

196? SP Gene Autry's Rare Records RR 101 (US) .

The One Rose / By The River Of Roses

1971 ? Flexi Musigram 92827XS (?) .

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

1974 SP TRIP MLS-801 (US) .

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Up On The House Top

1976 SP REPUBLIC IRDA R-308 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again / The Last Roundup
1976 SP REPUBLIC IRDA R-326 (US) . Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus
1977 SP REPUBLIC REP-001 (US) . Back In The Saddle Again / The Last Roundup

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Up On The House Top

1978 SP London FMS-54 (JAP)

Back In The Saddle Again / You're The Only Good Thing

1986 SP COLUMBIA 38-06189 (US) (promo) .

Gene Autry & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS & The Pinafores - The Statue In The Bay / The Statue In The Bay

1986 SP COLUMBIA 38-06189 (US) .

The Statue In The Bay (Gene Autry & The CASS COUNTRY BOYS & The Pinafores) / God Bless America (Gene AUTRY)

199? SP COLUMBIA / COLLECTABLES 13-33165 (US) . Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus

Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine


1948 LP 10" COLUMBIA CL-6020 (US) WESTERN CLASSICS - Back In The Saddle Again (Theme Song) / Mexicali Rose / Home On The Range / Twilight On The Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / South Of The Border / Red River Valley / Ridin' Down The Canyon
1949 LP 10" COLUMBIA HL-9001 (US) WESTERN CLASSICS - Back In The Saddle Again (Theme Song) / Mexicali Rose / Home On The Range / Twilight On The Trail / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / South Of The Border / Red River Valley / Ridin' Down The Canyon
1949 LP 10" COLUMBIA HL-9002 (US) WESTERN CLASSICS VOL. 2 - Last Roundup / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / Rounded Up In Glory / When It's Roundup Time In Heaven / Ole Faithful / There's An Empty Cat In The Bunkhouse Tonight / Cowboy's Heaven
1949 LP 10" COLUMBIA JL-8002 (US)

Gene Autry / Jackie Robinson & Pee Wee Reese - Stampede (Gene AUTRY) / Slugger At The Bat (Jackie Robinson & Pee Wee Reese)

1950 LP 10" COLUMBIA JL-8012 (US)

Gene Autry / Merrill E. Joels - Champion (The Horse No Man Could Ride) / Tiger (A "Bring 'Em Back Alive" Story)

1950 LP 10" COLUMBIA CL-6137 (US) MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH GENE AUTRY - Frosty The Snowman / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / An Old-Fashioned Tree / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Santa, Santa, Santa / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus
1953 LP 10" COLUMBIA CL-2547 (US) MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH GENE AUTRY - Frosty The Snowman / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / An Old-Fashioned Tree / Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
1953 LP 12" COLUMBIA MJV-82 (US) STORY OF NATIVITY - Story Of Nativity / Jingle Bells / Freddie The Little Fir Tree / Round Round Round The Christmas Tree / Everyone's A Child At Christmas / Where Did My Snowman Go / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Frosty The Snowman / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / He'll Be Coming Down The Chimney / You Can See Old Santa Claus / When You Find Him In Your Heart
1955 LP 10" COLUMBIA CL-2568 (US) EASTER FAVORITES - Peter Cottontail / Funny Little Bunny / Eather Mornin' / Sonny The Bunny / Bunny Round-Up Time / The Horse With The Easter Bonnet
1955 LP 12" COLUMBIA CL-677 (US) GENE AUTRY & CHAMPION WESTERN ADVENTURES - Stampede / Gene Autry At The Rodeo / Champion (The Horse No Man Could Ride) / Story Of Little Champ
12/1957 LP 12" CHALLENGE CHL-600 (US) CHRISTMASTIME WITH GENE AUTRY - Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top (Carl COTNER ORCHESTRA & CHORUS) / Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Sleigh Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem - Silent Night - Joy To The World (Carl COTNER ORCHESTRA & CHORUS)
1959 LP 12" HARMONY HL-9505 (US) THE ADVENTURES OF GENE AUTRY AND CHAMPION - Stampede / Gene Autry At The Rodeo / Champion (The Horse No Man Could Ride) / The Story Of Little Champ
1960 LP 12" COLUMBIA CL-1575 (mono) / CS-8375 (stereo) (US) GENE AUTRY'S GREATEST HITS - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Mexicali Rose / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Be Honest With Me / Home On The Range / South Of The Border / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
07/1961 LP 10" COLUMBIA ZL-1155 (JAP)

Highlights - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Mexicali Rose / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Be Honest With Me / Home On The Range / South Of The Border / Tumbling Tumbleweeds

1962 LP 12" GRAND PRIX SERIES K-X11 (US) GENE AUTRY SINGS RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER AND OTHER CHRISTMAS FAVORITES - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Away In A Manger / What Child Is This
1962 LP 12" HURRAH H-X11 (mono) / HS-X11 (stereo) (US) GENE AUTRY SINGS THE RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER AND OTHER CHRISTMAS FAVORITES -Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Away In A Manger / What Child Is This
1963 LP 12" RCA VICTOR LSP-2623 (US) GENE AUTRY'S GOLDEN HITS - You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Tweedle O'Twill
1963 LP 12" HARMONY HL-14550 (US) THE ORIGINAL - GENE AUTRY SINGS RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEERAND OTHER CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS FAVORITES - Gene AUTRY & Rosemary CLOONEY - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town / Here Comes Santa Claus / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / Santa Santa Santa / Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / Frosty The Snowman / Everyone's A Child At Christmas / Night Before Christmas Song
1963 LP 12" INTERNATIONAL AWARD AKX-11 (mono) / AKSX-11 (stereo) (US) THE ORIGINAL - GENE AUTRY SINGS RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / Jingle Bells / What Child Is This / Away In A Manger / We Wish You A Merry Christmas
1964 LP 12" HARMONY HL-9550 (US) THE ORIGINAL - GENE AUTRY SINGS RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEERAND OTHER CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS FAVORITES - Gene AUTRY & Rosemary CLOONEY - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town / Here Comes Santa Claus / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / Santa Santa Santa / Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / Frosty The Snowman / Everyone's A Child At Christmas / Night Before Christmas Song
1965 LP 12" MELODY MR-LP-101 (US) MELODY RANCH - Waiting For The Robert E. Lee (Cathie TAYLOR, Billy MIZE, Johnny BOND with the Jack HALLORAN QUARTET) / Tennessee Waltz (Cathie TAYLOR with the Jack HALLORAN QUARTET) / No Back Door To Heaven (Gene AUTRY) / The Streets Of Laredo (
Jack HALLORAN QUARTET) / Out Where The Blue Begins (Johnny BOND) / Whispering Hope (
Johnny BOND, Cathie TAYLOR, Billy MIZE with the Jack HALLORAN QUARTET) / Lida Rose (Jack HALLORAN QUARTET & Cathie TAYLOR) / Gotta Travel On (Johnny BOND, Cathie TAYLOR, Billy MIZE & the MELODY RANCH GANG) / You're The Only Good Things That's Happened To Me (Gene AUTRY) / Down On The Old Plantation (Johnny BOND & the MELODY RANCH GANG) / Silver Threads And Golden Needles (Cathie TAYLOR) / Medley: We'll Rest At The End Of The Trail - Old Faithful (Cathie TAYLOR, Billy MIZE & the MELODY RANCH GANG)
1965 LP 12" HARMONY HL-7332 (US) GENE AUTRY'S GREAT WESTERN HITS - The Last Roundup / (Take Me Back To) My Boots And Saddle / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Roundup In Glory / When It's Roundup Time In Heaven / Ole Faithful / There Is An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight / Cowboy's Heaven / Missouri Waltz (Hush-A-Bye, My Baby) / Kentucky Babe
1966 LP 12" HARMONY HL-9555 (US) PETER COTTONTAIL - THE FIRST EASTER RECORD FOR CHILDREN - Peter Cottontail (Gene AUTRY) / Eggbert, The Easter Egg (Rosemary CLOONEY) / Sonny, The Bunny (Gene AUTRY) / Bunny On The Rainbow (Rosemary CLOONEY) / Flop, Mop, Cotton And Pete (Art CARNEY) / Easter Parade (Rosemary CLOONEY) / The Funny Little Bunny (With The Powder Puff Tail) (Gene AUTRY) / My Choc'late Rabbit (Rosemary CLOONEY) / Bunny Round-Up Time (Gene AUTRY) / A Thump, A Twinkle And A Twitch . . . Or How To Make A Rabbit (Art CARNEY)
1966 LP 12" HARMONY HL-7399 (mono) / HS-11199 (stereo) (US) YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE AND OTHER GREAT HITS - When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / We Never Dream The Same Dream Twice / Blueberry Hill / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Tweedle O'twill / I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire / Maria Elena / You Are My Sunshine / Twilight On The Trail / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You
1966 LP 12" QUALITY SV-1836 (CAN)

Holidaytime With Gene Autry - Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / At The Foot Of The Bed / Buon Natale / Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / The Story Of The Nativity / Silent Night / Joy To The World

1966 LP 12" CBS 52319 (UK) THE BEST OF GENE AUTRY - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Mexicali Rose / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Be Honest With Me / Home On The Range / South Of The Border / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
1966 LP 12" Allegro ALL 203C (UK)

GENE AUTRY'S Christmas Cracker - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Away In A Manger / What Child Is This?

1967 LP 12" Republic LP-1966 (US) Holidaytime With Gene Autry - Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / At The Foot Of The Bed / Buon Natale / Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / The Story Of The Nativity / Silent Night / Joy To The World
1967 LP 12" Republic LP-1967 (US)

Cowboy Hall Of Fame - Intro – Back In The Saddle / Silver Spurs / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Twilight On The Trail / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Mule Train / The Last Roundup / Riders In The Sky / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Red River Valley / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Cowboy's Trademarks / Home On The Range / Let the Rest Of The World Go By

1967 ? LP 12" LF LFXM3 (AUS)

Christmas Crackers - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Away In A Manger / What Child Is This

1968 LP 12" Republic RE-1968 (US)

GENE AUTRY Favorites - You Are My Sunshine / Hang My Head And Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me, Dear / Goodbye Little Darlin' / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star / Tweedle O Twill

1968 LP 12" HARMONY HS-11276 (US) BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Cowboy Blues / Rolling Along / Blueberry Hill / I Lost My Little Darling / Goodnight Irene / Home On The Range / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
1968 LP 12" Hallmark HM 584 (UK) GENE AUTRY SINGS - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Cowboy Blues / Rolling Along / Blueberry Hill / I Lost My Little Darlin / Goodnight Irene / Home To The Range / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
1968 ? LP 12" Design SDLP-X-5 (US)
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Away In A Manger / What Child Is This
1970 LP 12" COLUMBIA CS-1035 (US) GENE AUTRY'S COUNTRY MUSIC HALL OF FAME ALBUM - Mexicali Rose / Boots And Saddle / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / You Are My Sunshine / South Of The Border / Sioux City Sue / Mule Train / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / Goodnight Irene / Home On The Range / I Love You Because / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Red River Valley / Buttons And Bows / Back In The Saddle Again
1970 LP 12" NEW COUNTRY LOON CSC-69 (US) YOUNG GENE AUTRY - Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Bare Cat Papa Blues / That's How I Got My Start / Do Right Daddy Blues / There's A Good Girl In The Mountains / I'm Atlanta Bound / Rheumatism Blues / Black Bottom Blues / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Louisiana Moon / She's A Low Down Mama / High Steppin' Mama Blues
07/1970 LP 12" COUNTRY LOON CSC-69 (US) YOUNG GENE AUTRY - Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Bare Cat Papa Blues / That's How I Got My Start / Do Right Daddy Blues / There's A Good Girl In The Mountains / I'm Atlanta Bound / Rheumatism Blues / Black Bottom Blues / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Louisiana Moon / She's A Low Down Mama / High Steppin' Mama Blues
1970 ? LP 12" Six Gun Singers  ?  (US) THE VERY RAREST OF YOUNG GENE AUTRY -  THE GENNETT RECORDINGS - High Powered Mama / Yodeling Hobo / Dad In The Hills / Pictures Of My Mother / Any Old Time / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / She's A Humdinger / Valley In The Hills / She's Always On My Mind / I'm Blue And Lonesome / Mississippi Valley Blues / T.B. Blues
1970 ? LP 12" Six Gun Singers CSC70 (US)

The Live Sound Of The Legendary Gene Autry, Vol. 2 - Back In The Saddle Again / Gay Ranchero / South Of The Border / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Hair Of Gold Eyes Of Blue / Shine On Harvest Moon / Buttons And Bows / Kentucky Babe / When Payday Rolls Around / Old Time Religion / Song Of The Angels / Somewhere In The West / My Buddy / Don't Fence Me In

1970 LP 12" Prairie Justice CSC-71 (US)
YOUNG GENE AUTRY 3 -I'm Always Dreaming Of You / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / My Alabama Home / My Dreaming Of You / Do Right Daddy Blues /  She Wouldn't Do It / Louisiana Moon / I'll Alway Be No Good Rambler / Methodist Pie / Answer To Nobody's Darlin' / Answer To Red River Valley
1973 2 LP 12" CMH 114/5 (US) 40 RARE GAMES :
DISC 1 : My Dreaming Of You / My Alabama Home / Don't Do Me That Way / Do Right Daddy Blues / High Steppin' Mama / She Wouldn't Do It / Travelin' Blues / There's A Good Gal In The Mountains / Old Woman And The Cow / Bearcat Mama From Horner's Corner / She's A Humdinger / Valley In The Hills / She's Always On My Mind / I'm Blue And Lonesome / Mississippi Valley Blues / My Old Pal Of Yesterday / Missouri Is Calling / Gangster's Warning / Back To The Smokey Mountains / Back Home In The Blue Ridge Mountains
DISC 2 : That Ramshackle Shack / Kentucky Lullaby / Whisper Your Mother's Name / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Girl / Cowboy's Yodel / In The Shadow Of The Pine / Hobo Yodel / They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree / Texas Blues / Hobo Bill's Last Ride / My Caroline Sunshine Girl / High Powered Mama / Yodeling Hobo / Dad In The Hills / Pictures Of My Mother / Any Old Time / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / TB Blues / That's How I Got My Start / Bearcat Papa Blues / Jailhouse Blues
1974 LP 12" Music World S20-1011 (NZ)
Super 20 - You Are My Shineshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honset With Me / El Rancho Grande / You Belong To My Heart / In A Little Spanish Town / My Adobe Haniendo / Good bye Little Darlin' / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lomely River / You're The Only Star / Tweedle-O-Twill / A Gay Ranchero / It Happened In Old Monterey / Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border
1975 LP 12" RADIOLA MR-1048 / RELEASE No. 48 (US)

Melody Ranch-A Radio Adventure With Gene Autry/Hopalong Cassidy in Gunhawk Convention - Melody Ranch (Gene AUTRY) / Gunhawk Convention (Hopalong CASSIDY)

1976 LP 12" REPUBLIC 1996 (US) HOLIDAYTIME - Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / At The Foot Of The Bed (Poem) (Pat BUTTRAM) / Buon Natale / Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / The Story Of The Nativity / Silent Night / Joy To The World
DISC 1 : El Rancho Grande / You Belong To My Heart / In A Little Spanish Town / My Adobe Hacienda / Under Fiesta Stars / Vaya Con Dios / A Gay Ranchero / It Happened In Old Monterey / Rancho Pillow / Mexicali Rose / Serenade Of The Bells / South Of The Border
DISC 2 : Back In The Saddle Again / Dixie Cannon Ball / My Old Kentucky Home / Down In The Valley / Cowboy Blues / A Boy From Texas, A Girl From Tennessee / The West, A Nest And You / Don't Bit The Hand That's Feeding You / Missouri Waltz / There's No Back Door To Heaven / Kentucky Babe / You're The Only Good Thing / When Day Is Done
1976 LP 12" REPUBLIC RLP-6012 (US) COWBOY HALL OF FAME - Back In The Saddle Again / Silver Spurs / Boots And Saddle / Twilight On The Trail / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Mule Train / Last Roundup / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Red River Valley / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Cowboys's Trademarks / Home On The Range / Let The Rest Of The World Go By
1976 LP 12" REPUBLIC RLP-6013 (US) GENE AUTRY FAVORITES - You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Tweedle O'Twill
1976 LP 12" Ember CW 145 (UK) GENE AUTRY FAVORITES - You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Tweedle O'Twill
1976 LP 12" REPUBLIC IRDA-R-6014 (US) GENE AUTRY LIVE FROM MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - Down Yonder / Anytime / It's My Lazy Day / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Last Letter / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Half As Much / Blue Canadian Rockies / I Was Just Walkin' Out The Door / Rounded Up In Glory / There's A Goldmine In The Sky
1976 LP 12" REPUBLIC RE 1969 (US) GENE AUTRY LIVE FROM MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - Down Yonder / Anytime / It's My Lazy Day / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Last Letter / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Half As Much / Blue Canadian Rockies / I Was Just Walkin' Out The Door / Rounded Up In Glory / There's A Goldmine In The Sky
1976 ? 2 LP 12" Republic RE-1968/69 (US) GENE AUTRY Favorites / Live From Madison Square Garden :
DISC 1 : Gene Autry Favorites : You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star / Tweedle-O-Twill
DISC 2 : Live From Madison Square Garden : Down Yonder / Anytime / My Lazy Day / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / The Last Letter / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Half As Much / Blue Canadian Rockies / I Was Just Walking Out The Door / Rounded Up In Glory / Theres A Gold Mine In The Sky
1976 LP 12" SPARTON CHL600 (CAN) CHRISTMAS WITH GENE AUTRY - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Up On The House Top / Here Comes Santa Claus / Buon Natale / Sleigh Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / Silent Night
1976 LP 12" BULLDOG BDL 1024 (UK) GENE AUTRY LIVE FROM MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - Down Yonder / Anytime / It's My Lazy Day / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Last Letter / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Half As Much / Blue Canadian Rockies / I Was Just Walkin' Out The Door / Rounded Up In Glory / There's A Goldmine In The Sky
1976 LP 12" TUMBLEWEED TLP-6404 (GER) A COWBOY LEGEND - Sail Along Silvery Moon / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Call For Me And I'll Be There / Yesterday's Roses / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Private Buckaroo / Dixie Cannonball / Pretty Mary / Ages And Ages Ago / You Laughed And I Cried / I Wish I Had Stayed Over Yonder / My Empty Heart / Over And Over Again / Wave To Me Lady / Blue Canadian Rockies / Onteora Great Land In The Sky / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely / Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You / God Must Have Loved America
1977 LP 12" REPUBLIC RLP-6017 (US) GENE AUTRY SINGS SONGS OF FAITH - Little Old Church In The Valley / Voice In The Choir / Wither Thou Goest / Angel Song / Peace In The Valley / Bless This House / While The Angelus Was Ringing / New Star Is Shining In Heaven / Battle Hymn Of The Republic / God's Little Candles
1977 LP 12" REPUBLIC RLP-6018 (US) CHRISTMAS WITH GENE AUTRY - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Up On The House Top / Here Comes Santa Claus / Buon Natale / Sleigh Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / Silent Night
DISC 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / My Lazy Day / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Blue Canadian Rockies / I Was Just Walking Out The Door / El Rancho Grande / My Adobe Hacienda / Vaya Con Dios / Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border
DISC 2 : Ghost Riders In The Sky / Tumbling Tumbleweed / Red River Valley / Home On The Range / There's No Back Door To Heaven / You're The Only Good Thing (That's Happened To Me) / You Are My Sunshine / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / You're The Only Star / Tweedle-O-Twill
1977 LP 12" MR. PICKWICK SPC 1505 (US) RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / Jingle Bells / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Buon Natale / Silver Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World
1977 2 LP 12" REPUBLIC RE-1970/RE-1971 (US)
DISC 1 : El Rancho Grande / You Belong To My Heart / In A Little Spanish Town / My Adobe Hacienda / Under Fiesta Stars / Vaya Con Dios / A Gay Ranchero / It Happened In Old Monterey / Rancho Pillow / Mexicali Rose / Serenade Of The Bells / South Of The Border
DISC 2 : Back In The Saddle Again / Dixie Cannon Ball / My Old Kentucky Home / Down In The Valley / Cowboy Blues / A Boy From Texas, A Girl From Tennessee / The West, A Nest And You / Don't Bit The Hand That's Feeding You / Missouri Waltz / There's No Back Door To Heaven / Kentucky Babe / You're The Only Good Thing / When Day Is Done
1978 LP 12" REPUBLIC RLP-6021 (US) GENE AUTRY CLASSICS VOL. 1 - Along The Navajo Trail / When It's Nigh Time In Nevada / Blueberry Hill / Old Faithful (Horse's Prayer) / Ridin' The Range / Down The Old Plantation / Silver On The Sage / My Mom / Call Of The Canyon / Somebody Bigger Than You And I
DISC 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / Last Roundup / Be Honest With Me / My Adobe Hacienda / South Of The Border / Blue Canadian Rockies / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Riders In The Sky / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Home On The Range
DISC 2 : Don't Fence Me In / From The Rim Of The Canyon / Harbor Lights / Cool Water / We'll Rest At The End Of The Trail / The Hills Of Old Wyomin' / Among My Souvenirs / A Melody From The Sky / The Singing Hills / May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You
1978 LP 12" GUSTO SD-1038 (US) GENE AUTRY'S CHRISTMAS CLASSICS - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Frosty The Snowman / Buon Natale / Silver Bells / Thirty-Two Feet And Eight Little Tails / Story Of The Nativity / Silent Night / Up On The Housetop
1978 LP 12" LONDON FOS U 45/46 (UK)

Focus On Gene Autry :
DISC 1 : Along The Navajo Trails / My Mom / Blueberry Hill / Old Faithful / Silver On The Sage / Here Comes Santa Claus / Down On The Old Plantation / Ridin' The Range / When It's Night Time In Nevada / The Call Of The Canyon / Don't Fence Me In / Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer
DISC 2 : The Little Old Church In The Valley / A Voice In The Choir / Battle Hymn Of The Republic / The Angel Song / (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me) / Made The Good Lord Bless And Keep You / Bless This House / While The Angelus Was Ringing / A New Star Is Shining In Heaven / Whiter Thou Goest I Will Go / The Angels Are Lighting God's Little Candles / Somebody Bigger Than You And I

1979 LP 12" ENCORE P-14380 (US) BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - Mississippi Valley Blues / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / Back To Old Smokey Mountain / Moonlight And Skies / Way Out West In Texas / Back In The Saddle Again / The Dying Cowgirl / My Old Saddle Pal / Riding The Range / The End Of The Trail / Ole Faithful / The Last Round-Up
1979 ? LP 12" BULLDOG BDL 1021 (UK) GENE AUTRY SINGS SOUTH OF THE BORDER - El Rancho Grande / You Belong To My Heart / In A Little Spanish Town / My Adobe Hacienda / Under Fiesta Stars / Vaya Con Dios / A Gay Ranchero / It Hapenned In Old Monterey / Rancho Pillow / Mexicali Rose / Serenade Of The Bells / South Of The Border
1979 ? LP 12" Summit / Flair FLXM-2 (AUS)

Christmas Crackers - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / O' Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Away In A Manger / What Child Is This?

197? 4 LP 12" Murray Hill 897296 (US)

Gene Autry's Melody Ranch :
DISC 1 : First Show - January 1, 1940 : We're Gonna Round Up Our Blues / I'm Back In The Saddle Again / How Will Rogers First Heard Gene Sing (Story) / Show Of June 29, 1947 : Back In The Saddle Again / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie / At Sundown / Blazing The Trail To My Home / Nobody's Darlin' But Mine / The Devil's Saint (Story) / Goodbye Little Girl Of My Dreams / Back In The Saddle Again (Theme) / Show Of September 19, 1949 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / San Fernando Valley / Banks Of The Sunny San Juan / Every Time I Feel The Spirit / No Letter Today / Story - Uncle Billy Harlow / We'll Rest At The End Of The Trail / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again
DISC 2 : Show Of September 17, 1949 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Cowboy Blues / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Up The Lazy River / Texans Never Cry / Story - Doc Reardon Is Tried For Involuntary Manslaughter / From The Rim Of The Canyon / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Show Of September 30, 1950 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Ragtime Cowboy Joe / Longing / Home Cookin' / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / Story - The Caleb Hooten Story / The Singing Sands Of Alamosa / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again
DISC 3 : Show Of June 9, 1951 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Good Old Fashioned Hoe Down / How Long Is Forever / My Truly, Truly Fair / Mr And Mississippi / Story - Gene Is Held Up And Robbed / The West A Nest And You / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Show Of November 15, 1952 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / For Me And My Gal / Take Me In Your Arms / Ezekial Saw The Wheel / Arkansas Traveler / He'll Be Comin' Down The Chimney / Story - John Loves Martha / Peace In The Valley / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again
DISC 4 : Show Of September 20, 1953 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Tweedle-O-Twill / Half A Photograph / Tree Top Tall / In The Blue Canadian Rockies / Story - Church In Wilson Valley / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Show Of January 29, 1956 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Hair Of Gold / Git Along Little Doggie / Lonely River / Story - Champion Saves Gene And Pat's Lives / The Wheel Of The Wagon Is Broken / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again

1980 LP 12" BULLDOG 2013 (UK) 20 GOLDEN PIECES OF GENE AUTRY - Dixie Cannonball / My Old Kentucky Home / Down In The Valley (Birmingham Jail) / Cowboy Blues / Boy From Texas A Girl From Tennessee / West A Nest And You / Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You / Missouri Waltz / There's No Back Door To Heaven / Kentucky Babe / You're The Only Good Thing / When Day Is Done / You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / San Antonio Rose / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven / Tweedle O'Twill
1980 LP 12" CASTLE 8008 (GER) COUNTRY MUSIC MEMORIES 2 - Nobody's Darlin' But Mine / Mexicali Rose / The Old Folks Back Home / The Answer To 21 Years / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Wagon Train / See That You're Born In Texas (No.1) / Cucamonga / Twilight On The Trail -Heading For The Rio Grande / Boogie Woogie Cowboy / See That You're Born In Texas (No.2)
1981 LP 12" Golden Age 5012 (US)

Gene Autry's Melody Ranch - Band 1 - First Show - January 1, 1940 : We're Gonna Round Up Our Blues / I'm Back In The Saddle Again / Story - How Will Rogers First Heard Gene Sing / Band 2 - Show Of June 29, 1947 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / I Hate To Say Good-Bye To The Prairie / At Sundown / Blazin' The Trail To My Home (Performer - Johnny Bond) / Nobody's Darlin' But Mine (Performer - Cass County Boys) / Story - The Devil's Saint / Goodbye Little Girl Of My Dreams / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Show Of June 9, 1951 : Theme - Back In The Saddle Again / Good Old Fashioned Hoe Down / How Long Is Forever / My Truly, Truly Fair (Performer - Pat Buttram) / Mr. And Mississippi (Performer - Cass County Boys) / Story - Gene Held Up And Robbed / The West, A Nest And You / Theme - Back In The Saddle Again

1981 LP 12" COLUMBIA SC-37465 (US) HISTORIC EDITION - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / I'll Go Ridin' Down That Old Texas Trail / It Makes No Difference Now / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Amapola / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Same Old Fashioned Girl / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Don't Fence Me In
1982 LP 12" CBS CBS 25016 (UK) HERITAGE EDITION - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / I'll Go Ridin' Down That Old Texas Trail / It Makes No Difference Now / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Amapola / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Same Old Fashioned Girl / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Don't Fence Me In
1981 LP 12" CSP P-15766 (US)

Christmas Favorites - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas / Look Out The Window (with Rosemary CLOONEY) / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / Merry Texas Christmas / Merry Christmas Waltz / The Night Before Christmas (with Rosemary CLOONEY) / Up On The Housetop / Sleigh Bells / Santa, Santa, Santa / An Old Fashioned Tree / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is)

1981 LP 12" CSP P-15767 (US) EVERYONE'S A CHILD AT CHRISTMAS - The Story Of Nativity / Jingle Bells / Freddie The Little Fir Tree / Round Round Round The Christmas Tree / Everyone's A Child At Christmas / Where Did My Snowman Go / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Frosty The Snowman / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / He'll Be Coming Down The Chimney / You Can See Old Santa Claus / When You Find Him In Your Heart
DISC 1 : That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Life Of Jimmie Rodgers / Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / Blue Yodel No 5 / Rhythm Of The Range / Nobody's Darlin' But Mine / You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven / Rainbow Valley / Mexicali Rose / One Rose
DISC 2 : When It's Springtime In Rockies / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Sail Along Silv'ry Moon / Back In The Saddle Again / South Of The Border / Singing Hills / El Rancho Grande / Blueberry Hill / Be Honest With Me
DISC 3 : You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now / Maria Elena / Sweethearts Or Strangers / Dixie Cannonball / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Jingle Jangle Jingle / At Mail Call Today / Galloivantin Galveston Jail / Oklahoma Hills
DISC 4 : Memories Of My Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / End Of My Roundup Days / My Star Of The Sky / My Rose Of The Prairie / Down A Mountain Trail / Don't Take Your Spite Out Of Me / I Don't Belong In Your World / Panhandle Pete / Riders In The Sky / Diesel Smoke Dangerous Curves
1983 LP 12" Timeless Treasures LP 16-21 (US) 16 ORIGINAL HITS - Back in the saddle again / Home on the range / You are my sunshine / Tweedle-O-Twill / Deep in the heart of Texas / (Take me back to my) Boots and saddles / Have I told you lately that I love you / Tumbling tumbleweeds / Goodnight Irene / That silver haired daddy of mine / Red river valley / The last roundup / There's a goldmine in the sky / Rounded up in glory / Kentucky babe / Mexicali Rose
1985 LP 12" CSP P-18737 (US) GENE AUTRY'S GOLDEN HITS - Back In The Saddle Again / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Home On The Range / Mexicali Rose / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / You Are My Sunshine / Sioux City Sue / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Be Honest With Me / Red River Valley / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / Someday You'll Want Me to Want You / Maria Elena / Tweedle O Twill / The Last Roundup / Goodbye, Little Darlin' Goodbye
1985 LP 12" ASTAN 20067 (GER) 20 GOLDEN GREATS - Dixie Cannon Ball / My Old Kentucky Home / Down In The Valley / Cowboy Blues / A Boy From Texas, A Girl From Tennessee / The West, A Nest And You / Don' Bite The Hand THat's Feeding You / Missouri Waltz / There's No Back Door To Heaven / Kentucky Babe / You're The Only Good Thing / When Days Is Done / You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / San Antonio Rose / Goodbye Little Darling Goodbye / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You Are The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Tweedle-O-Twill
1986 LP 12" CSP P-18963 (US) HIS GOLDEN HITS - Back In The Saddle Again / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Mexicali Rose / You Are My Sunshine / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Be Honest With Me / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / That Little Kid Sister Of Mine / Nobody's Darling But Mine / It Makes No Difference Now / Goodbye, Little Darlin' Goodbye
1986 LP 12" CSP P-18964 (US) FAMOUS FAVORITES - Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Sail Along Silv'ry Moon / Sweethearts Or Strangers / My Heart Cries For You (with Jo STAFFORD) / I'm A Fool To Care / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Red River Valley / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Tears On My Pillow / The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) / I Love You Because
1986 LP 12" ACM ACM-19 (US) SOUNDS LIKE JIMMIE RODGERS - My Dreaming Of You / My Alabama Home / Do Right Daddy Blues / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / That's How I Got My Start / Bear Cat Papa Blues / High Steppin' Mama / She Wouldn't Do It / Do Right Daddy Blues / TB Blues / Jimmie The Kid / Travelin' Blues / There's A Good Gal In The Mountains / She's A Low Down Mama / Old Woman And The Cow
1986 LP 12" BEAR FAMILY BDP 15204 (GER) (picture disc)
THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS - 1929-1933 - Yellow Rose Of Texas / Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B / Louisiana Moon / Cowboy's Heaven / Kentucky Lullaby / Black Bottom Blues / That Ramshackle Shack / Back Home In The Blue Ridge Mountains / Do Right Daddy Blues / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / That's How I Got My Start / Bear Cat Papa Blues / Don't Do Me That Way / High Steppin' Mama / There' S A Good Gal In The Mountain / My Dreaming Of You
1987 ? CD BESCOL CD-40 (EUR)

His Christmas Album - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Frosty The Snowman / Buone Natale / Silver Bells / 32 Feet And Eight Little Tails / The Story Of The Nativity / Silent Night

1989 CD CSP A 15766 (US) CHRISTMAS FAVORITES - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas / Look Out The Window (with Rosemary CLOONEY) / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / Merry Texas Christmas, You All / Merry Christmas Waltz / The Night Before Christmas Song (with Rosemary CLOONEY) / Up On The Housetop / Sleigh Bells / Santa, Santa, Santa / An Old-Fashioned Tree / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / The Night Before Christmas ((In Texas, That Is)
1989 CD Evergreen 2690772 (UK)

Greatest Hits - (Alla En) El Rancho Grande (My Ranch) / In A Little Spanish Town / My Adobe Hacienda / Under Fiesta Stars / Mexicali Rose / A Gay Ranchero / It Happened In Monterey / Rancho Pillow / Vaya Con Dios (May God Be With You) / South Of The Border

1989 ? CD World Music WM88022 (EUR) GENE AUTRY - 16 COUNTRY HITS - Mexicali Rose / In A Little Spanish Town / Vaya Con Dios / South Of The Border / San Antonio Rose / (Alla En) El Rancho Grande (My Ranch) / It Happened In Monterey / Lonely River / Down In The Valley / My Adobe Hacienda / Under Fiesta Stars / A Gay Ranchero / There's No Backdoor To Heaven / Cowboy Blues / I Hang My Head And Cry / Rancho Pillow
10/1992 CD COLUMBIA CK 48957 (US) THE ESSENTIAL - 1933-1946 - The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Last Roundup / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Mexicali Rose / Boots And Saddle / Back In The Saddle Again / El Rancho Grande / Blueberry Hill / Call Of The Canyon / You Are My Sunshine / It Makes No Difference Now / Amapola / Maria Elena / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Jingle Jangle Jingle / Old Faithful (Horse's Prayer) / Red River Valley
1992 CD CSP 18874 (US) GREATEST HITS - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Have I Told You Latley That I Love You / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Goodbye, Little Darling Goodbye / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Blueberry Hill / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You
1992 CD LaserLight Digital 15 460 (US)

The Christmas Cowboy - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / Jingle Bells / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Buon Natale / Silver Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / Santa's Comin' In A Whirlybird / One Solitary Life

1992 CD Cowgirlboy LP-5088 (GER) The Sons Of The Pioneers & Friends In The Studio - One More River To Cross (Sons Of The Pioneers) / I Hang My Head And Cry (Sons Of The Pioneers) / New Worried Mind (Roy ROGERS) / Melody Of The Plains (Roy ROGERS) / Dangerous Ground (Roy ROGERS) / I'm Restless (Roy ROGERS) / Farr-Away Blues (instr) (Farr Brothers) /  South In My Soul (instr) (Farr Brothers) / Farr Brothers Stomp (instr) (Farr Brothers) / Texas Skiparoo (instr) (Farr Brothers) / Tumbling Tumbleweeds (solo version) (Bob NOLAN) / Manhunt (Dragnet Closing In On Me) (Bob NOLAN) / An Angel In The Choir (Bob NOLAN) / The Mystery Of His Way (Bob NOLAN) / As Long As Got My Horse (Gene AUTRY with The Sons Of The Pioneers) / The Dude Ranch Cowhands (Gene AUTRY with The Sons Of The Pioneers)
1993 CD Pilz 445449-2 (US)

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town / Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / O' Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / Frosty The Snowman

1993 LP 12" COWGIRLBOY 5102 (GER) COLD, COLD HEART - Cold Cold Heart / If Today Were The End Of The World / Last Letter / When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget / Mary Dear / There's Only One Love In A Lifetime / Don't Live A Lie / I Want To Be Sure / Take Me Back Into Your Heart / You're Not My Darling Anymore / Here's To The Ladies / What's Gonna Happen To Me / Silver Spurs (On The Golden Stairs) / Last Mile / The Leaf Of Love / They Warned Me About You
1993 LP 12" COWGIRLBOY 5103 (GER) LONE STAR MOON - Play Fair / Lone Star Moon / End Of My Round Up Days / I Want A Pardon For Daddy / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Old Missouri Moon / The Angel Song / When The Snowbirds Cross The Rockies / I Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / Loaded Pistols And Loaded Dice / Serenade Of The Bells / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas / That Little Kid Sister Of Mine / You Waited Too Long / There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You / Tears On My Pillow
1993 CD Broad Music BRCD 005 (AUS)

Tears On My Pillow - You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head & Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star / Tweedle O Twill

07/1994 CD LEGACY 325 (US) HIS GREATEST HITS - Back In The Saddle Again / I Hang My Head And Cry / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Lonely River / Tweedle O'Twill / Under Fiesta Stars / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Blue Canadian Rockies / (I Was) Just Walking Out The Door / Cowboy's Trademarks / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / Last Mile Home / Dixie Cannonball / You're The Only Good Thing (That's Happened To Me) / Voice In The Choir / Angel Song / New Star Is Shining In Heaven / Silver Spurs On The Golden Stairs / Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns
CD 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / I Hang My Head And Cry / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' / Lonely River / Tweedle-O-Twill / Under Fiesta Stars / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Blue Canadian Rockies / (I Was) Just Walking Out The Door / Cowboy's Trademark / Can't Shake The Sand Of Texas From My Shoes / The Last Mile Home / Dixie Cannonball / Cowboy Blues / You're The Only Good Thing / A Voice In The Choir / The Angel Song / A New Star Is Shining In Heaven / Silver Spurs / Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns
CD 2 : Twenty Twenty Vision / Old November Moon / When The Silvery Colorado Turns To Gold / I'll Wait For You / Texans Never Cry / Yankee Doodle Dandy / I Guess I've Been Asleep / Kentucky Babe / My Old Kentucky Home / Home On The Range / Red River Valley / Battle Hymn Of The Republic / Brahms' Lullaby / America The Beautiful / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Sleigh Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / Silent Night
1994 CD COLUMBIA / LEGACY CK 57904 (US) GENE AUTRY CHRISTMAS - Here Comes Santa Claus / Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas Day / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / Night Before Christmas Song / Frosty The Snowman / Round Round Round The Christmas Tree / Santa Santa Santa / Where Did My Snowman Go / Look Out The Window / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart) / Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town / Sleigh Bells / Everyone's A Child At Christmas / Merry Christmas Waltz / Jingle Bells
1994 CD LDMI CDY-9932 (CAN)

Christmas With Gene Autry - Jingle Bells - Silver Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus - Up On The House Top / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Sleigh Ride / Silent Night - Joy To The World / Frosty The Snowman / Buon Natale / 32 Feet And Eight Little Tales / Story Of The Nativity - Silent Night

1994 CD Fat Boy FAT CD 152 (UK) GENE AUTRY - Dixie Cannon Ball / My Old Kentucky Home / Down In The Valley / Cowboy Blues / A Boy From Texas, A Girl From Tennessee / The West, A Nest And You / Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You (live) / Missouri Waltz / There's No Back Door To Heaven / Kentaucky Babe / You're The Only Good Thing / When Day Is Done / You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / San Antonio Rose / Goodbye Little Darling Goodbye / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Tweedle-O-Twill
1994 CD Castle MAC CD 219 (UK) SOUTH OF THE BORDER - THE BEST OF GENE AUTRY - El Rancho Grande / You Belong To My Heart / In A Little Spanish Town / My Adobe Hacienda / Under Fiesta Stars / Vaya Con Dios / Gay Ranchero / It Happened In Monterey / Rancho Pillow / Mexicali Rose / Serenade Of The Bells / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Dixie Cannonball / Trouble In Mind / Down In The Valley / San Antonio Rose / You Are My Sunshine / When Day Is Done

Back In De Saddle Again - 22 Country Songs - Back In The Saddle Again / I Hang My Head And Cry / Tweedle-O-Twill / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' / Lonely River / Under Fiesta Stars / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Blue Canadian Rockies / I Was Just Walking Out The Door / Cowboy's Trademark / Can' t Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / The Last Mile Home / Dixie Cannonball / Cowboy Blues / You're The Only Good Thing / A Voice In The Choir / The Angel Song / A New Star Is Shnning In Heaven / Silver Spurs / Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns

1995 LP 12" SONY A 24302 US BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - Mississippi Valley Blues / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / Back To Old Smokey Mountain / Moonlight And Skies / Way Out West In Texas / Back In The Saddle Again / The Dying Cowgirl / My Old Saddle Pal / Riding The Range / The End Of The Trail / Ole Faithful / The Last Round-Up
1995 CD Excelsior EXC-2-9607 (CAN)

The Original Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Jingle Bells - Silver Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus - Up On The Housetop / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Sleigh Ride / Silent Night - Joy To The World / Frosty The Snowman / Buon Natale / 32 Feet And Eight Little Tails / Story Of The Nativity - Silent Night

1995 CD BRONCO BUSTER CD 9009 (GER) PRIVATE BUCKAROO - Private Buckaroo / Call For Me And I'll Be There / You'll Be Sorry / I Wish I Had Stayed Over Yonder / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) (No.2) / I'll Be Back / Purple Sage In The Twilight / Over And Over Again / Wave To Me My Lady / Blue Canadian Rockies / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / Under Fiesta Stars / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Yesterday's Roses / Ages And Ages Ago / My Empty Heart / Dixie Cannon Ball / Spend A Night In Argentina / Onteora (Great Land In The Sky) /An Old-Fashioned Tree
01/1996 CD MADACY 9404 (CAN) RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER - Jingle Bells - Silver Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus - Up On The Housetop / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer- Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Sleigh Ride / Silent Night - Joy To The World / Frosty The Snowman / Buon Natale / 32 Feet And Eighty Little Tails / Story Of The Nativity - Silent Night
05/1996 CD LIVING ERA CD AJA 5188 (UK) BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - 25 COWBOY CLASSICS - Back In The Saddle Again / Blue Yodel No 5 / Any Old Time / High Steppin' Mama / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Mexicali Rose / Blue Hawaii / Dust / Old Trail / Paradise In The Moonlight / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / South Of The Border / Blueberry Hill / Be Honest With Me / When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / You Are My Sunshine / Year Ago Tonight / I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin') / I'll Wait For You / After Tomorrow / Lonely River / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye
10/1996 CD COLUMBIA CK 64987 (US) BLUES SINGER 1929-1931 - Birmingham Daddy / Rheumatism Blues / Dallas County Jail Blues / Jailhouse Blues / I'm Atlanta Bound / In The Jailhouse Now / Bear Cat Papa Blues / Wildcat Mama Blues / High Steppin' Mama Blues / Yodeling Hobo / TB Blues / California Blues / Slu-foot Lou / Stay Away From My Chicken House / Waiting For A Train / Frankie And Johnny / Do Right Daddy Blues / Blue Yodel No 5 / My Rough And Rowdy Ways / Left My Gal In The Mountains / I've Always Been A Rambler / Dust Pan Blues / That's Why I Left The Mountain
1996 CD BRONCO BUSTER CD 9017 (GER) THE LIFE OF JIMMIE RODGERS - I'm Atlanta Bound / Cowboy Yodel / Missouri Is Calling / She's A Hum-dum Dinger / I'm Blue And Lonesome / My Old Pal Of Yesterday / Mississippi Valley Blues / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Girl / High Powered Mama / Hobo Yodel / They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree / Hobo Bill's Last Ride / Rheumatism Blues / Back To Old Smokey Mountain / Whisper Your Mother's Name / Gangster's Warning / In The Shadow Of The Old Pine Tree / Answer To Nobody's Darling But Mine / Any Old Time / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers
03/1997 3 CD RHINO R2 72630 (US) SING COWBOY SING :
CD 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / Dust, Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / One Rose / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Rhythm Of The Range / Blueberry Hill / El Rancho Grande / Mellow Mountain Moon / We Never Dream The Same Dream Twice / When You And I Were Young Maggie / Maria Elena / Be Honest With Me / Tears On My Pillow / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Lonely River / Tweedle O'Twill / At Mail Call Today / Don't Live A Lie / Don't Hang Around Me Anymore / I'll Be Back / Silver Spurs (On The Golden Stairs) / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely / You're Not My Darlin' Anymore / Oklahoma Hills
CD 2 : Sioux City Sue / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas / Old Lamplighter / San Fernando Valley / I'm A Fool To Care / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / You Can't See The Sun When You're Crying / I Tipped My Hat And Slowly Rode Away / Angel Song / One Hundred And Sixty Acres / At Sundown / It Happened In Monterey / It Makes No Difference Now / Singing Hills / You Laughed And I Cried / Pretty Mary / Mexicali Rose / Wave To Me My Lady / Let The Rest Of The World Go By / Honey I'm In Love With You (The Honey Song) / Ole Faithful / Here Comes Santa Claus / You Are My Sunshine / Buttons And Bows / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Shame On You / While The Angelus Was Ringing / Under Fiesta Stars
CD 3 : Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Mule Train / Dear Hearts And Gentle People / Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy / Peter Cottontail / Gone Fishin' / Teardrops From My Eyes / Jingle Jangle Jingle / South Of The Border / Last Roundup / Don't Fence Me In, Ridin' Down The Canyon / I Was Just Walking Out The Door / You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven / Night Before Christmas Song / Look Out The Window / Frosty The Snowman / Somebody Bigger Than You And I / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Your Cheatin' Heart / I Hang My Head And Cry / It's My Lazy Day / You're The Only Good Thing That's Happened To Me / Harbor Lights / Leaf Of Love / You've Got To Take The Bitter With The Sweet / Back In The Saddle Agai / Melody Ranch Radio Show
09/1997 CD VARESE VSD 5840 (EUR) THE SINGING COWBOY - CHAPTER ONE - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Guns And Guitars / Ride Ranger Ride / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Colorado Sunset / Gaucho Serenade / Ride Tenderfoot Ride / Melody Ranch / Back In The Saddle Again / Down Mexico Way / Call Of The Canyon / In Old Capistrano / Sioux City Sue / (Down The) Trail To San Antone / Loaded Pistols / Ghost Riders In The Sky
1997 CD VARESE 5841 (US) GENE AUTRY WITH THE LEGENDARY SINGING GROUPS - Silent Trails / Wild And Wooley West / Yours / That's My Home / Rancho Pillow / Martins And The Coys / Old Pinto / Cowboy / Dude Ranch Cowhands / Somebody Else Is Taking My Place / Great Grand Dad / Old Home Place / Shame On You / Cowboy Blues / Roll Wagon Roll / Nobody's Darlin' But Mine
03/1998 CD SONY WONDER / LEGACY LK 63422 (US) ALWAYS YOUR PAL, GENE AUTRY - Back In The Saddle Again / There's A Great Big Candy Roundup / Rusty The Rocking Horse / Barney The Bashful Bullfrog / On Top Of Old Smokey / Big Corral / Old Chisholm Trail / Smokey The Bear / Clementine / Johnny Reb And Billy Yank / Bucky The Bucking Bronco / Little Peter Pumpkin Eater / Bimbo / Johnny Appleseed / Happy Little Island / Broomstick Buckaroo
05/1998 CD VARESE VSD 5909 (US) SINGING COWBOY CHAPTER TWO - When It's Springtime In The Rockies / At The Old Barn Dance - Then And Now / Man From Music Mountain / Mexicali Rose / Neath The Blue Montana Sky / It Happened In Monterey / South Of The Border / Rancho Grande / Carolina Moon / Ridin' On A Rainbow / Sierra Sue / Cowboy Serenade / Twilight On The Rio Grande / Last Round Up / Mule Train / Whilwind, Blue Canadian Rockies
05/1998 CD VARESE VSD-5910 (US) GENE AUTRY WITH HIS LITTLE DARLIN' MARY LEE - Dialogue, Patsy's Birthday, What's Your Favorite, Woodpecker Song, Song At Sunset, Merry Go Roundup, Give Out With A Song, Me And My Echo, I'm The Lonely One, I'm An Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grande), Swing Of The Range, Swingin' Sam Cowboy Man, Torpedo Joe, Sing A Song Of Laughter, Whistle, Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie, Goodbye Little Darlin'
07/1998 CD ASV / LIVING ERA CD AJA 5264 (UK) THE LAST ROUND-UP - 25 COWBOY CLASSICS 1933-1947 - The Last Roundup / Someday In Wyoming / Dear Old Western Skies / Old Covered Wagon / Texas Plains / Mother, Here's A Bouquet For You / Guns And Guitars / When The Golden Leaves Are Falling / Down In The Land Of Zulu / It's Round-Up Time In Reno / I Want A Pardon For Daddy / If Today Were The End Of The World / When I First Laid Eyes On You / If It Wasn't For The Rain / Little Old Band Of Gold / Mary Dear / Sycamore Lane / Cowboy's Trademarks / Last Letter / I Wish All My Children Were Babies Again / Take Me Back Into Your Heart / Ages And Ages Ago / Last Smile / Pretty Mary / Little Big Dry
09/1998 CD PRISM PLATCD 244244 (US) THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION - Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Blueberry Hill / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / You Are My Sunshine / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Be Honest With Me / Call Of The Canyon / Rancho Grande / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Red River Valley / I'll Never Let You Go / No One To Call Me Darling / (I Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / Old Trail / Ole Faithful / Lonely River / It Makes No Difference Now / Dust / (Take Me Back To My) Boots And Saddle / Last Roundup / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Mexicali Rose / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Back In The Saddle Again
1998 2 CD Time Life Music H221-08 A2 33829 (US)

The Best Of Gene Autry 30 Greatest Hits :
CD 1 : Don't Fence Me In / South Of The Border / Red River Valley / I Hange My Head And Cry / Ridin' Down The Canyon / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven / Buttons And Bows / Old Faithful / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / At Mail Call Today / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / The Last Round-Up
CD 2 : Back In The Saddle Again / Home On The Range / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Blueberry Hill / Tweedle-O-Twill / Mexicali Rose / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / You're Not My Darlin' Anymore / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / You Are My Sunshine / Peter Cottontail / Here Comes Santa Claus / Frosty The Snowman / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

1998 CD KRB KRB8060-2 (US) A COWBOY'S CHRISTMAS - Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Silver Bells / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Up On The Housetop / Silent Night / Joy To The World / Frosty The Snowman / 32 Feet And 8 Little Tails
1998 3 CD GSC Music 18417 (US)

Country Christmas Stars - Gene Autry, Tammy WynetteRay Price :
CD 1 : Gene Autry - Christmas Favorites : Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas / Look Out The Window (with Rosemary CLOONEY) / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / Merry Texas Christmas, You All / Merry Christmas Waltz / The Night Before Christmas(with Rosemary CLOONEY) / Up On The Housetop / Sleigh Bells / Santa, Santa, Santa / An Old Fashioned Tree / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is)
CD 2 : Tammy Wynette - Christmas With Tammy : Silent Night, Holy Night / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / It Came Upon The Midnight Clear / Joy To The World / Away In A Manger / Gentle Shepherd / Blue Christmas / (Merry Christmas) We Must Be Having One / White Christmas / One Happy Christmas / Lonely Christmas Call / Let's Put Christ Back In Christmas
CD 3 : Ray Price - Christmas Album : Jingle Bells / I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day / Hark! The Herald Angels Sing / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / The Little Drummer Boy / The Lord's Prayer / O Come, All Ye Faithful / It Came Upon A Midnight Clear / Happy Birthday To You, Our Lord / Silent Night

02/1999 CD VARESE VSD-5990 (US) 20 GREATEST MOVIE HITS - That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Tumbling Tumbleweed / My Buddy / Back In The Saddle Again / Singing Hills / Melody Ranch / Be Honest With Me / Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie / I'm An Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grande) / In The Jailhouse Now / Blueberry Hill / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / (Let Me Ride Down In) Rocky Canyon / (Take Me Back To My) Boots And Saddle / Sioux City Sue / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / Oklahoma Hills / That's My Home / Amapola (Pretty Little Poppy) / Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane)
1999 CD VARESE 5991 (US) LOVE SONGS - Ridin' Double / We Never Dream The Same Dream Twice / Girl In The Middle Of My Heart / I'm Mad About You / You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven / You Belong To My Heart / Forgive Me / Let Me Call You Sweetheart / You Stole My Heart / One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) / I'm Beginning To Care / I Just Want You / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / I'll Wait For You / You're The Moment Of A Lifetime / Girl Of My Dreams / Rocky Mountain Rose / I'd Love To Wed (On The Prairie)
10/1999 CD VARESE 6034 (US) HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS - Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Frosty The Snowman / Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Silver Bells / Nine Little Reindeer / Sleigh Bells / Buon Natale / Santa's Coming In A Whirlybird / Thirty Two Feet Eight Little Tails / Up On The House Top / Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town / Story Of Nativity / Silent Night / Joy To The World / One Solitary Life
10/1999 CD LEGACY 40 (US) HIS CRISTMAS ALBUM - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Frosty The Snowman / Buone Natale / Silver Bells / 32 Feet And Eight Little Tails / The Story Of The Nativity / Silent Night
11/1999 CD KING 3819 (US) INDUCTED INTO THE HALL OF FAME 1969 - That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Back In The Saddle Again / At Mail Call Today / End Of The Trail / Yellow Rose Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Mexicali Rose / Buttons And Bows
1999 CD EMBER CWCD 145 (UK) GENE AUTRY FAVOURITES - You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / Blues Stay Away From Me / San Antonio Rose / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Hang Your Head In Shame / Trouble In Mind / Lonely River / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Tweedle O'Twill / Back In The Saddle Again / Under Fiesta Stars / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Blue Canadian Rockies / The Last Mile Home / Dixie Cannonball / You're The Only Good Thing (That's Happened To Me) / Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns
1999 CD Platinum Collection CD-PLAT-144 (AUS)

The Last Round-up - Don't Fence Me In / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Last Round-Up / Mexicali Rose / I'll Go Riding Down That Old Texas Trail / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Same Old Fashioned GIrl / It Makes No Difference Now / Red River Valley / Amapola / Blueberry Hill / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / El Rancho Grande / Maria Elena / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / The Call Of The Canyon / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Ole Faithful / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle Jangle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine

1999 ? CD Platinum Collection CD-PLAT-159 (AUS)

The Singing Cowboy - Cool Water / I'm An Old Cowhand (From The Rio Grand) / Half As Much / You're Cheatin' Heart / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Sierra Sue / That Little Boy Of Mine / Till I Waltz Again With You / Gone Fishin / The Missouri Waltz / Harbour Lights / You Can't Be True Dear / Marcheta / Romona / You're The One Rose Left In My Heart / It Happened In Monterey / (There's A ) Goldmine In The Sky / Bless This House / May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You / Vaya Con Dios

01/2000 CD TEEVEE 6028 (US) 20 GOLDEN COWBOY HITS - That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Back In The Saddle Again / At Mail Call Today / The End Of The Trail / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Mexicali Rose / Buttons And Bows / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Last Roundup / Nobody's Darling But Mine / It Makes No Difference Now / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Red River Valley / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / South Of The Border / Don't Fence Me In / Peter Cottontail
04/2000 CD PULSE PLS CD 356 (UK) FAMOUS COUNTRY MUSIC MAKERS - Don't Fence Me In / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Last Round-Up / Mexicali Rose / I'll Go Riding That Old Texas Trail / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Red River Valley / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / El Rancho Grande / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / The Call Of The Canyon / Ole Faithful / Jingle Jangle Jingle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Cool Water / I'm An Old Cowhand / Gone Fishin' / It Happened In Monterey / There's A Goldmine In The Sky
10/2000 CD VARESE 066166 (US) THE GENE AUTRY SHOW - THE COMPLETE 1950'S TELEVISION RECORDINGS - VOL. 1 - Flying A Logo / Cowboy Blues / Home On The Range / Great Grand Dad (CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Mexicali Rose / Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Back In The Saddle Again / Pretty Mary / That's My Home / Texans Never Cry / Along The Navajo Trail / Goodbye To Old Mexico / There's A Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / When It's Night Time In Nevada / Mellow Mountain Moon / Cool Water / Room Full Of Roses / Back In The Saddle Again / Be Honest With Me / I'm Beginning To Care / Painted Desert / Broomstick Buckaroo / Strawberry Roan / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Let Me Ride Down In Rocky Canyon / Marcheta / Tweedle O'Twill / Red River Valley / Heart As Big As Texas / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain - Tears On My Pillow / Angel Song / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / Cowboy's Heaven / End Credit
10/2000 CD VARESE 066167 (US) THE GENE AUTRY SHOW - THE COMPLETE 1950'S TELEVISION RECORDINGS - VOL. 2 - Flying A Logo / Crime Will Never Pay / Let's Go Roamin' Around The Range / Roll On, Little Doggies / As Long As I Have My Horse / Silver Spurs On The Golden Stairs / When You And I Were Young, Maggie / I Want To Be Sure / Under Fiesta Stars / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / 'Neath The Blue Montana Skies / Ages And Ages Ago / Back In The Saddle Again (PAT BUTTRAM) / Down In The Valley / Swing Low, Sweet Chariot / Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen / Ridin' Down the Canyon / Yellow Rose of Texas / Ridin' Double / Texas Plains / Home On The Range / Pretty Mary / Mexicali Rose / I'm Beginning To Care / After Tomorrow / Billy Boy / Old Nevada Moon / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Back In The Saddle Again / Dixie Cannonball / Westward Ho! / Love, Burning Love / I'm A Cow Poke Pokin' Along / I'll Go Ridin' Down That Old Texas Trail
10/2000 CD VARESE 066168 (US) THE GENE AUTRY SHOW - THE COMPLETE 1950'S TELEVISION RECORDINGS - VOL. 3 - Flying A Logo / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Fetch Me Down My Trusty .45 / A Hillbilly Wedding In June / God's Little Candles / Crime Will Never Pay / Let Me Ride Down In Rocky Canyon / Ridin' All Day / Silver Spurs On The Golden Stairs / The Cowboy's Trademarks / What's Gonna HappenTo Me / I've Got A Heart As Big As Texas / Mama Don't Like Music / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal / Pretty Mary / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal / Ridin' Down The Canyon / 'Neath The Blue Montana Skies / Old MacDonald Had A Farm / Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / Mellow Mountain Moon / Marcheta / Under Fiesta Stars / Onteora / It's My Lazy Day / Back In The Saddle Again / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Back In The Doghouse Again / Somebody Bigger Than You And I / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Sierra Nevada / Trail To Mexico / Crime Will Never Pay / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / You're The Only Good Thing (That's Happened To Me) / End Credit
CD 1 : EPISODES 1-27 :  Flying A Logo / Cowboy Blues / Home On The Range / Great Grand Dad (CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Mexicali Rose / Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Back In The Saddle Again / Pretty Mary / That's My Home / Texans Never Cry / Along The Navajo Trail / Goodbye To Old Mexico / There's A Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / When It's Night Time In Nevada / Mellow Mountain Moon / Cool Water / Room Full Of Roses / Back In The Saddle Again / Be Honest With Me / I'm Beginning To Care / Painted Desert / Broomstick Buckaroo / Strawberry Roan / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Let Me Ride Down In Rocky Canyon / Marcheta / Tweedle O'Twill / Red River Valley / Heart As Big As Texas / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain - Tears On My Pillow / Angel Song / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / Cowboy's Heaven / End Credit
CD 2 : EPISODES 28-64 : Flying A Logo / Crime Will Never Pay / Let's Go Roamin' Around The Range / Roll On, Little Doggies / As Long As I Have My Horse / Silver Spurs On The Golden Stairs / When You And I Were Young, Maggie / I Want To Be Sure / Under Fiesta Stars / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / 'Neath The Blue Montana Skies / Ages And Ages Ago / Back In The Saddle Again (PAT BUTTRAM) / Down In The Valley / Swing Low, Sweet Chariot / Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen / Ridin' Down the Canyon / Yellow Rose of Texas / Ridin' Double / Texas Plains / Home On The Range / Pretty Mary / Mexicali Rose / I'm Beginning To Care / After Tomorrow / Billy Boy / Old Nevada Moon / Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Back In The Saddle Again / Dixie Cannonball / Westward Ho! / Love, Burning Love / I'm A Cow Poke Pokin' Along / I'll Go Ridin' Down That Old Texas Trail / If You'll Let Me Be Your Little Sweetheart / Guns And Guitars / I Only Want A Buddy Not A Sweetheart / Gone With The West / Onteora / End Credit
CD 3 : EPISODES 69-691 : Flying A Logo / When The Bloom Is On The Sage / Fetch Me Down My Trusty .45 / Hillbilly Wedding In June / God's Little Candles / Crime Will Never Pay / Let Me Ride Down In Rocky Canyon / Ridin' All Day / Silver Spurs On The Golden Stairs / Cowboy's Trademarks / What's Gonna Happen To Me / I've Got A Heart As Big As Texas / Mama Don't Like Music / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal / Pretty Mary / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal / Ridin' Down The Canyon / 'Neath The Blue Montana Skies / Old MacDonald Had A Farm / Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / Mellow Mountain Moon / Marcheta / Under Fiesta Stars / Onteora / It's My Lazy Day / Back In The Saddle Again / When the Bloom Is On The Sage / Back In The Doghouse Again / Somebody Bigger Than You and I / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Sierra Nevada / Trail To Mexico (CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Crime Will Never Pay / There's Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / You're The Only Good Thing (That's Happened To Me) / End Credit
2000 CD DeltaMusic Digital CD 6232 (UK)

South Of The Border - Back In The Saddle Again / Any Old Time / High Steppin` Mama Blues / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Ridin´ Down The Canyon / Mexicali Rose / Blue Hawaii / South Of The Border / Blueberry Hill / Be Honest With Me / You Are My Sunshine / The Old Trail / Lonely River / The Last Round Up / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / Someday In Wyoming (featuring - Jimmy Long) / Dear Old Western Skies / Texas Plains / The Old Covered Wagon (featuring - Smiley Burnette) / Guns And Guitars / When The Golden Leaves Are Falling / If Today Were The End Of The World

2000 CD PEGASUS PGN CD 831 (EUR) DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS - Back In The Saddle Again / No One To Call Me Darling / It Makes No Difference Now / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Mexicali Rose / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / (I've Got Spurs That) JingleJangle Jingle / Blueberry Hill / Red River Valley / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / The Life Of Jimmy Rodgers / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Panhandle Pete / The Old Trail / At Mail Call Today / The Last Round Up / South Of The Border / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Dust / Way Out West In Texas / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
04/2001 CD COLLECTOR'S CHOICE 1009 (US) GENE AUTRY AT THE MELODY RANCH (LIVE) - Driving My Blues Away / Back In The Saddle Again / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairies / At Sundown / Blazin' The Trail To My Home / Come Sit By My Side Little Darlin' / San Fernando Valley / On The Banks Of The Sunny San Juan / Hair Of Gold Eyes Of Blue / No Letter In The Mail Today / At The End Of The Trail / Goodnight Little Girl Of My Dreams
05/2001 CD MASTERSONG 504112 (US) AMERICAN LEGEND - Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Back In The Saddle Again / I've Got Spurs That Jingle Jangle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Blueberry Hill / Have I Told You Lately / South Of The Border / Mexicali Rose / Way Out West In Texas / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Dust / Goodbye Little Darlin Goodbye / I'm Thinking Of My Blue Eyes / It Makes No Difference Now / Lonely River / No One To Call Me Darling / Ole Faithful / Red River Valley / Ridin Down The Canyon / Call Of The Canyon / Last Round Up / Old Trail / Take Me Back To My Boots & Saddle
08/2001 CD JASMINE 3527 (UK) THAT'S HOW I GOT MY START - JIMMIE & THE COWBOYS - Wildcat Mama Blues / High Steppin' Mama Blues / Panhandle Pete / Rheumatism Blues / Life Of Jimmie Rodgers / I'll Always Be A Rambler / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Rainbow Valley / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / That's How I Got My Start / Way Out West In Texas / Pistol Packin' Papa / Dixie Cannonball / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal / Oklahoma Hills / Back In The Saddle Again / My Rose Of The Prairie / My Star Of The Sky / At Mail Call Today
10/2001 CD ACROBAT 51622 (US) GENE AUTRY FAVOURITES - Back In The Saddle Again / Tears On My Pillow / I Hang My Head And Cry / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' / Lonely River / Tweedle-O-Twill / Dixie Cannonball / You're The Only Good Thing / My Old Kentucky Home / Silver Spurs / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine
10/2001 CD VARESE 302 066 271 2 (US) THE WESTERN COLLECTION - 25 COWBOY CLASSICS -  Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Call Of The Canyon / Red River Valley / Purple Sage In The Twilight / (Take Me Back To My) Boots And Saddle / Twilight On The Trail / There's A Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Oklahoma Hills / Sioux City Sue / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Last Roundup / Rounded Up In Glory / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Singing Hills / Ole Faithful / Blue Shadows On The Trail / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky / Mule Train / Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / Old Chisholm Trail / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Home On The Range / Back In The Saddle Again / Rim On The Canyon / Hills Of Wyoming
10/2001 CD VARESE 302 066 272-2 (US) GOIN' BACK TO TEXAS - 25 TEXAS CLASSICS - Goin' Back To Texas / Way Out West In Texas / Texas Sandman / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas / Lone Star Moon / Ride, Ranger Ride / There's A Rainbow On The Rio Colorado / Beautiful Texas / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Sleepy Rio Grande / Texans Never Cry / A Boy From Texas, A Girl From Tennessee / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / I've Got A Heart As Big As Texas / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal (with the CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / When The Bloom Is On The Sage (When It's Round-Up Time In Texas) / San Antonio Rose / Lone Star Trail / The Streets Of Laredo / Fort Worth Trail / Down Texas Way / I'll Go Ridin' Down That Old Texas Trail (with Mary LEE & SMILEY / (Down The) Trail To San Antone / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is) (with the CASS COUNTRY BOYS)
12/2001 CD ARPEGGIO COUNTRY 4 (UK) PARADISE IN THE MOONLIGHT - Blue Yodel No. 5 / Any Old Time / High Steppin' Mama Blues / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Yellow Rose Of Texas / Last Roundup / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Mexicali Rose / Blue Hawaii / Dust / (Take Me Back To My) Boots And Saddle / Old Trail / Paradise In The Moonlight / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / Back In The Saddle Again / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Rancho Grande / Blueberry Hill / Be Honest With Me
2001 CD Direct Source Special Products XMS 91012 (CAN)

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer & Other Favorites - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Thirty-Two Feet And Eight Little Tails / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Silver Bells / Buone Natale / Silent Night / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Up On The House Top / Frosty The Snowman

2001 2 CD Delta Blue ‎63 022 (UK)

Cowboy Dreams With Roy Rogers & Gene Autry :
CD 1 : Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Devil's Great Grandson / When The Golden Train Comes Down / Hold That Critter Down / Hi-Yo, Silver! / Round That Couple, Go Through And Swing / Along The Navajo Trail / Don't Fence Me In / Yellow Rose Of Texas / My Heart Went That-A-Way / My Chickashay Gal / Make Believe Cowboy / On The Old Spanish Trail / San Fernando Valley / Roll On Texas Moon / Rock Me To Sleep In My Saddle / A Little White Cross On The Hill / Hawaiian Cowboy / Blue Shadows On The Hill / Pecos Bill / Betsy / Home On The Range
CD 2 : Back In The Saddle Again / Any Old Time / High Steppin' Mama Blues / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Mexicali Rose / Blue Hawaii / South Of The Border / Blueberry Hill / Be Honest With Me / You Are My Sunshine / The Old Trail / Lonely River / The Last Round Up / Have I Told You Lately, That I Love You? / Someday In Wyoming / Dear Old Western Skies / Texas Plains / The Old Covered Wagon / Guns And Guitars / When The Golden Leaves Are Falling / If Today Were The End Of The World


Greatest Hits - Blueberry Hill / You Are My Sunshine / Lonely River / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / High Steppin Mama Blues / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Back In The Saddle Again / Dear Old Western Skies / Be Honest With Me / South Of The Border / Guns And Guitars / When The Golden Leaves Are Falling / Texas Plain / The Old Trail / Ridin Down The Canyon / Any Old Time / Blue Hawaii / If Today Was The End Of The World / The Last Round Up / Mexicali Rose

2001 CD Audio Book & Music Company ABMMCD 1285 (UK)

Way Out West - Back In The Saddle Again / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle Jangle Jingle / Way Out West In Texas / Ole Faithful / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / At Mail Call Today / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / South Of The Border / The Call Of The Canyon / The Old Trail / Lonely River / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / It Makes No Difference Now / Red River Valley / Purple Sage In The Twilight / Panhandle Pete / Gonna Build A Fence Around Texas / The Last Round-Up / Dust

2001 CD CATTLE CCD 242 (GER) THE EARLY YODELING DAYS OF GENE AUTRY - Yodeling Hobo / Bear Cat Mama From Horner's Corner / Jimmie The Kid / She's Always On My Mind (with Frankie MARVIN) / I'll Always Be A Rambler / Valley In The Hills (with Jimmy LONG) / Louisiana Moon / If I Could Bring Back My Buddy / My Carolina Sunshine Girl / She's A Low Down Mama (Timely Tunes) / She's A Low Down Mama (Conqueror) / The Old Woman And The Cow / Travelin' Blues / Dad In The Hills / In The Jailhouse Now No. 2 / Do Right Daddy Blues / Do Right Daddy Blues No. 2 / Methodist Pie / My Alabama Home (with Jimmy LONG) / She Wouldn't Do It (Perfect) / She Wouldn't Do It (Victor) / She Wouldn't Do It (Timely Tunes) / My Dreaming Of You (with Jimmy Long & yodeling by Frankie Marvin) / Roll Along Kentucky Moon
2001 CD CATTLE CCD 243 (GER) THE GOLDEN AGE OF GENE AUTRY - Pretty Mary / Little Band Of Gold / Here's To The Ladies / I'll Wait For You / Lonely River / Blue Hawaii / You're Not My Darling Anymore / Were You Sincere / Silver Spurs (On The Golden Stairs) / The Leaf Of Love / The Last Mile / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely / The Old Folks Back Home / God Must Have Loved America / Wagon Train / The Answer To Twenty-One Years / You Laughed And I Cried / Don't Bite The Hands That's Feeding You / If You Only Believed In Me / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas / Old Missouri Moon / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You / When It's Springtime In The Rockies (previously unissued)
2001 ? CD Janda Music ANN 158 (AUS) IN SONG - Down In The Valley / Cowboy Blues / You Are My Sunshine / San Antonio Rose / My Old Kentucky Home / In A Little Spanish Town / Dixie Cannon Ball / Vaya Con Dios / Missouri Waltz / Rancho Pillow / You Belong To My Heart / A Boy From Texas A Girl From Tennessee / Under Fiesta Stars / It Happened In Monteray
2001 CD Flashback Home FB02111 (AUS)

Back In The Saddle Again - Back In The Saddle Again / Mexicali Rose / (Ive Got Spurs) That Jingle Jangle / El Rancho Grande / You Art My Sunshine / Blueberry Hill / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyeys / Tumblin' Tumbleweeds / It Makes No Difference Now / Red River Valley / Amapola / The Call Of The Canyon / Maria Elena / The Last Roundup / Deep In The Heart Of Texas

04/2002 CD COLUMBIA RIVER 110076 (US) PORTRAIT OF GENE AUTRY - OLD TIME COUNTRY - Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Mexicali Rose / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Cowboy's Heaven / Blueberry Hill / At Mail Call Today / No One To Call Me Darling / Way Out West In Texas / Dust Pan Blues / Panhandle Pete
10/2002 2 CD VARESE 302 066 408 2 (US) THE COWBOY IS A PATRIOT :
CD 1 : Announcement: "Scrap Rubber Drive" / Any Bonds Today? / Doublemint® Gum Commercial: "Peak Efficiency" / I'll Wait For You / Doublemint® Gum Commercial: Sgt. Gene Autry / There's A Star Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere / U.S. Air Force / Announcement: "Army Air Forces Recruitment" / Silver Wings In The Moonlight / Doublemint® Gum Commercial: "Chewing Gum Is In Demand" / It's A Long Way Back To Tipperary / I Sent A Letter To Santa (To Watch Over Daddy for Me) / Announcement: "Waac Recruitment" / When They Sound The Last All Clear / Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammuntion / Doublemint® Gum Commercial: "Rationing" / Announcement: "Don't Spill American Blood" / With A Pack On His Back (And A Girl On His Mind) / When The Lights Go On Again (All Over The World) / This Is The Army, Mister Jones / Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer / Announcement: "Aviation Cadet Recruitment" / There'll Be Jubilation Bye And Bye / Announcement: "Voluntary Induction" / Doublemint® Gum Commercial: "Feel Better, Work Better" / I'm Comin' Home Darlin' / No Letter Today / Military Medley: The Marines' Hymn - The Caisson Song - Anchors Away - U.S. A  / Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You / My Buddy (With Special Introduction, Pearl Harbor Day) / Yankee Doodle Boy / Bible On The Table And The Flag Upon The Wall / America, The Beautiful (With Special Introduction: Indepenence Day) / God Bless America (With Special Introduction, Pearl Harbor Day)
CD 2 : The Complete Melody Ranch Radio Show - Broadcast From Chicago, IL, July 26, 1942 : Announcer: Eddy Dunn - Opening Theme: Back In The Saddle Again / Let Me Ride Down In Rocky Canyon / Sketch: "Going Away Present" / Idaho / Doublemint® Gum Commercial: "Alert At Our Work" / Tears On My Pillow / I'll Trade My Horse And Saddle (Johnny BOND) / Drama: "Why Gene Enlisted" / Gene Autry Is Sworn Into The United States Air Forces by Col. Edward F.  / Private Buckaroo / Doublemint® Gum Commercial: "Helps You Feel Better" / God Must Have Loved America / Sogn Off Announcement - End Theme: Back In The Saddle Again
2002 CD BACM CD D 015 (UK) HOLD ON LITTLE DOGIES, HOLD ON -  I’m Always Dreaming Of You / After 21 Years / Hold On Little Dogies, Hold On / Beautiful Texas / Why Don’t You Come Back To Me / Answer To Red River Valley / Cradle Of My Dreams / Daddy & Home / When The Golden Leaves Are Falling / Gosh, I Miss You All The Time / Lamp Lighting Time In The Valley / ‘Leven Months In Leavenworth / Little Old Lady Waiting / Memories Of That Silver Haired Daddy / My Carolina Mountain Rose / Red River Lullaby / Don’t Waste Your Years On Me / That Silver Haired Mother Of Mine / Someday In Wyoming / My Cross Eyed Gal
2002 CD BACM CD D 016 (UK) WE'VE COME ALONG WAY TOGETHER -  We've Come Along Way Together / Blue Montana Skies / There Ain't No Use In Crying Now / End Of My Round Up Days / When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget / That Little Kid Sister Of Mine / You Wanted Too Long / Little Pardner / I'm Gonna Round Up My Blues / I'm Coming Home Darling / There's Only One Love In A Lifetime / Sweethearts Or Strangers / Angel Song / I Guess I've Been Asleep / I'll Be True While You're Gone / Bible On The Table / Don't Send Me Your Love By Mail / I Don't Belong In Your World / Sail Along Silv'ry Moon / You Are The Light Of My Life
2002 CD BACM CD D 037 (UK) ROLLIN' ALONG - Rollin’ Along / They Warned Me About You / Play Fair/ I’ve Lived A Lifetime For You / Loaded Pistols And Loaded Dice / A Broken Promise Means A Broken Heart / Blue Shadows On The Trail / I Lost My Little Darling / Ellie Mae / Story Book Of Love / Love Is So Misleadin’ / When The Silver Colorado Turns To Gold / Last Straw / Roses / Gold Can Buy Anything But Love / Mister And Mississippi / I Love You Because / Stop Your Gambling / Old Soldiers Never Die / Diesel Smoke, Dangerous Curves
2002 CD BACM CD D 038 (UK) GOODBYE PINTO - 1937-1947 - A Face I See At Evening / Old November Moon / Amapola / Goodbye Pinto / Ride Tenderfoot, Ride / Lone Star Moon / I’m A Cowpoke Pokin’ Along / A Goldmine In Your Heart / Twilight On The Trail / Darling How Can You Forget So Soon / Old Buckaroo Goodbye / Keep Rollin’ Lazy Longhorns / When It’s Roundup Time In Heaven / Too Late / I Want To Be Sure / I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire / There’s A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Don’t Take Your Spite Out On Me / Merry Go Roundup / Address Unknown / Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (2)
2002 CD BACM CD D 039 (UK) LITTLE FARM HOME - Back Home In The Blue Ridge Mountains / Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight (1) / The Old Grey Mare/ Pictures Of My Mother / Down A Mountain Trail / True Blue Bill / Blue Days / I Wonder If You Feel The Way I Do / Little Sir Echo / Roundup In Cheyenne / Little Farm Home / With A Song In My Heart / Convict’s Dream / Eyes To The Skies / Under The Apple Tree / That’s Why I’m Nobody’s Darling / When The Humming Birds Are Humming / She’s Just That Kind / That Mother And Daddy Of Mine / There’s A Good Gal In The Mountains
04/2003 CD SONY 4975152 (US) THE VERY BEST OF GENE AUTRY - Back In The Saddle Again / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Don't Fence Me In / You Are My Sunshine / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Blueberry Hill / It Makes No Difference Now / Be Honest With Me / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Cowboy Blues / Buttons And Bows / Don't Hang Around Me Anymore / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / At Mail Call Today / Don't Live A Lie / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Here Comes Santa Claus / Rudolph, Red-Nosed Reindeer
04/2003 CD LEGACY 165 (US) SAN ANTONIO ROSE - Back In The Saddle Again / Vaya Con Dios (May God Be With You) / The Last Round Up / San Antonio Rose / You Are My Sunshine / My Old Kentucky Home / Cowboy Blues / Mexicali Rose / Guns & Guitars / El Rancho Grande / South Of The Border / It's Round Up Time In Reno
06/2003 CD AMERICAN LEGENDS ALE 100105 (US) THE SINGING COWBOY - Back In The Saddle Again / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Blueberry Hill / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Red River Valley / (I Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Way Out West In Texas / Yellow Rose Of Texas / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Mexicali Rose / Old Trail / No One To Call Me Darling / Last Roundup
09/2003 CD SONY 57904 (US) A GENE AUTRY CHRISTMAS - Here Comes Santa Claus / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas Day / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / The Night Before Christmas Song / Frosty The Snowman / 'Round 'round The Christmas Tree / Santa, Santa, Santa / Where Did My Snowman Go? / Look Out The Window / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart) / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Sleigh Bells / Everyone's A Child At Christmas / Merry Christmas Waltz / Jingle Bells
09/2003 CD SONY 769171 (US) RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER AND OTHER CHRISTMAS CLASSICS - Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / Santa, Santa, Santa / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas Day / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / Frosty The Snowman / The Night Before Christmas Song / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is) / Where Did My Snowman Go? / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Sleigh Bells (single version) / 'Round 'Round The Christmas Tree / Merry Christmas Waltz / Everyone's A Child At Christmas (single version) / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart) (78rpm version) / Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town / Up On The Housetop (Ho Ho Ho) (78rpm version)
2003 CD Cedar GFS541 (UK)

Cowboy Hits - Back In The Saddle Again / El Rancho Grande / The Last Round Up / You Are My Sunshine / Vaya Con Dios / Mexicali Rose / Guns & Guitars / It´s Round Up Time In Reno / San Antonio Rose / Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / South Of The Border / If Today Were The End Of The World / My Old Kentucky Home / Half As Much (live) / Cowboy Blues / Blues Stay Away From Me

2003 CD Pacific FG309 (UK)

Forever Gold - Back In The Saddle Again / Silver Spurs / I Hang My Head And Cry / Cowboy Blues / Lonely River / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / Dixie Cannonball / You're The Only Good Thing / Tears On My Pillow / Cowboy's Trademark / Goodbye Little Darlin / The Last Mile Home

02/2004 2 CD LIVING ERA CD AJS 279 (UK)

CD 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / Blue Yodel No. 5 / Any Old Time / High Steppin' Mama Blues / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Mexicali Rose / Blue Hawaii / Dust / Old Trail / Paradise In The Moonlight / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Blueberry Hill / Be Honest With Me / When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / You Are My Sunshine / Year Ago Tonight / I'll Never Let You Go / I'll Wait For You / After Tomorrow / Lonely River / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye
CD 2 : Last Roundup (from Ziegfield Follies of 1933) / Someday In Wyoming (from Old Santa Fe) / Dear Old Western Skies (from Oh, Susanna!)  / Old Covered Wagon / Texas Plains / Mother, Here's A Bouquet For You / Guns And Guitars (from Guns and Guitars) / When Golden Leaves Are Falling / Down In The Land Of Zulu {from Springtime In The Rockies} / It's Round-Up Time In Reno (from Manhattan Merry-Go-Round) / I Want A Pardon For Daddy / If Today Were The End Of The World / When I First Laid Eyes On You / If It Wasn't For The Rain / Little Old Band Of Gold (from Shooting High) / Mary Dear / Sycamore Lane / Cowboy's Trademarks / Last Letter / I Wish All My Children Were Babies Again / Take Me Back Into Your Heart / Ages And Ages Ago / Last Mile / Pretty Mary (from Loaded Pistols) / Little Big Dry (from Riders of Whistling Pines)
04/2004 CD PROSPER INTRO CD 2028  (UK) A PROSPER INTRODUCTION TO GENE AUTRY - DON'T FENCE ME - Yodeling Hobo / Bear Cat Mama From Horner's Corner / She's A Low Down Mama / In The Jailhouse Now No.2 / Any Old Time / Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border / You Are My Sunshine / When Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Goodbye Little Darling Goodbye / Blue Hawaii / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Last Round Up / Texas Plains / Guns & Guitars / Blueberry Hill / Back In The Saddle Again / Down In The Land Of Zulu / Someday In Wyoming / Dear Old Western Skies / It's Round Up Time In Reno / Little Band Of Gold / It Makes No Difference Now / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Don't Fence Me In
04/2004 CD DRG DRGCD 19063 (US) WESTERN ADVENTURES AND OTHERS - Gene Autry At The Rodeo / Champion (The Horse No Man Could Ride) / Indian Fighter / Davy Crockett Goes To Congress / Davy Crockett At The Alamo / The Ballad Of Davy Crockett / I Gave My Love (Riddle Song) / Be Sure You're Right (Then Go Ahead) / Old Betsy (Davy Crockett's Rifle) / Farewell / I'm Lonely My Darlin' (Green Grow The Lilacs) / King Of The River / Yaller Yaller Gold
08/2004 CD DIRECT SOURCE 3811 (US) CLASSIC HOLIDAY TREASURES - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Frosty The Snowman / Silent NIght / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House-Top / Buone Natale / Silver Bells / Thirty-Two Feet And Eight Little Tails / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
08/2004 CD DIRECT SOURCE 9101 (US) CHRISTMAS LEGENDS - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / 32 Feet And Eight Little Tails / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Silver Bells / Buon Natale / Silent Night / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Up On The Housetop / Frosty The Snowman
09/2004 CD VARESE 302 066 593 2 (US) THE COMPLETE COLUMBIA CHRISTMAS RECORDINGS - Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / An Old Fashioned Tree / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / If It Doesn’t Snow On Christmas / He’s A Chubby Little Fellow / Santa, Santa, Santa / Frosty The Snow Man / When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter / (Hard Rock, Coco and Joe) The Three Little Dwarfs / Thirty-Two Feet - Eight Little Tails / Poppy The Puppy / He’ll Be Coming Down The Chimney (Like He Always Did Before) / The Night Before Christmas Song (with Rosemary CLOONEY) / Look Out The Window (The Winter Song) (with Rosemary CLOONEY) / Merry Texas Christmas, You All! / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is) / Where Did My Snowman Go? / Freddie, The Little Fir Tree / Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town / Up On The House Top (Ho Ho Ho) / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Sleigh Bells / Round, Round The Christmas Tree / Merry Christmas Waltz / Everyone’s A Child At Christmas / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart)
CD 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way)  / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Convict's Dream / Dallas County Jail Blues / Dear Old Western Skies / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Amapola / Listen To The Rhythm Of The Range / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / When It's Springtime In The Rockies / Be Honest With Me / It Makes No Difference Now / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / You Are My Sunshine
CD 2 : Jingle Jangle Jingle / Don't Fence Me In / Oklahoma Hills / Gallivantin' Galveston Gal / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Goodnight Irene / Sioux City Sue / Home On The Range / Roly Poly / I Hang My Head And Cry / God Bless America / Ghost Riders In The Sky / On Top Of Old Smokey / Buttons And Bows / Old Chisholm Trail / Old Soldiers Never Die, They Just Fade Away / Dixie Cannonball / Peter Cottontail / Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
01/2005 CD COLLECTABLES 8050 (US) GREATEST HITS - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Goodbye, Little Darlin' Goodbye / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / South Of The Border / Blueberry Hill / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky
02/2005 CD DYNAMIC DYN 2125 (UK) BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - You Are My Sunshine / Be Honest With Me / Back In The Saddle Again / It Makes No Difference Now / South Of The Border / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / The Last Round Up / Mexicali Rose / Red River Valley / (I Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Dust / I'll Never Let You Go / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
03/2005 CD HALLMARK 70555 (UK) THE LAST ROUND UP - Don't Fence Me In / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Last Round Up / Mexicali Rose / I'll Go Riding Down That Old Texas Trail / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Same Old Fashioned Girl / It Makes No Difference Now / Red River Valley / Amapola / Blueberry Hill / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / El Rancho Grande / Maria Elena / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / The Call Of The Canyon / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Ole Faithful / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle Jangle Jingle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / (There's Nothing Like A) Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine
CD : Don't Fence Me In / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Last Round Up / Mexicali Rose / I'll Go Riding Down That Old Texas Trail / There's A New Moon Over My Shoulder / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Same Old Fashioned Girl / It Makes No Difference Now / Red River Valley / Amapola / Blueberry Hill / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / El Rancho Grande / Maria Elena / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / The Call Of The Canyon / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Ole Faithful / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle Jangle Jingle / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / (There's Nothing Like A) Good Old Fashioned Hoedown / Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine
DVD : Man from Music Mountain / Bonus materials
06/2005 CD BACM CD D 111 (UK)

TEXAS BLUES - EARLY RARE RECORDINGS - I’d Love A Home In The Mountains / When The Shines On The Mississippi Valley / By The Stump Of The Old Pine Tree / Seven More Days / My Shy Little Blue Bonnet Girl / Angel Boy / Alone With My Sorrows / Your Voice Is Ringing / Railroad Boomer / In The Shadow Of The Pine / Texas Blues / Mean Mama Blues / Money Ain’t No Use Anyway / That Ramshackle Shack / I’m A Railroad Man (Waiting On A Weary Train) / Black Bottom Blues / Kentucky Lullaby / The Old Folks Back Home / That Old Feather Bed On The Farm / I Hate To Say Goodbye To The Prairie / Ridin’ All Day

06/2005 CD BACM D 112 (UK) COWBOY'S SERENADE - Blue Eyed Elaine / I Just Want You / It’s A Shame We Didn’t Talk It Over / I’ll Never Smile Again/ Same Old Fashioned Girl / Maria Elena/ Sunflower / Riders In The Sky / Mule Train / A Cowboy’s Serenade / The Old Rugged Cross (with Dinah SHORE) / Goodnight Irene / Rose Coloured Memories / How Long Is Forever / Don’t Believe A Word They Say / Roly Poly / Closing The Book / It’s My Lazy Day / When He Grows Tired Of You / 20-20 Vision And Walking Round Blind / In The Garden (with Dinah SHORE) / Merry Texas Christmas You All / Bonus tracks: In The Valley Of The Moon / Dear Old Dad Of Mine
10/2005 CD DIRECT SOURCE DICD-2X-48832 (US)

Western Christmas - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Frosty The Snowman / Silent Night / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House-Top / Buone Natale / Silver Bells / Thirty-Two Feet And Eight Little Tails / Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

2005 CD SONY A 18874 (US)

All American Country - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Goodbye, Little Darlin' Goodbye / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Blueberry Hill / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / (Ghost) Riders In The Sky

01/2006 CD PRISM ENTERTAINMENT 244 (UK) THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION - TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS - Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Blueberry Hill / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / You Are My Sunshine / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Be Honest With Me / The Call Of The Canyon / El Rancho Grande / South Of The Border / Red River Valley / I'll Never Let You Go / No One To Call Me Darling / (I Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / The Old Trail / Ole Faithful / Lonely River / It Makes No Difference Now / Dust / (Take Me Back To My) Boots And Saddle / The Last Roundup / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Mexicali Rose / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / Back In The Saddle Again
CD : El Rancho Grande / (I Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / Red River Valley / Don't Fence Me In / You Are My Sunshine / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Blueberry Hill / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Mexicali Rose / Tumbling Tumbleweeds
DVD : Oh Susanna! / Springtime In The Rockies
CD 1 : My Dreaming Of You / My Alabama Home / Stay Away from My Chicken House / My Oklahoma Home / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Gal / I'll Be Thinking Of You Gal [diff. take] / Cowboy Yodel / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / No One To Call Me Darling / Living In The Mountains / Yodelin' Gene / Blue Yodel, No. 5 / Left My Gal In The Mountains / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / Hobo Yodel / Dust Pan Blues / No One To Call Me Darling / Frankie And Johnny / Railroad Boomer / My Alabama Home / Slue-Foot Lue / Stay Away From My Chicken House / Waiting For A Train / Lullaby Yodel / California Blues (Blue Yodel, No. 4) / Daddy And Home
CD 2 : That's Why I Left The Mountains / Cowboy Yodel / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Gal / My Rough And Rowdy Ways / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Gal / Cowboy Yodel / Whisper Your Mother's Name / The Girl I Left Behind / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Gal / Cowboy Yodel / In The Shadow Of The Pine / Hobo Yodel / They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree / Texas Blues / Hobo Bill's Last Ride / Dust Pan Blues / My Carolina Sunshine Girl / Train Whistle Blues / Anniversary Blue Yodel, No. 7 / In The Jailhouse Now, No. 2 / The Yodeling Hobo / Picture Of My Mother / Blue Days / He's In The Jail House, No. 2 / Cowboy's Yodel / Dad In The Hills
CD 3 : High Powered Mama / The Yodeling Hobo / Mean Mama Blues / Blue Yodel, No. 8 / Pistol Packin' Papa / Dad In The Hills / Pictures Of My Mother / Any Old Time / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Blue Days / A Gangster's Warning / Pictures Of My Mother / That's How I Got My Start / True Blue Bill / Do Right Daddy Blues / Do Right Daddy Blues / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / That's How I Got My Start / That's How I Got My Start / Bear Cat Papa Blues / Bear Cat Papa Blues / True Blue Bill / A Gangster's Warning / A Gangster's Warning / I'll Always Be A Rambler
CD 4 : The Death Of Mother Jones / The Death Of Mother Jones / Bear Cat Papa Blues / High Steppin' Mama / High Steppin' Mama Blues / She Wouldn't Do It / Don't Do Me That Way / Don't Do Me That Way / High Steppin' Mama Blues / She Wouldn't Do It / Do Right Daddy Blues / T. B. Blues / Jimmie The Kid / Travelin' Blues / There's A Good Gal In The Mountains / There's A Good Gal In The Mountains / She's A Low Down Mama / She's A Low Down Mama / She's A Low Down Mama / The Old Woman And The Cow / The Old Woman And The Cow / Bear Cat Mama From Hunter's Corners / She's A Hum Dum Dinger / Old Man Duff / Old Man Duff
CD 5 : I'm A Truthful Fellow (True Blue Bill) / I'm A Truthful Fellow (True Blue Bill) / Valley In The Hills / Valley In The Hills / Valley In The Hills / She's Just That Kind / She's Always On My Mind / She's Always On My Mind / I'm Blue And Lonesome / I'm Blue And Lonesome / Pistol Packin' Papa / Jail House Blues / That's How I Got My Start / Methodist Pie / Do Right Daddy Blues / Money Ain't No Use Anyhow / Money Ain't No Use Anyhow / I'll Be Thinking Of You Little Gal / Dallas Country Jail Blues / She Wouldn't Do It / T.B. Blues / T.B. Blues / True Blue Bill / That's How I Got My Start / I'll Always Be A Rambler / Bear Cat Papa Blues / I've Got The Jail House Blues
CD 6 : Rheumatism Blues / I'm Atlanta Bound / High Steppin' Mama Blues / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Missouri I'm Calling / Missouri I'm Calling / My Alabama Home / Mississippi Valley / My Old Pal Of Yesterday / Missouri I'm Calling / Cross-Eyed Gal That Lived Upon The Hill / I'm Always Dreaming Of You / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / Jailhouse Blues / Rheumatism Blues / I'm Atlanta Bound / Wildcat Mama / Mississippi Valley Blues / My Old Pal Of Yesterday / My Cross-Eyed Girl / Birmingham Daddy / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / She's A Low Down Mama
CD 7 : I'm A Railraod Man (Waitin' On A Weary Train) / Under The Old Apple Tree / Wild Cat Mama Blues / There's A Good Girl In The Mountains / That Ramshackle Shack / Back To Old Smoky Mountain / Back To Old Smoky Mountain / Back Home In The Blue Ridge Mountains / The Crime I Didn't Do / Kentucky Lullaby / Alone With My Sorrows / I'm Always Dreaming Of You / Moonlight And Skies / Returning To My Cabin / In The Cradle Of My Dreams / My Carolina Mountain Rose / Have You Found Someone Else / In The Hills Of Carolina / A Gangster's Warning / Back To Old Smokey Mountain / Back Home In The Blue Ridge Mountains / That Ramshackle Shack / Black Bottom Blues / Kentucky Lullaby / Kentucky Lullaby
CD 8 : Cowboy's Heaven / The Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Your Voice Is Ringing / Louisiana Moon / Louisiana Moon / Louisiana Moon / Cowboy's Heaven / Cowboy's Heaven / The Little Ranch House On The Old Circle B / If I Could Bring Back My Buddy / If I Could Bring Back My Buddy / The Old Folks Back Home / The Old Folks Back Home / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Gosh! I Miss You All The Time / The Answer To 21 Years / The Answer To 21 Years / When It's Lamp Lightin' Time In The Valley / When It's Lamp Lightin' Time In the Valley / Watching The Clouds Roll By
CD 9 : Don't Take Me Back To The Chain Gang / Don't Take Me Back To The Chain Gang / In The Valley Of The Moon / In The Valley Of The Moon / When The Mailman Says No Mail Today / When The Humming Birds Are Humming / When The Humming Birds Are Humming / Roll Along Kentucky Moon / That Mother And Daddy Of Mine / 'Way Out West In Texas / The Dying Cowgirl / The Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers / If You'll Let Me Be Your Little Sweetheart / That Old Feather Bed On The Farm / There's An Empty Cot In The Bunkhouse Tonight / A Hillbilly Wedding In June / Moonlight Down In Lovers' Lane / The Last Round-Up / When Jimmie Rodgers Said Good-Bye / Good Luck Old Pal ('Till We Meet Bye And Bye) / Bye Bye Boyfriend (Blackbird) / Frankie And Johnnie
06/2006 CD VARESE Sarabande 302 066 738 2 (US) YEAR-ROUND COWBOY - SONGS THE WHOLE YEAR - What's Your Favorite Holiday {from "Ridin' On A Rainbow"} (Lee, Mary & SHOWBOAT PERFORMERS) / Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral (That's An Irish Lullaby) (Gene AUTRY, CASS COUNTRY BOYS & PINAFORES) / Peter Cottontail  / The Funny Little Bunny (With The POWDER PUFF TAIL) / Bunny Round-Up Time (Gene AUTRY & PINAFORES) / Sonny The Bunny (Gene AUTRY & PINAFORES) / Easter Mornin' (Gene AUTRY &  CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / The Horse With The Easter Bonnet (Gene AUTRY &  CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / I Paid My Income Tax Today (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy WAKELY TRIO) / When It's Springtime In The Rockies (Gene AUTRY & RADIO AUDIENCE) / A Hillbilly Wedding In June (Gene AUTRY, Jimmy WAKELY TRIO & Lou BRING ORCHESTRA) / Peach Picking Time Down In Georgia (Gene AUTRY, Jimmy WAKELY TRIO & Lou BRING ORCHESTRA) / Yankee Doodle Boy (Gene AUTRY & Carl COTNER ORCHESTRA) / Ridin' All Day (Gene AUTRY, Jimmy WAKELY TRIO & Lou BRING ORCHESTRA) / It's My Lazy Day (Smiley BURNETTE & KETTLE SISTERS) / Gone Fishin' (Gene AUTRY, Pat BUTTRAM & CASS COUNTRY BOYS) / Ghost Riders In The Sky (Gene AUTRY, CASS COUNTRY BOYS & PINAFORES) / Old November Moon  (Gene AUTRY & Jimmy WAKELY & The ROUGH RIDERS) / Little Johnny Pilgrim / Guffy The Goofy Gobbler / Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Gene AUTRY & PINAFORES / (Hard Rock, Coco And Joe) The Three Little Dwarfs (Gene AUTRY, CASS COUNTRY BOYS & PINAFORES) / Poppy The Puppy (Gene AUTRY & PINAFORES) / Auld Lang Syne
CD 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / Goodbye Little Darlin', Goodbye / Tumblin' Tumbleweeds / Blueberry Hill / Dear Old Western Skies / It Makes No Difference Now / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Don't Fence Me In / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Red River Valley / The Last Round-Up / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Blue Canadian Rockies / Dixie Cannonball / Cowboy Blues / I'll Never Let You Go
CD 2 : That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Any Old Time / High Steppin' Mama Blues / Birmingham Daddy / Dallas County Jail Blues / Jail House Blues / Atlanta Bound / Bear Cat Papa Blues / Wildcat Mama Blues / A Yodeling Hobo / Slue-Foot Lue / Frankie And Johnny / Do Right Daddy Blues / Left My Gal In The Mountains / I've Always Been A Rambler / Dust Pan Blues / That's Why I Left The Mountains / Waiting For A Train / The Rheumatism Blues / When Jimmie Rodgers Said Goodbye
2006 ? 2 CD DESTRA CDR0815 (AUS)

Home On The Range :
CD 1 : Buttons And Bows / Home On The Range / Ole Faithful / Red River Valley / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Don't Fence Me In / Same Old Fashioned Girl / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / A Year Ago Tonight / Amapola / I'll Never Let You Go / I'll Wait For You / It Makes No Difference Now / Lonely River / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / You Are My Sunshine / Blueberry Hill / El Rancho Grande
CD 2 : Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / The Call Of The Canyon (with Smiley Burnette) / When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / Back In The Saddle Again / Little Old Band Of Gold / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / South Of The Border / The Old Trail / Blue Hawaii / Dust / It's Round-Up Time In Reno / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Guns And Guitars / Mexicali Rose / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Texas Plains / Tumblin' Tumbleweeds / The Last Round-Up / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

03/2007 CD COLLECTABLES 815 (US) BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - Back In The Saddle Again / I Hang My Head And Cry / Tears On My Pillow / Be Honest With Me / Goodbye Little Darlin' / Lonely River / Tweedle-O-Twill / Under Fiesta Stars / Let Me Cry On Your Shoulder / Blue Canadian Rockies / (I Was) Just Walking Out TheDoor / Cowboy's Trademark / Can't Shake The Sands Of Texas From My Shoes / The Last Mile Home / Dixie Cannonball / Cowboy Blues / You're The Only Good Thing / A Voice In The Choir / The Angel Song / A New Star Is Shining In Heaven / Silver Spurs / Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns
04/2007 2 CD RAJON 0815 (AUS) HOME ON THE RANGE :
CD 1 : Buttons And Bows / Home On The Range / Ole Faithful / Red River Valley / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Don't Fence Me In / Same Old Fashioned Girl / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Jingle, Jangle, Jingle (I've Got Spurs That) / A Year Ago Tonight / Amapola / I'll Never Let You Go / I'll Wait For You / It Makes No Difference Now / Lonely River / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / You Are My Sunshine / Blueberry Hill / El Rancho Grande
CD 2 : Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / The Call Of The Canyon (with Smilie BURNETTE) / When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / Back In The Saddle Again / Little Old Band Of Gold / Rhythm Of The Hoof Beats / South Of The Border / The Old Trail / Blue Hawaii / Dust / It's Round- Up Time In Reno / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Guns And Guitars / Mexicali Rose / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Texas Plains / Tumblin' Tumbleweeds / The Last Round-Up / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
06/2007 CD TJB 45112 (US) COUNTRY BIOGRAPHY - My Old Kentucky Home / Vaya Con Dios / Missouri Waltz / You're The Only Good Thing / There's No Back Door From Heaven / San Antonio Rose / Trouble Mind / You're The Lonely Star / The West A Nest And You / Dixie Canon Ball / You Belong To My Heart / My Adobe Hacienda / In A Little Spanish Town / Cowboy Blues / Down In The Valley / Under Fiesta Stars / Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You / A Boy from Texas A Girl from Tennessee / Kentucky Baby / When The Day Is Done / It Happened In Monteray / Rancho Pillow / Goodbye Little Darling / You Are My Sunshine / Lonely River / The Gay Ranchero / I Hang My Head And Cry / Tweedle O Twill
11/2007 CD DYNAMIC DYN 2957 (US) BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - Back In The Saddle Again / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Maria Elena / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / You Are My Sunshine / (I've Got Spurs That) JingleJangle Jingle / Be Honest With Me / Don't Fence Me In / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Home On The Range / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / Mexicali Rose / Red River Valley / Ole Faithful / Tweedle O'Twill / At Mail Call Today / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas / Goodbye, Little Darlin', Goodbye / I Hang My Head And Cry / I'm Thinkin' Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Sioux City Sue / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / The Last Round-Up
2007 CD Pulse PLSCD 814 (UK)

Famous Country Music Makers - Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Mexicali Rose / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Tumblin' Tumbleweeds / Blueberry Hill / Dear Old Western Skies / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Don't Fence Me In / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Red River Valley / The Last Round-Up / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Cowboy Blues / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Any Old Time / A Yodeling Hobo / Frankie And Johnny / Waiting For A Train

08/2008 CD VARESE SARABANDE 302 066 894 2 (US) COWBOY HYMNS AND SONGS OF INSPIRATION - Silver Spurs On The Golden Stairs / When It's Round-Up Time In Heaven / When Mother Played The Organ (And Daddy Sang A Hymn) / Rounded Up In Glory / Little Old Church In The Valley / When It's Prayer Meeting Time In The Hollow / Bless This House / The Bible On The Table And The Flag Upon The Wall / Let's Go To Church (Next Sunday Morning) / The Old Rugged Cross / In The Garden / Dear Hearts And Gentle People [From Beyond The Purple Hills] / May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You / Cowboy's Heaven / Peace In The Valley / Somebody Bigger Than You And I / God's Little Candles [From Pack Train] / A Cowboy's Prayer
2008 5 CD Weton-Wesgram Lata578 (EUR) Country Stars - Roy RogersHank WilliamsPatsy Cline, The Carter Family, Gene Autry :
CD 1 : Roy Rogers : Hi, Ho Silver / I'm An Old Cownhand (From The Rio Grande) / I've Sold My Saddle For An Old Guitar / Chapel In The Valley / Listen To The Rhythm Of The Range / Hadie Brown / There's A Round-Up In The Sky / Echoes From The Hills / Cowboy Night Herd Song / Don't Waste Your Love On Me / When The Black Sheep  Gets The Blues / You Waited Too Long / Hold That Critter Down / My Chickashay Gal / Don't Fence Me In / Ride Ranger Ride / On The Old Spanish Trall / Time Changes Everything / Moonlight On The Prairie / Blue Shadows On The Trail / Melody Of The Plains / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Yesterday
CD 2 : Hank Williams : You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave) / Mind Your Own Business / Rockin' Chair Monkey / Jambalaya (On The Bayou) / Beyond The Sunset / My Bucket's Got A Hole In It / Take These Chains From My Heart / Howlin' At The Moon / Hey, Good Lookin' / Please Make Up Your Mind / I Saw The Light / The Funeral / I Dreamed About Mama Last Night / Lovesick Blues / Honkey Tonk Blues / Help Me Understand / Half As Much
CD 3 : Patsy Cline : Let The Teardrops Fall / Walkin' After Midnight / I Cried All The Way To The Altar / I've Loved And Lost Again / I Can't Forget You / Hungry For Love / I Can See An Angel / Walking Dream / If I Could See The World / Hidin' Out / Too Many Secrets / Never No More / I Love You Honey / Today, Tomorrow & Forever / If I Only Could Stay Asleep / Fingertips / I Don't Wanna / Stop The World / I Care Of The Blues / Three Cigearettes In An Ashtray / Honky Tonk Merry-Go Round / Pick Me Up On Your Way Down
CD 4 : The Carter Family : My Clinch Mountain Home / Wildwood Flower / Worried Man Blues / Wabash Cannonball / The Storms Are On The Ocean / Little Log Cabin / The Homestead On The Farm / Diamonds In The Rough / The Wandering Boy / Anchored In Love / Sweet Fern / Bye And Bye / I' Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / John Hardy / River Of Jordan / Single Girl, Married Girl
CD 5 : Gene Autry : Back In The Saddle Again / Any Old Time / High Steppin' Mama Blues / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Mexicali Rose / Blue Hawaii / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Blueberry Hill / Be Honest With Me / You Are My Sunshine / The Old Trail / Lonely River / The Last Roundup / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / If Today Were The End Of The World / Dear Old Western Skies / Texas Plains / When Golden Leaves Are Falling / Guns And Guitars
09/2009 CD HALLMARK 707472 (UK) GENE AUTRY'S CHRISTMAS CRACKER - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer / Nine Little Reindeer / Jingle Bells / Here Comes Santa Claus / Up On The House Top / Sleigh Bells / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Joy To The World / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Away In A Manger / What Child Is This?
CD 1 : 1929 : My Dreaming Of You / My Alabama Home / Stay Away From My Chicken House / My Oklahoma Home / I'll Be Thinking Of You, Little Gal / Cowboy Yodel / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / No One To Call Me Darling / Living In The Mountains / Yodelin' Gene / Blue Yodel No. 5 / Left My Gal In The Mountains / Why Don't You Come Back To Me / Hobo Yodel / Dust Pan Blues / No One To Call Me Darling / Frankie And Johnny / Railroad Boomer / My Alabama Home / Slue Foot Lue / Stay Away From My Chicken House / Waiting For A Train / Lullaby Yodel / California Blues (Blue Yodel No. 4) / Daddy And Home
CD 2 : 1930 : Cowboy Yodel / That's Why I Left The Mountains / I'll Be Thinking Of You, Litte Gal / My Rough And Rowdy Ways / Whisper Your Mother's Name / The Girl I Left Behind / I'll Be Thinking Of You, Little Gal / Cowboy Yodel / In The Shadow Of The Pine / Hobo Yodel / They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree / Texas Blues / Hobo Bill's Last Ride / Dust Pan Blues / My Carolina Sunshine Girl / Train Whistle Blues / Anniversary Blue Yodel (BlueYodel No. 7) / In The Jailhouse Now - No. 2 / The Yodeling Hobo / Pictures Of My Mother / Blue Days / He's In The Jailhouse Now - No. 2 / Cowboy's Yodel / Dad In The Hills / High Powered Mama
CD 3 : 1930/1931 : Yodeling Hobo / Mean Mama Blues / Blue Yodel No. 8 / Pistol Packin' Papa / Dad In The Hills / Pictures Of My Mother / Any Old Time / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / Blue Days / A Gangster's Warning / Pictures Of My Mother / That's How I Got My Start / True Blue Bill / Do Right Daddy Blues / Money Ain't No Use Anyway / That's How I Got My Start / Bear Cat Papa Blues / True Blue Bill / A Gangster's Warning / I'll Always Be A Rambler / The Death Of Mother Jones / Bear Cat Papa Blues / High Steppin' Mama Blues / She Wouldn't Do It / Don't Do Me That Way
CD 4 : 1931 : High Steppin' Mama Blues / She Wouldn't Do It / Do Right Daddy Blues / T.B. Blues / Jimmie The Kid / Travellin' Blues / There's A Good Gal In The Mountains / She's A Low Down Mama / The Old Woman And The Cow / Bear Cat Mama From Horner's Corners / She's A Hum Dum Dinger / Valley In The Hills / She's Always On My Mind / I'm Blue And Lonesome / Pistol Packin' Papa / Jailhouse Blues / That's How I Got My Start / Methodist Pie / Do Right Daddy Blues / Money Ain't No Use Anyhouse / I'll Be Thinking Of You, Little Girl / Dallas County Jail Blues / She Wouldn't Do It / T.B. Blues / True Blue Bill
200? CD Paradise Music PM 172 (AUS)

Classic Country - You Are My Sunshine / Dixie Cannon Ball / You Belong To My Heart / My Old Kentucky Home / In A Little Spanish Town / Down In The Valley / My Adobe Hacienda / Cowboy Blues / Under Fiesta Stars / A Boy From Texas, A Girl From Tennessee / The West, A Nest & You / Don't Bite The Hand / Vaya Con Dios / Missouri Waltz / There's No Back Door From Heaven / The Gay Ranchero / Kentucky Baby / You're The Only Good Thing / Trouble In Mind / Rancho Pillow

04/2010 CD VARESE SARABANDE 302 067 008 2 (US)

South Of The Border - Gene Autry Sings Songs Of Old Mexico - Gene Autry's Spoken Introduction / South Of The Border / Cielito Lindo / Mexicali Rose / My Adobe Hacienda / In A Little Spanish Town / You Belong To My Heart (Solamente Una Vez) / Maria Elena / It Happened In Monterey / Come To The Fiesta / Goodbye To Old Mexico / Amapola / Gaucho Serenade / El Rancho Grande / A Gay Ranchero (Las Altenitas) / Down Mexico Way / Yours (Quiereme Mucho) / La Golondria (The Swallow) / Marcheta (Love Song Of Old Mexico) / Under Fiesta Stars / In Old Capistrano (Ay, Jalisco, No Te Rajes)

2010 CD UNITED STATES OF DISTRIBUTION 1690 (US) BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - 25 COWBOY CLASSICS - Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / After Tomorrow / Lonely River / I'll Never Let You Go / A Year Ago Today / Be Honest With Me / When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano / You Are My Sunshine / Rhythm Of The Hoofbeats / Dust / The Old Trail / Paradise In The Moonlight / Blue Hawaii / Blueberry Hill / South Of The Border / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Mexicali Rose / Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / High Steppin' Mama / I'll Wait For You / Blue Yodel No.5 / Any Old Time / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / Back In The Saddle Again
2010 4 CD Membran Music 233127 (EUR)

80 Original Hits & Rarities By America's Favourite Cowboy :
CD 1 : Dust / Back In The Saddle Again / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / The One Rose / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Rhythm Of The Range / Blueberry Hill / El Rancho Grande / Mellow Mountain Moon / We Never Dream The Same Dream Twice / When You And I Were Young Maggie / Maria Elena / Be Honest With Me / Tears On My Pillow / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Lonely River / Tweedle ' O ' Twill / At Mail Call Today / Don't Live A Lie
CD 2 : Don't Hang Around Me Anymore / I'll Be Back / Silver Spurs / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely / You're Not My Darlin' Anymore / Oklahoma Hills / Sioux City Sue / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Gonna Built A Big Fence Around Texas / The Old Lamplighter / San Fernando Valley / I'm A Fool To Care / Goodbye Little Darling Goodbye / You Can't See The Sun When You're Crying / I Tipped My Hat And Slowly Rode Away / The Angel Song / One Hundred And Sixty Acres / At Sundown / It Happened In Monterey
CD 3 : Red River Valley / It Makes No Difference Now / The Singing Hills / You Laughed And I Cried / Pretty Mary / Mexicali Rose / Wave To Me My Lady / Let The Rest Of The World Go By / The Honey Song / Ole Faithful / Here Comes Santa Claus / You Are My Sunshine / Buttons And Bows / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Shame On You / While The Angelus Was Ringing / Under Fiesta Stars / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Mule Train / Dear Hearts And Gentle People
CD 4 : Peter Cottontail / Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy / Gone Fishin / Teardrops From My Eyes / Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / South Of The Border / The Last Round Up / Don't Fence Me In / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Was Just Walking Out The Door / You'Re The Only Star In My Blue Heaven / Frosty The Snow Man / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Your Cheatin' Heart / I Hang My Head And Cry / It's My Lazy Day / Harbor Lights / The Leaf Of Love / You've Got To Take The Bitter With The Sweet

06/2011 CD Complete Country SCOUNTCD006 (UK)

The Singing Cowboy - Stay Away From My Chicken House / Cowboy Yodel / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / The Last Round-Up / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Dear Old Western Skies / Mexicali Rose / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / South Of The Border / Back In The Saddle Again / Blueberry Hill / There'll Never Be Another Pal Like You / You Are My Sunshine / I Hang My Head And Cry / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Jingle Jangle Jingle / Gonna' Build A Big Fence Around Texas / Don't Fence Me In / I Wish I Had Never Met My Sunshine / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Home On The Range / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / Buttons And Bows / Blue Canadian Rockies / You've Got To Take The Bitter With The Sweet / Ghost Riders In The Sky

01/2014 2 CD AAO Music / United Audio TWO 22452 (US) The Ultimate Doubles - GENE AUTRY - BURL IVES :
CD 1 : Gene AUTRY : My Old Kentucky Home / Vaya Con Dios / Missouri Waltz / You're The Only Good Thing / There's No Back Door From Heaven / San Antonio Rose / Trouble Mind / You're The Lonely Star / The West A Nest And You / Dixie Canon Ball / You Belong To My Heart / My Adobe Hacienda / In A Little Spanish Town / Cowboy Blues / Down In The Valley / Under Fiesta Stars / Don't Bite The Hand / A Boy From Texas A Girl From Tennessee / Kentucky Baby / When Day Is Done / It Happened In Monterey / Rancho Pillow / Goodbye Little Darling / You Are My Sunshine / Lonely River / The Gay Ranchero / I Hang My Head And Cry / Tweedie O Twill
CD 2 : Burl IVES : Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head / Comin' After Jenny / Time / Galisteo / Snowbird / Real Roses / Roll Up Some Inspiration / Another Day, Another Year / One More Time Billy Brown / The Gypsy's Wedding Day / The Young Man Who Couldn't Hoe Corn / The Riddle Song / The Swapping Song / The Golden Vanity / As I Went Out One Morning / Oh Sally, My Dear / Little Mohee / Darlin' Cory / Old Bangum / The Blue Tail Fly / Tam Pierce
04/2014 2 CD International Marketing Group 3601 (US)

Gene Autry / Billy Walker :
CD 1 : Gene Autry : That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Back In The Saddle Again / At Mail Call Today / The End Of The Trail / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / Mexicali Rose / Buttons And Bows / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / The Last Roundup / Nobody's Darling But Mine / It Makes No Difference Now / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Red River Valley / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Don't Fence Me In / Peter Cottontail
CD 2 : Billy Walker : Cross The Brazos At Waco / El Paso / Carlena & Jose Gomez / Streets Of Laredo / Buenos Noches Nacogdoches / Strawberry Roan / The Lonely Rider / Red River Valley / Sweet Spanish Memories / Little Joe The Wrangler / Wild Texas Rose / Patanio - Pride Of The Plains / That Ole El Paso Story Again / Oh Bury Me Not One The Lone Prairie / The Cowboy / Shenandoah / El Diablo / Mexicali Moon / Roving Gambler / Goodbye Roseandra

07/2014 2 CD Primo PRMCD 6153 (CZ)

The Essential Recordings :
CD 1 : That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Stay Away From My Chicken House / Cowboy Yodel / The Last Round-Up / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / Ridin' Down The Canyon / Dear Old Western Skies / Mexicali Rose / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride / Dust / The Old Trail / Blue Montana Skies / Back In The Saddle Again / Goodbye Little Darling Goodbye / Rhythm Of The Range / Be Honest With Me / Sing Me A Song Of The Saddle / Lonely River
CD 2 : South Of The Border / El Rancho Grande / Blueberry Hill / You Are My Sunshine / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Home On The Range / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / The Call Of The Canyon / Don't Fence Me In / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? / Gonna' Build A Big Fence Around Texas / At Mail Call Today / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / Over And Over Again / Red River Valley / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle Jangle Jingle / Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) / Buttons And Bows / You've Got To Take The Bitter With The Sweet / Ghost Riders In The Sky

11/2016 CD Varese Sarabande 302 067 457 8

A Melody Ranch Christmas - Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) & Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer Medley / White Christmas / Christmas Carols By The Old Corral / Jingle Bells / Cowboy Santa Claus / Joy To The World / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / 'Twas The Night Before Christmas / An Old Fashioned Tree / Winter Wonderland / Christmas Medley: Jingle Bells, Happy Holiday, I'll Be Home For Christmas / He's A Chubby Little Fellow / Frosty The Snow Man / Thirty-Two Feet, Eight Little Tails / Did You Ever Hafta Sleep At The Foot Of The Bed? / He'll Be Comin' Down The Chimney / Look Out The Window / Where Is My Snow-Man? / All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Sleigh Bells / Round, Round The Christmas Tree / Silent Night

08/2017 2 CD Not Now Music NOT2CD671 (UK)

The Definitive Collection :
CD 1 : Back In The Saddle Again / You Are My Sunshine / Home On The Range / Diesel Smoke, Dangerous Curves / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Riders In The Sky / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Be Honest With Me / Blues Stay Away From Me / Tweedle-O-Twill / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / I Hang My Head And Cry / Tears On My Pillow / Mexicali Rose / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / It Makes No Difference Now / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Sail Along, Silvery Moon / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / Hang Your Head In Shame / Goodbye Little Darlin' Sometime / Blue Yodel No. 5 / Trouble In Mind / The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart)
CD 2 : South Of The Border / Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / San Antonio Rose / Dixie Cannonball / Blueberry Hill / El Rancho Grande / Twilight On The Tail / Gallivantin' Galveston Girl / When It’s Springtime In The Rockies / Rhythm Of The Rockies / The Life Of Jimmie Rodgers / The Death Of Jimmie Rodgers / Here's To The Ladies / Loaded Pistols And Loaded Dice / You Waited Too Long / Silver Spurs (On The Golden Stairs) / Lonely River / Take Me Back Into Your Heart / You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) / You're Not My Darlin' Anymore / Rainbow Valley (featuring - Jimmy LONG) / Nobody's Darling But Mine / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Here Comes Santa Claus / Back In The Saddle Again (alt. version)

09/2017 CD Innovation 360 / Music Video Distribution 365 (US)

Back in the Saddle Again - That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Blueberry Hill / South Of The Border / Red River Valley / Mexicali rose / Ridin' down the canyon / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / Be honest with me / Dear old Western skies / Lonely river / You are my sunshine / The old trail / Goodbye little darlin' goodbye / Back In The Saddle Again

2017 CD Calle Mayor VM1301 (S) GENE AUTRY - Red River Valley / Home On The Range / Mexicali Rose / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) / Back In The Saddle Again / Boots And Saddle (Take Me Back To My) / Sioux City Sue / Mule Train / Goodnight Irene / Buttons And Bows / I Love You Because / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / You Are My Sunshine / That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine
08/2019 CD Sounds of Yesteryear DSOY 2155 (UK)

Ole Faithful 1931-1935 - That Silver-haired Daddy of Mine (feat. Jimmy Long) / The Last Round-Up / The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Life Of Jimmy Rodgers / Ole Faithful / Tumblin' Tumbleweeds /Mexicali Rose / Ridin' Down The Canyon (feat. Jimmy Long) / Red River Valley / I'm An Old Cowhand / There's A Goldmine In The Sky / Dust (From 'Western Stars') / Back In The Saddle Again / South Of The Border / Goodbye, Little Darlin', Goodbye / El Rancho Grande / Be Honest With Me / Blueberry Hill / You Are My Sunshine / Lonely River / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / (I've Got Spurs That) Jingle, Jangle, Jingle / Deep In The Heart Of Texas / At Mail Call Today / Don't Fence Me In / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?

2020 CD Legacy / Columbia CK 63598 (US)

Rudolph The Red Nosed reindeer And Other Christmas Classics - Here Comes Santa Claus / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (& The PINAFORES) / He's A Chubby Little Fellow (& The PINAFORES) / Santa, Santa, Santa (& The PINAFORES) / If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas Day (& The PINAFORES) / When Santa Claus Get's Your Letter / Frosty The Snow Man (& The Cass County Boys) / The Night Before Christmas Song (& Rosemary CLOONEY) / The Night Before Christmas (In Texas, That Is) (& The Cass County Boys) / Where Did My Snowman Go? (& The MITCHELL CHOIRBOYS) / I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus / Sleigh Bells / 'Round 'Round The Christmas Tree / Merry Christmas Waltz / Everyone's A Child At Christmas / You Can See Old Santa Claus (When You Find Him In Your Heart) / Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town ((& The Cass County Boys & The KING SISTERS) / Up On The Housetop

2023 2 CD ACROBAT ADDCD3477 (UK)

The Singing Cowboy - All The Hits And More 1933-52 :
CD 1 : Gene Autry & Jimmy Long : The Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Last Round-Up / Tumbling Tumbleweeds / Ole Faithful / That Silver-Haired Daddy Of Mine / Gene AUTRY : There's A Gold Mine In The Sky / Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle / Little Sir Echo / Paradise In The Moonlight / Blue Montana Skies / Back In The Saddle Again / South Of The Border (Down Mexio Way) / A Goldmine In Your Heart / I'm Beginning To Care / The Merry-Go-Roundup / Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye / When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget / El Rancho Grande / The Singing Hills / Mary Dear / Were You Sincere / Blueberry Hill / Broomstick Buckaroo / Be Honest With Me / You Are My Sunshine / Jingle Jangle Jingle
CD 2 : Gene AUTRY : Deep In The Heart Of Texas / It Makes No Difference Now / We've Come A Long Way Together / I Hang My Head And Cry / I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes / Tweedle-O-Twill / Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas / Don't Fence Me In / At Mail Call Today / I'll Be Back / Don't Hang Around Any More / Don't Live A Lie / I Want To Be Sure / Silver Spurs (On The Golden Stairs) / I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine / You Only Want Me When You're Lonely / Wave To Me, My Lady / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Someday You'll Want Me To Want You / You're Not My Darlin' Anymore / Here Comes Santa Claus / Buttons And Bows / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / Peter Cottontail / Frosty The Snow Man / Old Soldiers Never Die / Gene Autry with Rosemary Clooney : The Night Before Christmas Song

© Rocky Productions 1/06/2024