Groupe Rock 'n' Roll US du Wisconsin comprenant Brand Shank, Chuck Lalicata, Bob Stange, Jerry Sworske, Raymond Ojeda et Bruce Rudan. Les Noblemen ont enregistré chez USA Records de Chicago (Illinois).

US Rock 'n' Roll group from Wisconsin included Brand Shank, Chuck Lalicata, Bob Stange, Jerry Sworske, Raymond Ojeda et Bruce Rudan. The Noblemen recorded at USA Records of Chicago (Illinois).

Style musical : Rock 'n' Roll

Thunder Wagon (1959)

Dragon Walk (1959)

Dirty Robber (1960)

Forever Lonely (1960)

Years in activity :

1910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10 20



1959 SP USA 1213 (US) Thunder Wagon (instr.) / Dragon Walk (instr.)
03/1960 SP USA 1222 (US) Dirty Robber (instr.) / Forever Lonely (instr.)
06/1960 SP Profile 4012  (US) Dirty Robber (instr.) / Forever Lonely (instr.)

© Rocky Productions 13/07/2016